ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕊𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝔽𝕚𝕧𝕖

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I kept wondering when, or if, things would go back to normal. It wasn't normal to have an alpha werewolf, his right hand man, and a vampire chilling in my house watching television like they lived there.

Which, I guess theoretically they did part time. But not together. It was either Kieran, or Lucian, or Kyler, or Lucian and Kyler. Never all three of them. And never had they gotten along as well as they were in that moment, and I couldn't help but ask myself if Mercury was in some sort of retrograde.

Kieran still sat somewhat away from the two wolves, but none of them stared at each other with open disdain.

It was so weird that I couldn't get my body to relax. It was too calm. Too...cordial.

"Nova?" Kyler's voice made my shoulders tense up.

I looked at him, and noticed that Lucian and Kieran were looking at me as well.

"I asked if you wanted some coffee." He tilted his head, probably reading that something was off.

"Or a massage," Lucian added, his eyes dipping to my shoulders. "You're tense as hell."

I felt like I had to be on alert in case they decided to go at each other's throats. It was called "the calm before the storm" for a reason. I just didn't know who the storm was coming from. Surely not Kyler. The guy was a saint compared to the other two. Lucian was more of a hot-head, but Kieran was just as territorial.

"I'm okay." I forced a smile.

Kieran sighed. "She's uncomfortable that we're all here."

That wasn't it at all. All three of them had been in my house a few times before. That was no big deal. But one of them were at least glaring at someone else. I was uncomfortable because they were fine.

Maybe it was because the stress of finding their people was now nothing but a memory. Kieran got Selene back. Lucian and Kyler unfortunately had to bury Jason, but at least they got closure. No one had their people held hostage anymore. As of that moment, everything was fine.

Lucian puffed out a laugh. When he opened his mouth to say something, my doorbell rang.

Kieran's head tilted towards the door. "Not another necromancer, so it's not Adler."

"You met Adler?" Lucian seemed surprised.

"He followed her home last night." Kieran turned his head and looked back at me. "But that doesn't matter now. It's a human."

"It could be Naomi," I said, standing.

"Doesn't smell like Naomi," Kyler murmured.

I eyed him before I disappeared around the corner to answer the door. It didn't smell like Naomi, but it was a human? I didn't know many humans. The people I associated with in the police force didn't come to my address. If they needed me, they'd call. They wouldn't just show up.

I opened the door slowly, then when I saw who was on the other side, I smiled. But the smile froze on my face when it actually registered.

"Mom?" I probably looked like a lunatic, my eyes wide and a half-smile on my face.

She had a big purple suitcase next to her, her oversized purse over her shoulder, and a look that told me she thought she'd come to my house to find me dead. The look on my face only seemed to increase her worry. I wasn't dead, but I wasn't as happy as I normally would be to see her.

Number one - I wasn't sure if dear old dad was still in the area. If he was, there was a chance he'd see her and remember her. Then that meant she could see him and Lord knew she still had some deep-rooted feelings for the man.

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