ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕆𝕟𝕖 ℍ𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕋𝕖𝕟

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When I woke up, I was cleaned and lying naked under my covers, curled up against Kieran's naked body. My head was on his chest, and if he'd been anything but a vampire, I would have heard the steady beat of his heart. Instead, all I could hear was the gentle inhale and exhale of breath.

It was still light outside, the sun seeping through my blinds into the room. I laid there for a moment in the silence, realizing I was finally bonded with Kieran.

"How do you feel," he asked.

I looked up at him, into his violet colored eyes. "Well rested."

He smiled slightly as he trailed his fingers down my spine. "You've only been asleep for about two hours. Do you think you'd be up for a date?"

I raised my eyebrows. He wanted to take me on a date? I would have thought the whole bonding thing would have taken place after a date. You know, wine and dine before fucky and get lucky?

I nodded and rolled out of bed - literally - hitting the floor on all fours because for some godforsaken reason my legs weren't working.

"We didn't even do it that long!" I pressed my head against the floor, my cheeks burning.

There was a chuckle, then Kieran hoisted me up and sat me on the edge of the bed before going to my dresser. He dressed me, making sure I didn't once again make a whole fool of myself by tumbling to the ground.

"The endorphins from my bite are going to be running through you for another half hour or so," he said, sliding slippers onto my feet. "We'll have an in-home date, okay? We'll go out after you recover from Lucian and Kyler."

How long would it take for me to recover from Lucian and Kyler's mating ritual? A part of me wanted to be surprised, while the other part felt like I needed to mentally prepare myself. Would their bites hurt? Because they sure as hell looked like they did. Or would they feel something akin to Kieran's, and I wouldn't feel anything but pleasure?

A girl could hope for the latter.

Kieran carried me effortlessly to the living room, placing me down onto the sofa before kissing my forehead gently.

"What are you doing," I asked, watching as he headed towards the kitchen.

"While I may have nothing on Kyler's cooking, I do know how to make a pretty good steak." He winked at me from over his shoulder before pulling the ingredients out.

I watched as he cooked, silently taking in the way he moved. He was so fluid in his movements, almost like he was floating. He was well aware of me watching also, if the smirk he threw my way was any indication.

How could I resist? His hair was pulled into a ponytail and cascaded down his back. Not for the first time, I felt a slight tinge of envy at how well his hair was kept. It was always so smooth and shiny, curling ever so slightly at the end. His face was smooth, even as he concentrated.

When he was finished, he brought me my plate and set a glass of water next to me on the side table before going to grab his own plate. I half-expected his steak to be rare, but his looked to be well-done.

I only stared.

"Only animals eat meat rare," he said, faking offense. "Or wereanimals. One in the same."

I snorted, cutting into my steak. He said he didn't believe himself to be as good as Kyler, but the meat practically melted in my mouth as I chewed it. It took all I had not to hum in contentment.

I would have no problem living forever if Kieran and Kyler cooked for me every day. My half-assed cooking be damned. Now I just needed to figure out if Lucian knew how to bake, and if not, I'd get him some lessons because they could be my house bitches.

My eyes found Kieran and he was chewing slowly, regarding me with an odd sort of curiosity.

"This shit is great," I said, trying to not seem suspicious.


"What were you just thinking about?" He squinted. "You had this weird smirk going on over there and it's making me nervous."

I raised my eyebrows, feigning innocence because whatever else could I be but innocent?

Truly, what was the problem with being excited that I had men in my life that could cook? Who needed five star restaurants and however many Michelin star chefs when you had Kyler and Kieran to cook for you?

"Do you know if Lucian knows how to bake," I asked.

Kieran blinked. "You've been friends with him longer than I have. How should I know?"

"I figured your little bromance you all have with each other would have let you in on some secrets I don't know yet." I waved my fork at him before setting my empty plate on the side table.

I didn't even have to look at Kieran to know what face he was making. But when I did, I had to hold back the laughter bubbling in my chest.

His eyebrows were pulled together, his lips curled in a sort of grimace as he watched me. Maybe he was waiting for a "just kidding", but when it never came, he turned his attention to the blank screen of the television.

"Think about it," I said, poking the bear, "when I mate with them, we'll all technically be married to each other. A bromance is good. Keeps the relationship fresh."

Kieran sighed. "If you're trying to get me to bend you over my knee and spank you until you apologize, please keep going."

I raised an eyebrow. "You wouldn't. Not when I'm mating with Lucian and Kyler later."

"Want to bet?" He finally looked back at me, a flash of something I didn't want to place in his eye. "I'm sure they'd find amusement out of seeing your ass reddened while they fuck you."

My cheeks heated and I coughed, turning to face away from Kieran before he realized how much his words affected me.

Kieran chuckled darkly, not needing Kyler's empathy to know where my mind was. He leaned over and bit my ear, humming when I shivered.

"Hopefully you heal from them quickly," he murmured as my front door opened, the promise evident even as he pulled away.

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