ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝔼𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕪 𝔽𝕚𝕧𝕖

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I snuggled deeper into the softness, burying my face into it and bringing it closer. It was warm. I couldn't remember buying a heated blanket, and even if I did, I knew I didn't go to sleep with one. So that told me exactly what it was.

I opened my eyes and saw pure white fur. Then I pulled away and saw beautiful blue eyes staring back at me.


I pulled him closer and placed a kiss on his snout, then closed my eyes again. I'd only ever seen him in his wolf form a couple times, and he'd only ever slept with me when I was having a nightmare. Did I have another one? Oddly enough, it had been a long time since the memories of those who had passed came to me in a dream.

"You're so comfortable," I murmured.

He chuffed.

"Was I having another nightmare," I asked.

He snuggled in closer, so much so that he was almost on top of me. I took that as a yes, even though I couldn't remember any of it. After I fell asleep, all I remember was the darkness of a deep sleep. But since his being near me stopped the nightmares the last time, maybe I couldn't remember because he came in before the nightmare had a chance to completely solidify.

I ran my fingers through his soft fur. "I didn't let Lucian explain why that bite wound isn't healing."

The wolf beside me began to shift, and I pulled away from him to give him the room he needed. When he was fully human - and fully naked - beside me, he pulled covers over himself and pulled himself closer to me.

"You didn't let any of us say much of anything," he said.

I hummed, curling into him.

He kissed my neck, and goosebumps immediately sprang up on my skin.

"You need to get up," he murmured. "We still have a lot to talk about."

"Like the bite mark," I asked. I really was curious. Wereanimals were quick healers. There was no reason for him to not be completely healed.

"Yes." He kissed my neck again, and I could feel his lips curl up when I shivered. He then slid out of the bed, and I turned and watched as he dressed. He had his clothes waiting for him beside the bed, folded in a neat pile.

When he was finished, I rolled out of bed like a discombobulated tumbleweed and headed to my bedroom door. I wasn't necessarily ready to face all of them - not after me confessing that I was in love with them, at least. But as long as they didn't bring it up, I could pretend I never said it. Hell, we could pretend I never said it for the rest of our lives.

Kyler called my name and I stopped and turned.

He walked up beside me, bent enough for him to place his lips at my ear, and said, "I'm in love with you too. I have been since the moment we met."

And then he walked past me like he didn't just freeze me to the spot with those words. I completely lost sight of him before I got my bearings enough to force myself to move forward.

The guy had no right to be so damn smooth.

I walked into the kitchen, met eyes with Kyler, and cleared my throat like an entire idiot before sitting down. Pretending I hadn't just received a confession back was not working. I probably looked like I was hiding something.

Lucian slid me a plate of pancakes. "You okay?"

"As peachy as a peach," I responded.

Wow, I was amazing. And by amazing I meant I needed some acting lessons. Or lessons on how to lie. Because wow.

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