ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕪 𝕋𝕨𝕠

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A/N: You had a late update last week, so you get an early one this week. It's called *balance*.

Also...bit of a cliffhanger. Do what you will with that information.


It felt nice going out and being with another woman, instead of with two horny werewolves or a vampire I couldn't get a read on to save my life. Normally I didn't care for going out, but it was much needed.

I drank yet another coffee, wondering if maybe along the way I'd need an intervention for my caffeine obsession. Maybe when it started interfering with my sleep schedule. Truth be told, even then I'd probably still drink it until I eventually passed out from exhaustion or became coffee.

Naomi stood, handing me her popcorn and telling me she'd be back. I held it in my lap, watching her for only a second before my eyes went back to the big screen. We decided to watch a movie, and she decided to choose one that literally no one else in the world wanted to watch. If it hadn't been for the coffee, I probably would have fallen asleep in the first fifteen minutes. As it was, I made it halfway without any problem.

I'd never had a movie theater to myself, so I sat back in the reclining leather seats and popped a piece of popcorn into my mouth. I immediately regretted it when it mixed with the taste of coffee on my tongue, and I debated on spitting it out onto the floor. It wouldn't have been the first popcorn piece to grace the floor with its presence.

The moment Naomi was out of sight, someone else came into the theater, appearing to the left at the bottom of the long lines of seats. He stood for a moment, eyeing the screen like maybe he walked into the wrong room.

He turned and came up an aisle, and I watched him curiously. His head raised and his eyes met mine, and he smiled as he nodded before finding a seat two rows directly ahead of me.

I wasn't uncomfortable before, but I was then.

The movie sucked. That wasn't the part that bothered me though. Nor was it the fact that he came in halfway through. It was because I felt him sense the air before he turned and found a seat.

I texted Naomi.

Me: As much as I know you love this movie, we need to go.

Naomi: I hate the movie. It's terrible. But why do we need to go?

I eyed the guy again, who looked for all the world to be wrapped in the movie that you'd have to watch from the beginning to completely understand.

Me: I didn't tell you the whole story as to why I have two werewolves and a vampire watching out for me, have I?

Naomi: Am I going to want to kick your ass?

I would have laughed, but instead I gently placed my coffee into the drink holder and stood.

Me: Probably. Wait for me outside.

I moved as far away from the guy as possible, taking the other stairway down. I didn't look at him, I didn't even acknowledge he was even there. I could have been overly worried for no reason, but I didn't think that was the case.

"Terrible movie," a man said. "I've watched it twice though."

I stopped and turned, noticing that he was right beside me and I hadn't even seen him move.

"Yeah," I laughed. "That's why I'm leaving. My friend just texted me and said she can't stand it and wouldn't come back in."

He smiled slightly, his eyes dipping to my neck for only a millisecond before they came back up. "The more you watch it, the more you notice things. Like how the main character is actually incredibly smart, despite earlier attempts at pretending she doesn't know what's going on."

I took a step away from him, pretending like I needed to leave. "I'm sure the book is better."

He shrugged one shoulder. "Maybe. But the ending is all the same. She still gets killed."

A chill ran down my spine, but I forced my face to remain stoic. "Thanks for ruining the book for me, my dude. Now, enjoy the theater to yourself. I have to go."

I turned and left him, feeling his eyes on me as I left until I was completely out of sight. If I wasn't sure before, I was definitely sure then. Would I call Lucian or Kieran to help me? Absolutely not. Lucian and Kyler were going through their rut and I didn't want to deal with that. And Kieran had marked me without my permission.

I stopped walking once I got outside of the theater room.

Was that why the man looked at my neck?

I pulled out my phone.

Me: Would your mark be easily seen by other vampires, even if they faded on my skin?

I looked behind me, through the dark windows into the theater. I still felt like I was being watched, and I half expected to see the man's silhouette in the glass as he stared at me. The thought of it made me shiver.

My phone vibrated as I walked away from the door.

Kieran: Yes. It's meant to protect you. It tells other vampires who you "belong" to. Why? Having problems with a vampire?

I left him on read, because I was still feeling a little petty. Even if his marking me meant that I was probably just saved from whatever that man was planning - if he was planning anything - I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of a reply.

Naomi eyed me as I came around the corner. I handed her the popcorn and motioned towards the front door. I didn't want to let my nerves show, but I was starting to think that maybe Beverly wasn't lying at all.

"What the hell was that about," Naomi asked.

I explained as much as I could before we got to her car, skipping over some parts that weren't exactly pertinent to the story. I told her that I'd been training with the three men, and I was getting better at fighting, even though she knew my fight or flight senses normally pointed to flight.

I turned to open my door and a hand covered my eyes as an arm pulled me back into a hard body.

"Nova!" The shriek was from Naomi, and the fact that she was actually worried meant she'd never seen the person holding onto me.

I tried to fight against the hold, but there was a rush of air that would have knocked me off my feet if it weren't for the person holding me. Then as the hand fell away, I realized I wasn't in the parking lot anymore.

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