ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℕ𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕥𝕪 𝔽𝕠𝕦𝕣

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It was horrible, everything the little girl had to witness before he ultimately killed her too. He thought that subjecting her to all of that pain and torture would cause her to be desensitized, since she was so young. But she was old enough to know that what Vincenzo was doing to other people was anything but right.

People shouldn't scream the moment they saw someone.

She'd been subjected to so much blood. So much ruin. She saw person after person die after being used as guinea pigs in whatever experiment he thought up for the day.

His power was one I'd never want to witness first-hand. If he touched someone, he had the ability to shatter every bit of them with just a thought. A hand on the arm, every bone was broken into millions of little pieces. A hand over the chest, and the heart imploded in on itself.

His experiments were his way of trying to control it. He grew a lot over the time the girl spent with him. At first, he killed people without even realizing he'd done it. By the time she was killed, he was able to break whatever part of a body he wanted, but he still needed that contact.

She died because she tried to stop him from killing her dad. He had reached out in anger, grabbed her face in his hand, and she was gone in a burst of white pain and light.

I opened my eyes, and the girl was gone from beside me. Her father, however, looked at me from his spot beside Vincenzo.

"How is it that you can sleep," my voice was harsh, "with so many dead surrounding you?"

Vincenzo still had my heart in his hand, and I hoped he wouldn't use his power on it. If I had felt him squeeze it, I'd surely feel him destroy it. And I wasn't sure if Merlin was right. I could put so much trust in someone, but how would he know how far my power reached when I didn't even know myself?

He didn't look like he was going to answer. He was getting fed up with me, if the narrowing of his eyes was any indication. I hadn't listened to him. Didn't stop my zombies. Didn't even stop the shaking. Debris began trickling from the ceiling, covering the room in a light dusting of fibers.

Another hand touched me, and without warning I was thrown into another memory.

I saw my mom, her eyes closed as she laid on a metal table. She had IV's haphazardly shoved into her arms and sweat trickled down her skin. They weren't doing anything to her though. They were working on a man.

"Take his heart so I don't accidentally fuck this up too," Vincenzo said. "This is why I need paranormals, Alaric. They heal. That bitch over there doesn't."

Besides her eyes racing back and forth behind her eyelids, she didn't move. Her breathing was labored, like whatever drug he was giving her was hurting her.

"Ah," Alaric chuckled, "when I brought her in, I was more thinking it would be like old times. I didn't realize that she'd automatically lose her shit. I remember her clearly now. She was pretty good at the time."

The person I was following stepped up beside Alaric, but Alaric didn't even seem to notice. Neither did Vincenzo.

Alaric shoved his hand into the chest of the male on the table and brought out his heart. The flesh sewed itself back together like it hadn't just been punctured by merely a hand, and Alaric disposed of the heart on another, much smaller table.

The person turned and looked back at my mom, who made a soft noise of pain. Their eyes widened, flicked back to Alaric and Vincenzo, then back at her when they realized the two men didn't hear.

"Please," the familiar voice whispered to my mom, "don't make noise. Please."

It was Jason. I was getting Jason's memories. That's why Alaric and Vincenzo couldn't hear him.

She made another noise, and Alaric noticed that time. His ear pricked up and he turned, but Vincenzo got to her first, pushing more and more meds into her system to shut her up.

Alaric merely turned back around to what he was doing previously.

I pulled myself out of that memory, my breathing almost as ragged as my mom's had been. I whipped my head around and saw Jason, who stared at me with so much sadness in his eyes that I almost forgave him for what he'd done previously.

I turned to Vincenzo, and realized he was speaking again.

Too bad for him, I was done speaking.

I held my hand out to my side, my body shaking. I was pissed. No, pissed didn't begin to describe what I felt. No words could encompass what I was feeling.

I stepped forward, and was suddenly in front of him again. He was waiting for that though, it seemed, because he immediately reached out and wrapped his free hand around my throat.

I didn't feel it. All I felt was a heat thrumming throughout my body that I never thought I'd feel. I felt like I was on fire, and by the looks of it, he felt it too. He tried to pull his hand away, but I wrapped my hand around his wrist and kept his around my throat. He dug his nails in as hard as he could, trying to break through to my carotid artery.

I showed him my teeth in a grin I knew didn't look right.

His eyes met mine again, and he truly looked like he was afraid.

The walls behind me exploded inwards, and the plaster slammed against my back, throwing me into him. He fell against the desk, trying to steady himself, but one hand was still holding my heart and the other I kept firmly around my throat.

Blood began dripping from my nose and from between my lips. The smell of blood was almost enough to knock out the now overwhelming stench of decay as every zombie under my control started coming in.

"If this doesn't kill you," I locked in on his power in my mind, "they sure as fuck will."

He stared at me, horrified as he felt what he'd done to all those people. All those experiments. "What-"

"Research, Vincenzo," I cooed, crushing his arm. "I'm a mimic. It's what I do."

And I broke every single bone in his godforsaken body. Shattered it, like he shattered that girl. Allowed him to feel that pain himself, though I only wished I could make it last longer.

A sharp pain twinged in my chest and my eyes fell on my heart, still in his hand. I could tell the bones were broken beyond any relief, though he could heal if given the time. He was on his knees in front of me, his hand around my throat long since fallen away. But his other hand...it still held my heart.

"And I'm a destroyer," he said. "That's what I do."

My eyes met his and there was a moment of understanding. He was going to obliterate it with whatever power he had left in his hand.

I had time to do one more thing. Grab my heart, or finish the job. Save my heart, or avenge my mother and everyone who died before she was brought in.

Like it was a choice.

I shoved my hand into his chest like I'd seen Alaric do. My hand cut through flesh, muscle, and bone. And then his heart was in my hand as a shot of pain exploded in my chest. White lights danced behind my eyes and my head was somehow so heavy it felt like a bowling ball was strapped on it.

I squeezed my hand as hard as I could. It was so difficult to even think straight. Everything hurt. My chest...no, my heart...

God, my heart.

I felt the organ in my grip give under the pressure. I twisted it and ripped it from his chest. But I didn't have time to see if his chest knit itself together like Alaric's power allowed him to do. A blanket of black covered my vision, and I fell sideways to the floor. The last thing I heard were wolves howling, and more things crashing to the ground, before my eyes fell shut.


Jk. You'd kill me. But I wanted to finish her scene with Vincenzo before posting because cutting it off for a week in any of the last few chapters would have been extra shitty of me 😂

Merry Christmas 🎄🎁

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