ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕪 𝕊𝕚𝕩

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I put the zombies back in their graves - after I thanked them for helping, even if some of them got torn apart in the process - before we headed back down to our cars. Someone had left with my mom the moment she got outside and Kieran looked her over, and I was told she was at the hospital. Her stomach had to be pumped, and they also said something about a blood transfusion of sorts. But she would be fine.

I had plans to visit her in the hospital once everyone left and I got the okay to go. They still had a lot of tests to do, and I'd barely see her anyway until they were done. The nurse who called Kieran told him that they made a note in her chart to call my phone whenever she was able to have visitors.

I looked at my car, then the wolves. A rough count told me every single wolf in Lucian's pack showed up. They loitered around, some sitting, some glancing my way like they weren't sure whether eye contact was allowed or not.

Silus sidled up next to me. "If you're ever in the UK, feel free to hit me up. I'll be more than willing to show you around."

All of the wolves turned their heads to him, and my stomach churned. That was scary. And he didn't even freaking notice. He just continued to smile at me like over thirty wolves didn't look like they wanted to rip him apart and eat him for dinner.

"I'll keep that in mind," I said noncommittally.

He chuckled and leaned up against my car, still not looking in the direction of the wolves staring him down.

"I hope your mother is okay," he said seriously. "I'm happy Adler got her to the hospital as quickly as he did."

Well, that was surprising. Out of everyone there, I didn't think Adler was the one who would volunteer to take my mom to the hospital. I'd have to thank him, though it would pain me to do so.

I nodded instead of showing my shock.

"Also," he turned away, but grinned back at me from over his shoulder, "don't feel guilty for what you had to do to save her. Because if you feel guilty, I surely will have to as well."

My eyebrows furrowed, and I opened my mouth to ask what he meant, when there was the sound of an explosion from the direction of Vincenzo's house. My eyes widened and my mouth fell open in shock.

He held his fists in front of his face, then opened his hands quickly. "Boom, bitch. No evidence."

I stared at him in horror. "You bombed the house?"

He winked and began walking away. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

I watched him as he went to his vehicle, and then held up a hand. "Before everyone leaves..."

They turned to me. I probably didn't have much time. The explosion was loud, and any neighboring homes would have heard it, even though it was tucked within a forest. Cops and fire trucks would most likely be coming any minute, and having a bunch of vehicles leaving the scene would look suspicious.

"Thank you," I said, allowing my hand to fall. "All of you. If you ever need help, don't hesitate to call me. Any necromancer in the United States has my number, for those of you outside of it. I owe every single one of you."

They didn't say anything in return. Some of them smiled, others simply just got into their cars. The wolves turned and sprinted into the forest, and when I turned to ask how they were getting home, Lucian simply shook his head and motioned me inside the vehicle.

Apparently they would find a way.

Sirens were echoing in the distance, and vehicles began peeling away from the site like they'd never been there to begin with. Only we remained - Lucian in the driver's seat, Kyler in the passenger, and Kieran beside me in the back.

Lucian didn't move the car, even as the police rolled onto the scene.

I stared at him incredulously.

"Play along," he murmured. "And if you can't, lay down and pretend you're asleep."

So I laid down on Kieran's lap before the officer was able to come up to the window. I was facing Kieran, and I kept my eyes open, staring at his dark gray shirt. Why the heck were we sitting there waiting for the officers?

"Were you the one who made the call?" A deep voice asked from outside the car.

"Yeah," Lucian said. "We were driving by and heard this loud boom a bit ago. Called you right away. It sounded like it was coming from up there."

I turned my head slightly to look up at Kieran, and his head tilted down as he looked back at me. He winked, then lifted his head again.

"Sure it's not hunters?" The officer sounded bored.

"As much as I hate to admit it," Kieran piped up, "I know the difference between a bomb and a gun. Something definitely exploded."

A light drifted over me and I closed my eyes. Though I was facing away from the officer, there was a chance someone else was near the car. My face would have definitely given it away. Well, that and the fact that I was worried they'd see my heart positioned between Kieran's feet.

Should have hidden that better.

"Vampire," Kieran supplied when the officer didn't respond. "Been in a couple battles and one or two wars. You get pretty accustomed to the sounds."

Well, that was interesting to know. I knew about the battle he died in. I wondered if he was being honest, or just trying to get the officers to go up and look. I wondered if there were people already on their way up. If I hadn't been worried about me giving it away, I would have stayed seated so I could watch.

"We appreciate you calling this in." There was some shuffling. "If you have any more information, my number is on the card."

"If you need anything from me at all," Lucian's voice was pleasant as I felt the car shift into drive, "please don't hesitate to call. I didn't see anything, but it had been loud enough to where we felt we needed to stop."

The officer thanked Lucian again, and Kieran placed his hand on my head as we began pulling away.

"Not yet," he murmured. "Keep your head down until we clear their vision."

So I kept my head down and allowed my eyes to close. Funnily enough, the silence, mixed with the feel of the car jolting slightly at the bumps in the road, lulled me into a dreamless slumber.

Grave Sight | A Reverse Harem RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now