ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕚𝕩𝕥𝕪 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

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I woke up in a familiar room. I blinked, looking around as I slowly came to. I knew I was in Kieran's upper office area, laid down on a blow-up mattress in the sparring room. I was half-naked in my oversized t-shirt and underwear, with a thick blanket covering me.

I knew I wasn't alone without even having to look around. I could feel them.

I turned my head and looked over at Lucian, whose eyes were closed even though he was sitting upright on the floor. Kyler laid next to him, slightly curled into himself.

"How do you feel?"

I looked at Kieran and blinked slowly. "Like I was hit by a bus."

He nodded. "Pretty typical."

"What happened to Vincenzo and Alaric," I asked. "Did you find Selene?"

"We found Selene." He motioned behind him, at the door to the room. "She's fine. Jason, however, was not, as I'm sure you're aware since you followed him to a death trap."

He was angry, even though he looked laid back and relaxed. It took me some time to figure it out, but he worked extra hard to keep his eyes from narrowing when he was mad. It slipped sometimes, and those few seconds between that slip and him catching himself, it felt like a cold dagger sliced through me.

I was honestly just happy that Naomi came through for me.

I felt Lucian's anger slam into me and it took all I had not to stiffen. I turned my head and looked at him, and noticed that his wolf was rising to the surface. His eyes were not his own, and he looked absolutely livid. It was nothing like Kieran's cool anger. His was hot, burning my skin like an inferno. He remained seated on the floor, maybe to not scare me, or maybe he just hadn't thought to come after me yet.

Kyler was awake too, though he looked exponentially less ticked off with me. He looked more worried than anything.

"Okay," I motioned for Kieran to continue, "what about Vincenzo and Alaric?"

"Gone," Kieran said.

I blinked in confusion.

"They were gone by the time we got there," he explained. "The place was completely vacant like no one had been there for hours, even though you had just been drained not five minutes before we found you."

My hand flew up to my neck, to the smooth skin there. It was like nothing ever happened, though in that moment, I could remember the pain, the fear, and the overwhelming feeling of being alone as I died.

I died.

I didn't feel like I died. I felt normal, like everything had been a dream, besides the lingering pain throughout my body. But the obvious anger permeating the room told me otherwise.

"Did he kill me?" I thought I died, but I needed to make sure.

If possible, Lucian's anger grew, but he remained silent.

"He did," Kieran's voice was calm, but his eyes narrowed in that momentary slip of control.

My body went cold. I knew that he did, deep down, but hearing it confirmed made me suddenly feel like I had to vomit.

I blew out a slow breath, and suddenly Kyler was there, seated next to me, his arm around me. He felt too hot against me.

"Wait." I pulled away from Kyler and stood from the mattress, then stumbled as my legs gave out from under me. Kieran caught me around my waist and held me upright.

I tried to feel for a pulse in my neck. Then my wrist.

"Wait," I repeated, pressing down harder.

"Nova," Kieran said, his voice becoming soft.

"No," I pushed away from him and fell. I didn't feel my knees hit the floor. I was too preoccupied attempting to feel for a goddamn pulse that wasn't fucking there.

"Where's my pulse," I asked, looking up at him. "Where's my fucking pulse?"

He didn't say anything. No one did. They didn't really have to. And maybe it was better that way, instead of confirming my original thought. Yes, maybe it was better, but a part of me wouldn't believe it unless someone came out and told me.

"Kieran." My voice came out keening, like a small child. He still didn't say anything, and tears began filling my eyes. He needed to tell me.

His jaw clenched.

"Please," I whispered. "Did he...did he change..."

I couldn't finish the sentence. Hell, I couldn't even figure out how to ask. Did he change me? Did he turn me into a full vampire? Or was I still half? If he did turn me into a vampire, then did that mean I belonged to him, like he wanted?

"Nova," Kieran said, "listen to me."

I hadn't even realized I wasn't paying attention. I was too lost in my own thoughts to realize he was speaking to me.

He knelt down and looked me directly in the eye. "Vincenzo killed you by draining you of your blood, but left a bit of his own in your system. Then he broke your neck. By the time that we arrived there, you had been dead for over five minutes. It does not take that long for a change to happen."

So what? I was a fucking zombie?

"Nova," he said. "Pay attention. This is important."

Lucian had rounded the mattress, staring down at me as he stood next to Kyler. All three men watched me. For what, I didn't know. Maybe my reaction to the next thing Kieran would say. Or maybe it was to stop me from doing something stupid.

"I gave you my blood in an attempt to revive you." Kieran spoke slowly. "The amount of blood Vincenzo gave you wasn't near enough to change you, or even enough to bring you back after he broke your neck. I'm not sure if he did it on purpose, to see if you'd be able to revive yourself after death, since you're a necromancer, or if he did it by accident thinking that you ingested enough. But you don't have to worry about him being your master."

I was expecting my heart to beat faster, or even to skip. But I continued to feel nothing, which in itself made me sick.

"Since my blood revived you, there is a chance you have become a full vampire." He held up a hand when I opened my mouth to protest. "I say there's a chance because I don't know anything about half vampires, half necromancers. I don't know if eventually your heart will heal itself to the point where it will beat again, or if you're a full vampire. I can't tell. As of right now, I have a connection to you, but it doesn't feel like a master's connection to one of their clan."

That was a piss poor way of telling me I was probably a full vampire now. My heart restarting? Please, I doubted it. It felt so hollow inside, like I was missing something. Something that had been so normal that I barely felt it at times was so prominent now that I couldn't feel it at all.

I brought my hand to my neck and hoped I'd feel it, now that I calmed down. But still there was nothing.

Nothing at all.

A/N: Two updates for you because ending it on the last update would have been rude, even for me.

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