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I was getting more and more used to my new normal. My old normal was sipping coffee in the mornings and relaxing, pretending like I wasn't a necromancer or vampire, up until I couldn't pretend anymore. I'd call upon spirits for someone over the internet, see if I could get their last wishes, and go on with my day. I wouldn't have cared about the person on the other side of the screen. Actually, I would pretend I was talking to a robot and a spirit thought it would be fun to give me writing ideas.

Then I'd heat up some frozen dinner when I didn't feel like cooking, sit down at the television, and once again forget who I was. Because who I was made me uncomfortable.

Now? As I ate french toast and scrambled eggs with two werewolves and a vampire, I couldn't even imagine going back to those times.

"You said you want me to meet your clan," I said, eyeing Kieran.

He turned his head to face me. "I would like you to, yes. If you're going to consider bonding with me, you may want to know what you're getting into. As a master vampire's bond, you essentially take up the label of master as well."

I cringed at the thought.

He smiled slightly. "Now, no need to feel so squeamish at the idea. They'd still follow me. They would just have to take your word as law as well. You don't have to govern and lead them. Not unless you'd like to."

I blew out a breath. It wasn't just that. If I also mated with Lucian, I'd become Luna of his pack. Which, in turn, also gave me that leadership.

The only one that wasn't problematic was Kyler.

"I'm not sure when my mom will be able to have visitors." I pushed the remainder of my french toast across my plate. "But, after I see her, I can meet your clan, as well as see your pack again, Lucian."

"Are you considering it," Kyler asked. "Being with us, I mean?"

I wasn't just considering it. I had already made up my mind. I didn't want my old normal. I wanted my new normal, where I'd go into my bathroom and see three more toothbrushes than my old normal used to see. I wanted to keep waking up to these crazy men making breakfast. I wanted to talk to them every day and be with them.

But instead I only smiled, leaning back in my chair. I wasn't hungry anymore. The idea that I was willing to be with the three of them, and they were willing to be with me, was enough to fill my stomach with butterflies. Food would have only made me sick.

"You could say that." I nodded. "But there's one thing I keep thinking about."

They waited, their food forgotten.

"We all age differently." I looked at each of them in turn.

I didn't have to specify what that meant. Kyler and Lucian aged slower than humans, but they still aged. Kieran didn't age at all, and could probably live for seven hundred more years, if he wanted. Then there was me. I aged slowly with my heart. I wasn't sure if my aging would stop, now that it wasn't in my body anymore, or I would continue aging like normal.

"Believe it or not," Kieran motioned to the other two men, "the three of us have already spoken about this."

Well, wasn't that nice? The three of them were getting along so well that they had conversations about our relationship without the female in the relationship. Maybe I should leave, let them have their bromance.

Kyler's eyes narrowed slightly.

What the hell? Could he read my mind?

"It's written all over your face," he said, as if answering my unspoken question.

I stared intently at him.

Pickles, I thought.

He blinked.

"Anyway," Kieran said, pulling my attention away from Kyler. "I have a vampire in my clan who can stop aging altogether. It essentially makes the person a vampire, without the taste for blood, and you remain whatever species you are. And it can be reversed, though if the mating process is anything like my bonding process, you're basically married to the one you bond to."

My mouth opened, then closed, then opened again, like I was some sort of fish trying to find water to breathe.

Married? I mean, I knew the bonding and mating rituals were serious, and I'd read enough to know there really was no way out of it. I just hadn't heard someone say it was like marriage.

Another thing that was the new normal - I used to not want a relationship. Now I had a relationship with three men, and I was essentially agreeing to marry them. What the hell was that about? The old me would have been disgusted with the new me. If I was going to marry anyone back then, it would have been a human. Never a paranormal. Ever.

Sneaky little bastards, they were.

I closed my eyes for a moment and counted to five before opening them again. "Okay. But what happens if she...well..."

"If she dies," Kieran supplied. "I know another person who can do it."

I hummed. "Didn't realize that was a normal ability."

"It's not." He tilted his head. "But if you watch someone use their ability, you can mimic it, can you not?"

Oh, he'd been talking about me.

I didn't want to remember the last time I mimicked someone's ability, so I did what any normal person would do and diverted the conversation to something else.

I looked at Lucian and Kyler. "And your thoughts?"

It wasn't that I wouldn't allow myself to think about Vincenzo and what I did to him. I just needed time. Every time I allowed myself to think about it, I got this cold ache in my chest and I felt like throwing up. I wasn't sure how much time I needed, but it wasn't less than twenty four hours after.

Lucian's face was carefully guarded. "If I had to live forever, I would gladly live forever if it's with you."

If I'd been eating, I would have absolutely choked on my food at the admission. I was expecting a yes or no. Not an answer like that. Not from Lucian, at least. Kyler was more the type to say something like that.

My stomach curled nervously.

Freaking butterflies.

"Same for me," Kyler smiled.

If they changed their mind in the future, they could reverse it. But knowing that they would gladly walk into eternity with me was more than an "I love you". The words were one thing, and hearing them made me happy, but the two of them just admitted that they'd give up their mortality to be with me.

I forced myself to breathe through the nerves. Then I looked up. "After I've met your clan, and met with your pack again, we'll bring this up again, if that's okay?"

Kieran watched me, then nodded his agreement. None of them would rush me. They'd give me all the time I needed, even if it took me months to figure it out. But if I was essentially marrying them, why wouldn't I want to spend forever with them? Though, to be honest, the thought of never aging scared me for the same reason becoming a full vampire would scare me. Staying young as the world aged around me. Watching people grow old and die while I remained stuck in the body of a twenty three year old.

I nodded back. They'd give me time, even though they already made their decision. If I wanted to do it, Kyler and Lucian would become immortal - well, as immortal as they could be. Everybody and everything could die somehow.

Even someone like me.

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