ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

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I never had a corpse scream when they saw me. Honestly, I didn't think I was that scary. The scariest thing about me was the blood, which I quickly wiped off like maybe that was what was scaring her so badly.

"You!" She tried to scoot away from me, but realized she was on a metal table. "Oh, God please, no."

I didn't know what to say, or even do to calm her down. She was terrified, and something about me made her that way.

"What," Bard asked, touching her arm. "What's wrong?"

She didn't acknowledge him at all. Her eyes were on me, watching me like she thought I'd snap and kill her again - which was impossible. Once someone was dead, they were dead. Zombies were not living creatures. They were only living for as long as their necromancer allowed.

"You look just like him," she whispered. "Oh, God did they send you? Are you going to take me back and let them torture me again?"

"No," I said. "And I'm not quite sure who you're talking about."

Mateo's eyes found me, and he stared. There was a slight tinge of anger behind that stare, and I felt like I was the only one in the room that had no idea what was going on.

"Are you his daughter," she asked. "Or…niece? But…but he's a vampire. He can't…"

I was starting to understand where this was going, and I wasn't liking the outcome.

"I don't have a father," I said, trying to ease her, and explain my situation to Mateo so he would stop staring at me like he wanted to choke me. "My father left before he even realized I existed. The only person I have is my mom, and she's states away."

She gripped her hair so tightly that I wouldn't have been surprised if she ripped chunks of it out. Her entire body shook, and she continued to stare at me like I was a walking nightmare. Apparently my words did absolutely nothing to calm her down.

She was next to useless when it came to answering questions. She just continued to stare at me, horrified, looking at a face that matched one of her torturer's.

My father couldn't have been a nice guy, could he? I could forgive him for leaving, because he didn't know I was in the picture until I was born. I could even forgive him for never coming back after he felt that bond. But I couldn't forgive him for making someone so innocent look like they'd seen the world, along with their loved ones, burn.

Chief Bard, along with O'Riely and Goodwin, left me to put her back to sleep. O'Riely couldn't stomach it, and the other two got what they went there for.

The person who they were looking for was out of their jurisdiction - they were only human, and going up against a vampire would be someone else's duty - so they didn't need to know much else. Bard slipped a check in my pocket as he walked by, then left as if he hadn't been there to begin with.

I put my hand on the woman's arm, and she grabbed it so quickly that a cold chill passed down my spine.

"I don't know why they're here," she whispered. "And it's not just wereanimals. It's vampires too. One of them…he looks just like you."

My heart rate picked up.

"You said you don't have a father," she said, resting back until she was laying down. "But you do. You do. And he's here. Please…I know you don't know me, or I don't know if you even care…but please. Make it stop."

I wasn't breathing. I forced my hand onto her arm and closed my eyes to keep from seeing that fear anymore.

"Requiesce in pace," I hissed.

When I opened my eyes again, hers were closed. Her body was as still as it had been when I first walked into the room.

Mateo covered her face with the white sheet. "I'll walk you out."

I followed behind him quietly, trying not to think about what I'd just learned. He didn't say a word either, but I could tell he was tense, even as we neared the doors to the building.

When we were outside, I turned to say goodbye, when his hand wrapped around my throat and he picked me up and slammed me against the wall.

"If I kill you, I wonder if your dear old dad will come try and find your body," he growled.

I scratched at his wrist, trying in some way to get him to drop me. Full vampires didn't need to breathe because they didn't need the oxygen. I did. Also, his hand was wrapped so tightly around my throat that it hurt.

My vision blurred at the edges and I bore my teeth at him, showing him my fangs as if that would do anything to scare him.

I saw the doors open in Lucian's car, then both of them stepped out. Their eyes, as much as I could see, were glowing in a way that told me either Mateo needed to let me go, or he'd be shredded to pieces.

I tried to mouth at them to stop, but all I could do was gurgle words through clenched teeth.

"Drop her or I will end you."

The anger in Mateo's eyes vanished, and was replaced by fear. He pulled his hand away from me like my skin was made of holy water and crosses, and I fell to the ground onto my knees, choking in lungfuls of air.

My chest ached, even when my breathing became more even. When I had the ability to look up, Kieran was standing there, his eyes on Mateo.

He looked calm on the outside, although I could feel his power radiating from him.

"Why is it," Kieran asked, "that you felt the correct course of action was to choke her to death?"

"I wasn't actually going to kill her." Mateo rolled his eyes. "If you were in that room and heard what was said, you'd do the same. Her father is behind all of this."

Lucian and Kyler made it over to us, and their eyes fell on me when they heard that last bit.

"If I have to explain this one more time, I am going to lose my shit." I stood slowly and glared daggers at Mateo. "I do not know my father. Until today, I didn't even have an inkling of what the man looked like. I don't know his name, I don't know where he's from, I don't know what clan he's in, and I don't even know what he does for a living. I am as clueless about him as you are, and if you so much as assume I am a part of his little scheme - which I can tell you are under that assumption, Mateo - I will gladly stab you with a cross and pour holy water into your wounds until you think otherwise."

"Like you can hold a fucking cross." Mateo sneered.

I raised my eyebrows in mock surprise. "Oh, you're so right. I'll use two. I'm a half vampire you fucking imbecile."

It had been a long time since I'd been so livid.

Kieran reached out and grabbed me, pulling me away from Mateo. Apparently my threats were actually getting through instead of them assuming all it was, was a threat.

"Mateo," Kieran continued to hold onto me, "leave."

He stood in place for a moment, and I wondered if he was going to blatantly ignore him. He kept eye contact with me for what seemed like forever before he disappeared from sight.

Only then did Kieran let me go.

Grave Sight | A Reverse Harem RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now