ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕪 𝕋𝕨𝕠

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Mateo looked absolutely gleeful when he arrived at my door. I raised an eyebrow at him, acting for all the world like I had no idea why he was there. I heard Kieran on the phone with him. He knew exactly why he was there.

I didn't invite him inside. I just stared at him.

He looked down at the small space keeping him from entering my house. I wasn't sure if he expected me to gladly invite him in. Like yeah, sure, Mateo. I know you choked the shit out of me and threatened to kill me, but come on in. Have that access.

That was humorous.

Kieran stepped up behind me. "Backyard, Mateo."

Mateo nodded and disappeared from my view as quickly as he came. I eyed Kieran before shutting the front door to go to the back.

I was going to get hurt. Badly. Mateo knew I was going to at least attempt to fight back, but he didn't know how much of what he did to me would be thrown right back at him. Kieran said that it was a good way to test just how far my abilities went, but if he was thinking I could do more than what I actually could, I wouldn't be able to do much fighting back.

Lucian and Kyler would stay inside - Kieran didn't trust them not to interfere if it got to a point where it looked like I'd lose. I wasn't sure what Kieran would do. I didn't think he'd let Mateo kill me, but how far would he let him go?

I stepped out back and rolled my eyes at Mateo standing underneath the shade of a tree. He was staring up at the leaves, and didn't spare me a glance when the door shut behind me.

"I already told you why you're here," Kieran said.

Mateo finally looked over. "Yep. To kick little miss mix-breed's ass."

I really hoped I could mimic everything he did and could throw it back at him with the same speed and efficiency as he used.

I understood why Kieran was using Mateo. He didn't want to hurt me, and he knew Lucian and Kyler wouldn't dare hurt me to the extent Mateo would be willing to.

'I need you to trust that I'll stop him if it goes too far,' Kieran thought to me.

I held up the universal sign for okay.

I didn't mind the fact that we were using Mateo as target practice. Honestly, I felt better about hurting him than I did attempting to hurt either Kieran, Lucian, or Kyler. But that was probably because I held grudges and I wanted nothing more than to get him back for not only choking me, but also for the sex toys.

I stood about twenty feet away from Mateo, feeling four pairs of eyes on me. Kyler and Lucian were both inside - probably watching with some popcorn.

Lord, popcorn sounded good.

Mateo stared at me incredulously. "You're aware vampires are strong, correct? Why do you look bored?"

"Not bored," I corrected. "Thinking about popcorn."

He looked at Kieran like he'd translate. When nothing was said, he puffed out a laugh and disappeared from in front of me.

I knew it was coming. I just didn't know in which direction it was coming from, or how to block it. I also knew it would hurt.

What I didn't expect was his punch to knock me off my feet and send me flying into a tree. I couldn't tell if it was my back or the tree that cracked, but the pain in my back told me it was probably mostly me.

I slumped to the ground, coughing in air like I wasn't just breathing two seconds prior. I raised my head to search for Mateo, and was met with a black combat boot to the face. Pain exploded from where his foot met the side of my head, and I curled into a ball on the ground, coughing up blood onto the green grass.

"You know," Mateo knelt, grabbing my chin and forcing my face up for me to look at him, "I truly do hope your father is a part of this. Because even if you don't know him personally, your bond makes it so that if you are hurt to a certain extent-"

He slammed my head onto the ground and I felt my nose break. Blood filled my mouth and I opened my mouth to tell him to fuck off, or to scream, but he lifted my head and slammed it back down like he wanted my skull to break.

"-he will feel every bit of this pain."

I clutched at the grass to feel something other than the pain in my face. I tasted blood and dirt in my mouth and my right eye was beginning to swell.

He let my head go and stood straight before turning away.

I struggled to my feet as he walked back to his starting point. He moved slowly, his hands in his pockets. I was almost certain he'd have a grin on his face. He had wanted to hurt me for a long time, that much was so painfully obvious.

I looked at Kieran, who stood with his back against the back door to my house. His eyes were on Mateo, slightly narrowed, before they flicked over to me.

I wasn't going to mimic everything Mateo did. Not by a long shot. A simple punch and a kick to the face wouldn't deter him from doing it again if I gave him that opportunity.

I surged forward, fueled by an anger I felt not only towards Mateo, but towards my father for getting me into this shit.

Mateo turned as I reached him and raised a hand to block my punch. His lip curled up in amusement, but the moment he saw my eyes, his mouth dropped.

I didn't punch him. I slammed my foot so hard into his side that I could physically feel his ribs break. As he went to grab my leg, I lifted the other and kicked him in the face, sending him flying much like how he did with me. But he slammed into the concrete of my house.

Even through the obvious pain that put him in, he landed on his feet and pushed towards me with a newfound anger. And I stood there, watching as time seemed to slow around me. There were no sounds. I just watched as Mateo came at me slower than a walk.

I moved my eyes to meet with Kieran, and even through the fog of time slowing down, I saw the shock.

I stepped out of the way of Mateo's punch, then grabbed his arm and twisted so hard and so fast that once time finally went back to normal, I knew if I would have twisted just a bit more, I would have taken his arm from his body. As it was, I let him fall to the ground, screaming unintelligibly as he clutched at his dislocated and broken arm.

He didn't stay down for long though. He shot up, allowing his arm to dangle uselessly at his side.

"That's enough," Kieran said.

Oh, was it finally too much? I didn't think he stopped because he was worried Mateo would kill me. I truly think it was the other way around.

"You're technically already dead," I said conversationally. "So as long as I don't obliterate your heart or decapitate you, would you live?"

His eyes were filled with rage.

"Would your master feel it," I continued. "What if I made it quick? I could always bring you back. Want to test it?"


I snapped out of it so fast that it was like whiplash.

What the actual fuck?

I turned horrified eyes back to Kieran, who stood behind me. His posture was calm, but I could see the tension he was hiding behind his eyes.

Mateo's arm had healed itself by the time I turned back and looked at him. He looked at me like I was a monster.

"Go," Kieran said. When no one moved, he said it more firmly. "Mateo, go."

Mateo eyed me for one more second before disappearing.

I turned as Lucian and Kyler rushed outside.

"What was that," I whispered. I didn't recognize myself in those moments. All I saw was someone to kill.

Kieran's eyes turned pitying as Lucian and Kyler reached us. "That was blood lust."

So much for the belief that I wasn't a fighter.

Grave Sight | A Reverse Harem RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now