ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕖𝕟

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The ride home was tense and quiet. If I would have known how to get home on my own, I would have done it in a heartbeat. Also the fact that I didn't know how to get down to the road would have made things a lot more difficult, so I had to awkwardly ask Lucian after things died down a little.

Lucian didn't speak once on the drive. He kept his eyes on the road, one hand on the steering wheel, the other on his knee. I couldn't tell if he was angry, or if he had another plan up his sleeve. Knowing what I knew of him, he had another plan.

He pulled up into my driveway and put the car in park. "You're really not helping?"

I went to open my door, but he locked it before I could even reach for the handle.

I turned. "I really am not going to help you, or those people you call pack members. I've seen hoards of geese that have a better system than you have."

He still didn't look at me. He kept his eyes forward, on my garage, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. His face may not have shown anything, but I could tell he was anxious.

"I understand you give them the ability to speak their minds," I said. "And that's great. Not all alphas allow that. But there comes a time when it becomes too much. Where it questions your authority."

"What do you know about pack law?" He turned his head so slowly to look at me, that I knew it was completely and utterly rhetorical. I wasn't supposed to answer, because the truth was...what did I know? Nothing. I wasn't in his pack, and I wasn't a lycanthrope.

I stared right back at him. "I know it's not normal for someone with a low rank to call out and belittle someone who is considered your right hand man. Doesn't matter the circumstance. It's wrong."

"Kyler can take care of himself." He was raising his voice.

I didn't much care for that.

"Maybe," I said, laughing. "But it's your duty as the alpha to make sure your pack is orderly, right? Newsflash, puppy. Yours isn't."

His hands tightened around the steering wheel, and I was sure he wished it was my throat he was crushing instead.

"Stop," he breathed, "calling me...puppy."

"Then stop," I crooned, "acting like one."

I'm not sure what I expected. Maybe for him to punch the steering wheel, or even me. Heck, I worried he may have thrown me out the window and left me bleeding on my driveway. Or even ran me over a couple times with his car.

That's what I expected, if anything.

Not for him to pull me out of my seat and onto his lap. One hand wrapped around the back of my neck, forcing my face forward, while the other held my wrists behind me.

His lips were so close to mine that I could feel his angry breaths across my mouth.

"You piss me off," he said, voice gruff.

"Ditto," I responded.

His eyes shimmered with the hint of his wolf. "I've never met a woman that goes out of her way to completely and utterly get on my nerves."

I sneered, even though I was still concerned about our proximity. "It's a gift. You're just easy to shop for."

His eyes dropped to my lips as something twitched against my thigh. Then his eyes moved down my body to where I straddled him. When he looked back up, I was surprised to see the hunger there.

I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it again. What was there to say? I was sitting in my driveway, straddling a man I met only two days prior, with his hard on pressing against me and his eyes promising things I couldn't imagine if I tried.

"What," I whispered. "What are you-"

"Help me," he said. "If not for my pack, then for me."

"If you're trying to seduce me into helping you, it isn't working." I tried to pull away but he held me in place.

"If I'm seducing you," he said, "it isn't because I want you to help me."

I glared at him. "Let me go."

He raised an eyebrow, but let me go to clammer off of him like a newborn deer who just discovered it had legs. There was no clean way to go about getting to the passenger side, and I made sure to bump my head, my knees, and my elbow on the way over just for giggles. Because why not look like a mess while scrambling off his lap? I was happy I didn't honk the horn with my ass.

He unlocked the door as I reached for the handle.

"Regardless of what just happened," he said as I stepped out, "I still need your help."

I bent to look into his car. "Get your pack under control and we'll chat. Until then, good luck."

I shut the door before he could say anything. I felt his eyes on me as I walked to my front door and unlocked it, then continued to watch until I disappeared inside. I didn't look out to see if he left.

I pressed my back up against the door and let out a long breath. I closed my eyes, trying to forget what had just happened in the car. My heart continued to beat rapidly against my chest, like I had just sprinted an entire marathon.

What the absolute hell just happened? I didn't even remember how I got on his lap, but he moved so quickly that I didn't even have time to react, let alone fight back.

I lifted my hands to my face and let out a nervous laugh at the complete difference in temperatures. My cheeks were a hell of a lot hotter than my hands.

It was a good thing I wouldn't see him for a while because that could have been dangerous.

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