ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔽𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕪 𝕆𝕟𝕖

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I could have told Naomi everything, but I left out all the sexy bits. I did tell her that her list was only recently finished, and that made her laugh maniacally while telling me that I should take them up on their offer of sharing. I told her that I already finished her list and she wasn't allowed to give me another one.

I didn't tell her it was because I wasn't sure my body could go through another one.

Deciding it was time to change the subject, I moved on to my mom. The last time her and I spoke, she was going on a date with a vampire. It was a bit concerning, knowing her history with vampires. But as long as he wasn't newly turned and thought fucking on the first date was a solid plan, I figured the most he'd probably do is drink her blood.

Naomi waved her hand in front of my face. "You just became super pale."

"I need to call her." I grabbed my phone as images of some random vampire draining my mom dry. I knew my mom preferred the paranormal but that had been the first time I worried that maybe the person connected to me might go after my mom.

The phone rang twice.

"Nova?" She seemed preoccupied. "Is everything okay?"

"One day you'll answer the phone with a hello," I said, forcing a laugh through the worry. "I just miss you."

I was glad the image of my mom drained of blood didn't come true. And it wasn't really a lie. I did miss my mom. More than she knew, actually. I just wasn't about to explain to her that I just now thought of the implications of her going out on a date with a vampire with her crappy track record.

"Do you need me to come visit?" Her voice changed, going from preoccupied to worried within seconds.

As much as I wanted to say yes, the idea that my father might be closer than comfortable killed that answer in my throat. Along with the fact that she'd have to meet Kieran, Lucian, and Kyler at some point didn't bode well. That would have to be something breached carefully, rather than all at once.

"Actually," I eyed Naomi, "I was thinking of taking a trip up to see you. I'm in the middle of some work currently, but after I'm done, if you don't mind?"

Naomi raised her eyebrows, like she was trying to figure out what I was doing.

"I don't mind at all!" She seemed thrilled by the idea, which made me smile despite my earlier worry. "You just let me know when and I'll get the guest bedroom ready for you."

I loved her. So much. Once I hit adulthood, suddenly she was like a long distance best friend. Obviously there were things her and I didn't talk about - like her love of the paranormal races and my distaste, along with our sex lives - but nothing else was off limits.

"Sounds like a plan," I said. "By the way, how'd your date go?"

I had to ask. Now that I knew she was okay, I wanted to know if it went well or not well at all. I didn't mind her being with someone from the paranormal race if they treated her well. If they didn't, I'd use those new fighting techniques Lucian and Kieran taught me without any doubt in my mind that they deserved it.

I'd kill for my mom, and that was saying something from someone who could barely fight for herself.

My mom laughed. "No need to worry about the blue pill."

Oh, for the love-

"Mom!" I covered my eyes with my free hand, like maybe that would get rid of the image of some random vampire without need for any erection medication for my mother. While I was glad she had no issues, the woman really needed to keep that bit to herself. I knew she wouldn't get deeper into that conversation, but just the idea of it made me almost want to gag.

I didn't like thinking of my mom having sex. I didn't think any child did. It was odd to even think about, like maybe she never did it again after conceiving me - which was a stupid thing to believe but I let myself believe it.

She was laughing hysterically. "Nova, it was a joke. The date went really well. I've seen him again since then and it's been nice."

I let my hand fall to the table. "Good. If you're still dating him when I come and visit, I'd like to meet him."

And kick his ass if I so much as sensed he hurt my mom in any way.

Like I said, I was in no way a fighter. But my mom was off limits. I'd get myself torn to shreds for her, if I could just get one punch in. With the recent training, I might actually get two or three punches in before I got my ass beat. That was saying something.

Maybe keeping up with the training would be a good idea, even if I never needed to use it.

"Of course," she said, and I could tell she was still smiling.

I was finally relaxed enough to hang up the phone. Talking to her, and hearing her joke, was enough to put that worry I had away. If she was having a good time with him, then who was I to stop it from happening? My mom liked vampires - obviously - even though she'd never become one if offered the opportunity. I think she liked the idea of growing old and still having someone love her, even when they didn't age.

Naomi smiled at me when I put my phone down.

She knew that my father was playing some part in the issues in both Lucian's pack and Kieran's clan, and she was smart enough to figure out that was why I didn't want my mom anywhere near me until everything was done. If my mom came back, there would be a chance that she'd see him again, and I didn't know if I would have the heart to tell her that he wasn't what she made up in her mind. I wasn't sure if that would still hurt her, or if she'd moved on, but I didn't want to take that chance.

"Now," I said, "how about we go out? I've been cooped up in this house too long."

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