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Kieran's hands slid down my body, and every inch of my skin that he touched seemed to light up like an inferno. He watched my reaction to him, a small smile tilting his lips.

I laid below him, trying not to spontaneously combust at the slow deliberate way he touched my body. He touched every inch of me - my neck, my chest, my stomach, my sides...

When his hands slid over my breasts, he gently flicked my nipples and chuckled darkly when my back arched, my body aching for more.

"It's amazing, really," he said, sliding his hands over my inner thighs. "How responsive you are to my touch, that is."

I reached down and grabbed his forearms, stopping him. I pleaded with him with my eyes, and even though he pretended like he had no idea what I wanted, I knew he could tell. It wasn't that hard to figure out. I kept squirming every time his hands moved over me.

I was fully naked and he placed himself between my thighs so I wasn't able to close my legs. He still had boxers on, but even so I could tell that his perusal of my body was affecting him in much the same way it was me.

This wasn't like any of our previous sexual encounters. He was treating me with so much tenderness, like he needed me to know how much he cared for me before he marked me as his forever. But that wasn't Kieran. That wasn't what I wanted from him.

"What do you need," he asked, massaging his thumbs into my inner thighs.

"You," I said. "Just you. Please."

His lip quirked, but his smirk fell when one of my hands left his arm and wrapped around his cock through his boxers. His eyes darkened and fell to my hand as it moved over him. As if he couldn't help himself, he rocked his hips harder against my hand, his eyes closing as if against their own will.

"Nova," he groaned, and my body tensed at the sound of my name on his lips. Heat pooled in my abdomen and I let out a slow breath.

I put two fingers underneath the waistband of his boxers and pulled, ripping them from his body with as little effort as it would take for me to lift a feather.

He stared down at the scrap of cloth in my hand before his eyes moved up to meet mine.

I stared at my hand like it grew forty heads.

"Fuck me," he said, laughing quietly.

"I'm trying to," I said, throwing his ruined boxers to the ground next to my bed. I'd have to think about what the fuck I just did some other time. Now wasn't the time for it.

I pushed him onto his back and straddled him, sinking myself down onto him without warning. He stretched my inner walls and I clenched my eyes shut even as he cursed under his breath. It took me a couple of seconds to catch my bearings before I lifted myself up and slid back down on him.

His hands came up and grasped my hips, and like true Kieran fashion, he lifted me off of him just enough to where he could jackhammer his cock in and out of me with so much brutality that I couldn't help but scream. Tears pooled in my eyes from the pleasure, my nails digging into his chest so hard that they drew blood. Kieran didn't mind, though. If anything, he pushed inside of me that much harder.

I whimpered his name and he pulled me down, slanting his lips over mine in a kiss so at odds with his thrusts. His kiss was slow, his tongue dancing against mine teasingly. He tasted me, and I wasn't surprised when he pierced my lip with one of his fangs and licked the blood from it.

"Come for me," he whispered against my lips.

I shivered, and that need for him grew as he kissed me again. I moved my hips to meet his thrusts and he let out a sharp breath of air. The moment my name left his lips, I leaned down and bit into his shoulder, his flesh being the only thing muffling my scream as I orgasmed.

I shook as he slowed his thrusts, and he sat me up. He held me to him as he moved with me, and he gave me a moment to come down from my high before he held my hip with one hand and ground me against him. He kissed my jaw, then my cheek, and finally my lips again.

"I love you," he said. "I think I always have."

I began moving my hips on my own accord, and his hands slid up my body. One hand stopped at my ribcage, while the other continued up so he could grasp the back of my neck. His breathing was ragged as he allowed me to move at my own pace, like I was torturing him.

"I love you too," I whispered, resting my forehead against his. "Mark me, Kieran."

"Shit," he groaned.

He kissed me again like he couldn't get enough of the taste of my lips before his head lowered to my shoulder. The hand grasping my neck slid up and he grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling my head back to expose more of my throat to him. He slid his lips against my skin, then his tongue.

"Please," I whispered, moving my hips faster. The feel of him inside of me, mixed with the slight pain of his hand in my hair and his breath tickling my neck, I was about to fall apart again.

He let out a slow breath, and then his fangs punctured my skin.

It was like any other time he drank from me at first. A little bit of pain with a rush of pleasure seconds later. But then it changed.

Emotions flooded me. Mine...

And his.

I could feel how much he loved me. How every time he looked at me, I took his breath away. How I annoyed him at times, but how he couldn't imagine his life without me.

I lowered my head and bit into his skin, marking him as mine as he did to me. I felt him moan against my skin, and felt him thicken further inside of me as my thrusts became more sporadic. His hand in my hair tightened, pushing me to bite even harder.

He shook against me, his pleasure matching my own as I made him come inside of me. His groan as he came forced a shockwave of pleasure down my body and straight to my core, making me follow in his ecstasy with my own.

He finally removed his teeth from my skin, and I did the same, slumping against him as a wave of exhaustion washed over me.

He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed his mark. "Go ahead and sleep. I'll wash you up and put you to bed, my love."

I could only hum as I allowed my eyes to close.

A/N: So since there are only a few more chapters left - I need to get a list together of "bonus chapters" that you'd all like to read. So far I have -

- POV from Lucian, Kieran, and Kyler when they first saw/wanted her
- When they came to terms with their differences to be with Nova

I know there's more - just let me know and I'll put it on the list.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter ❤️

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