ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕨𝕠

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From what I was gathering, Lucian had no clue what actually happened to his sentinel. His sentinel - Jason - went to do rounds and never came back. When they went to go look for him, the only scents they could pick up were blood and vampire.

I leaned back in my chair and watched as one of his other wolves fixed my door quietly. My eyes on him made him uncomfortable, because he shrunk away the moment my eyes met his. It wasn't a show of submission at all. It was discomfort.

Vampires and wereanimals did not get along. At all. My being a half breed meant nothing, because that vampirism was still running in my blood.

I looked away from him. "So what exactly are you expecting me to do? I can't smell people like you do."

"Can't you smell blood," he asked.

I stared blankly at him. "Are you for real?"

He looked like he had no idea what the problem was with his question.

"I'm a half breed, Lucian," I finally said. "Unless your sentinel has some rare ass blood and he's bleeding all over the place, I won't be able to find him by scent."

No vampire could smell blood the way he was thinking. All blood smelled the same, but no blood tasted the same. So unless I went around sucking on people's necks to see if they fed recently, there was no way. Also, I hated the taste of blood. I only drank it two times a month to keep that one part of me kicking, but other than that I tried to stay away.

"Then," he hedged, "can't you just...ask?"

I, once again, could only stare. I didn't know if the man thought I could work magic or if he was actually that stupid. I recall telling him not twenty minutes prior that vampires liked me about as much as wereanimals did. You were either a pureblood vampire or turned, not mixed like I was.

I could turn into a full vampire if I wanted to. It would be the same process as turning a human. But I didn't want to live forever, and I sure as hell didn't want to be sired to the person who created me. The link I had with my father was enough, and even then it was too much sometimes.

"Yeah," I nodded. "I'll ask. Is that all you want me to do? Ask, get the answer that will most likely be no, then come let you know? And that's it?"

It was his turn to stare at me like I was crazy. "No. You agreeing to help means you'll help until I find Jason."

"Better be one big ass favor you're offering me," I mumbled.

"Anything your little unbeating heart desires," he cooed.

I lifted my fingers up to my carotid artery, where a faint thump pressed against my skin. I had a heartbeat, even though it beat a lot slower than most.

"There's a heartbeat there." I acted like I was surprised as I pulled my hand away. "Crazy."

He reached over and placed his fingers where mine had been, like he had the right to do so. I was surprised he hadn't felt it when he had his hand around my throat earlier. It was beating a bit faster then with the adrenaline.

He looked genuinely surprised.

"Half breed," I reminded him, pushing his hand away.

He pulled away, and I saw him fight to not wipe his fingers on his pants. I understood. My body temperature ran about seventy three degrees on the days I didn't feed, and eighty nine when I did. So to a lycan - whose temperatures ran in the low one hundreds - I was freezing.

A lot like a dead person.

"So," I motioned for him to continue, "what do I need to do?"

He went over his plan, and I couldn't help but think that, for an alpha, he wasn't all that smart. He probably left his battle strategies back with the sentinel that was taken.

He wanted me to go to a club that was a middle ground for vampires and wereanimals, and was owned by Kieran. While I'm there, he wanted me to look around. Ask about Jason, but not to the incorrect people.

Who are the incorrect people, one might ask?

He had no idea.

I had to figure out a way to ask around, without really asking around. While normally I would have pretended like I had no idea how to do that, I knew just the way.

I knew the club, and I knew what I would have to wear. I didn't own anything appropriate for that occasion, so I'd have to go out and buy something.

"I also want you to wear a wire," he threw in when I thought we were done.

I looked over at the door, which clicked closed like it hadn't just been rudely assaulted in the same day. The werewolf stood just inside, avoiding my gaze and pretending like he wasn't listening to a word being spoken.

"Okay," I turned my attention back to Lucian. "Anything else I should know?"

He looked like he was about to say something else, but he ultimately just shook his head. Normally, I would have pried, but to be honest, I didn't really care. He better bend over backwards for me the moment I called him for help.

I stood as he did, and he handed me his cell phone.

"Just in case I need to get ahold of you," he explained. "I'll text you later when I'm on my way with the wire."

I typed in my number and handed it back to him.

"You know the dress code?" He slid his phone back into his pocket.


I nodded.

The dress code was black. For women, the less, the better. I wasn't sure if that was for the vampires to see who had the best skin, or for werewolves to see the bodies of a potential mate. Either way, it made me uncomfortable. My usual clothing choice was an oversized t-shirt and leggings. If I was feeling super fancy, I'd wear jeans and a slightly less oversized t-shirt.

He grinned. "Then I'll see you later tonight."

I bowed my head in acknowledgment, then watched as he turned and headed to my newly-fixed door. When he was gone, I picked up my wallet and my keys and headed out to find an appropriate dress for the night.

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