ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕆𝕟𝕖

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Kieran motioned towards Lucian, an eyebrow cocked in challenge as the alpha werewolf watched. During the night, Kieran told me that we'd continue our practicing, but this time he invited Kyler and Lucian to help.

I didn't realize I'd be trying to beat the shit out of two of the strongest werewolves of their pack.

It was one thing fighting someone like me, even if I was only half. I didn't know how a wereanimal fought, and after only having one lesson, I was feeling somewhat skittish. I wanted to run. I wasn't meant for fighting.

"Can he punch me first," I asked.

Kyler snorted from the sidelines, and when I glared at him, he shot me a wink. I wasn't sure what was so funny. At least then I'd be able to work on dodging attacks versus just attacking. I thought it was a good idea.

Apparently no one else did.

I only had that one lesson with Kieran and now I had to fight werewolves. I was starting to think that maybe he didn't care for me as much as I originally thought. Sure my blood gave him some sort of power thrill, but what else was there?

Kieran grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked me back. My scalp burned with the force and I hissed, raising my hands up to try and rid myself of the pain.

"No," he said. "Don't just react, Nova. Act."

How many times that man said that to me should have been enough to engrain it in my brain. Yet my first reaction was to alleviate my pain. Kieran told me that, since I was part vampire, any and all pain is temporary. A knife to the stomach? It'll heal. Take care of the person attacking you, then take care of yourself.

Only problem was, what was fatal to me was not fatal to a full vampire. So his teachings could only go so far. I could stab him in the heart, and as long as I didn't obliterate it completely, he could heal. The only other way to kill him and make sure he'd stay dead was to cut off his head.

He let my hair go and I rubbed at my scalp, massaging the pain away.

Lucian walked over to me and stopped far enough away where I could kick him if I tried, but I knew he'd catch on before I could even move.

Unless he actually wanted me to try.

In which case...

I spun and flung my leg out, only for him to catch it effortlessly with one hand. With the momentum from that first kick, I lifted my other leg off of the ground and aimed that kick for his head.

At least that seemed to surprise him, though he caught me once again and brought me to the ground with as much effort as it would take for me to breathe.

He laid on top of me, his body pressing mine into the ground for much longer than was necessary.

"That was good," he said. "On a normal person, that would have been enough to knock them out."

Kieran stood above us and waited until Lucian lifted himself off of me before speaking.

"While he's correct in that regard," he said, helping me to my feet, "on someone who is used to fighting, it's next to useless unless they're not expecting you to have any fighting background. The only thing you have helping you there would be surprise."

And here I thought I did pretty damn well. Excuse me for not being a seasoned fighter.

"I've had one lesson from you," I said, pulling my hand out of his. "How do you expect me to take someone like Lucian down with a few hours worth of sparring?"

"Then what about me," Kyler asked, standing and stretching his arms above his head.

Kieran, Lucian, and I all turned and stared at him. He wasn't that much smaller than Lucian in height, but he was a little less muscular. Between the two werewolves, I'd fight Kyler over Lucian in a heartbeat. Whether that be because my instincts and knowledge of who the alpha was, or if it was just because I thought Kyler would be easier on me, I didn't know.

Something in Lucian's gaze when he looked at his right hand man told me that maybe I shouldn't fight him. But Kieran seemed all for it.

Which probably should have made me even more nervous.

Kyler stalked towards me and my spine immediately straightened - which I learned on my one and only day of sparring was a bad idea. The body was supposed to be kept loose and fluid, not ram-rod straight and stiff.

Just something about him stalking towards me did not bode well with my fight or flight senses. On a normal day I wanted to run. With Kyler looking at me like he was going to eat me if he caught me? I would have ran if I didn't think he'd catch me.

"Fun fact," Lucian said, grinning, "He does mixed martial arts."

I held my hand up to stop him. No wonder I wanted to run.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him, then wrapped an arm around my waist. "No need to be afraid of me."

I twisted out of his grip, swung my leg out, and attempted to kick his feet out from under him. One issue - I didn't put enough force behind it because I didn't want to hurt him. If I even had that ability.

He raised his eyebrows and caught me before I was the one that fell instead. When I pouted, his eyes glimmered in amusement as he smiled.

He was back to looking like someone who couldn't hurt a fly. I realized in that moment that he was one of those people who could hide their true intentions and strength behind a disarming grin.

He didn't throw me to the floor like Lucian and Kieran did. He only held me against him until I made a move to pull away.

"You need to understand that all three of us have had some kind of training in fighting," Lucian said. "You're new at this, yet you're doing better than I had on my second day of training."

"I don't have years to learn." I turned so I could see all three of them. "If something is going to happen, it's going to happen soon. Getting lucky won't be good enough. Not when people around us are being targeted."

They all shared a look.

"Well," Kieran said, his eyes finding mine first, "guess that means we'll have to work harder, doesn't it?"

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