ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪

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Oddly enough, I slept like a baby that night. When I woke up, Kyler wasn't in bed with me, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Normally a woman would feel kind of sad that the person who stayed the night left first thing, but I was proving to be less normal by the day.

After everything that happened, I wasn't sure how I'd face him. The kiss, and the conversation afterwards didn't bring up relaxing emotions.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I moved to the kitchen, where I stopped dead when I saw not only Kyler, but Lucian as well. Kyler was making breakfast, expertly flipping over sausage patties and pancakes. Lucian leaned back against my counter, sipping a cup of coffee as another cup brewed.

"Sure," I said, running my fingers through my hair, "that's fine. Just come on in. Make yourself at home."

Lucian's eyes moved slowly to glance in my direction, and I noticed then that he looked exhausted. Dark circles rimmed his eyes, and his hair looked like he hadn't brushed it that day.

It wasn't the time for jokes.

Kyler placed pancakes and sausages onto three plates, then moved to grab the newly-filled coffee cup.

"Cream and sugar?" He held it up to me.

"Black is fine." I moved and grabbed the cup from him, which brought me that much closer to Lucian.

"So," I turned so that I could see both of them, "what's going on?"

Kyler handed Lucian and me our plates and motioned for us to go to my table. When we were all seated, I raised my eyebrows and waited for them to speak.

"To be honest," Lucian started, "Beverly was on her way towards punishment anyway with the way she was acting towards the rest of the pack. As the alpha, I can only allow so much disobedience before punishment is necessary."

Kyler remained quiet, yet attentive as he ate his food.

"Her punishment wasn't death." He crossed his arms. "Though, casting her out of the pack like I was planning would have ultimately killed her anyway, if she wouldn't have found another pack that would take her."

I read that once; that if an alpha casts someone out of their pack, that person becomes a type of lone wolf. Lone wolves did not last long on their own, and after being cast out of a pack, it was difficult to find a new one. So most ended up dying as a result, by either hunters, or another wereanimal when they ultimately went rogue.

I sipped my coffee, contemplating what he said, before I sat it back onto the table. "Why was she out by the river anyway?"

"I don't know." He sighed and ran a hand over his face. "But that's not what I'm concerned about."

Kyler hummed. "Me either."

They shared a look, then their eyes both locked on me.

"I'm more worried about the threat towards you." Lucian shrugged. "I've already let Kieran know. If it's fine with you, we'd like to have someone here until we figure this out."

I was glad I didn't put anything in my mouth, because I would have spit it out at the mere mention of someone constantly being in or around my house at all times.

"Absolutely not," I said. "I refuse to have wolves and vampires hanging around my house."

"What if it's Kyler," Lucian asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kyler stopped chewing for a second, his eyes meeting mine before he looked away.

"Or me," Lucian said when I didn't answer. "Either that or Kieran, but I'd prefer to keep him as far away from you as humanly possible for the time being."

"Why," I asked. "The only thing I've noticed that's wrong with Kieran is he's obsessed with making me accept my vampire side."

It was working too. I was starting to come to terms with the one thing I hated most about myself. That was thanks to both Kieran's teachings and Lucian's unbiased thoughts towards me.

I hid for my entire twenty two years of life, hating who I was and assuming everyone else would too. Maybe it was my experience in high school, where everyone would turn up their nose at the half breed vampire slash necromancer, or maybe it was my own thoughts. But I hid regardless, trying to fit in.

"There's plenty wrong with Kieran," Kyler said, cutting into my thoughts. "One of which is that he thinks he has some sort of claim over people when they aren't a part of his clan."

I knew without asking that he was talking about me, mostly because I could feel it too. Instead of being “interesting” to Kieran, I was also part vampire - which meant some vampire at some point would need to claim me. That is, if I ever allowed them to. The only person that could truly force me to be a part of their clan was my father, and I knew he would never do such a thing. He would have done it a long time ago, before I grew into adulthood.

I sighed, staring down at my food like the untouched pancakes could give me answers to my problems.

“Honestly,” I said, raising my eyes, “I don’t feel threatened. Last night I did, because the news of it shocked me, but I’m fine.”

Lucian narrowed his eyes at me, like maybe he wasn’t quite sure if he could trust my word.

I was fine - truly. The idea that someone knew my name and knew what I was doing scared me at first. But if I was telling the truth, I didn't actually think anyone saw me as a threat. All I was doing now was going between Lucian and Kieran. It wasn't like I was going out and physically searching for the missing people - I'd refuse.

On the outside, it would look like I was just visiting both at opposite intervals. If I was asked, I would be visiting Kieran to figure out how to be a vampire since my good-for-nothing father left right after I was conceived, and I would be visiting Lucian for…

I eyed him.

I didn't know what I'd need to visit Lucian for.

"Then at least let me stay for the next few nights to make sure." He finally started eating his food.

Bad. Idea. Such a bad idea, in fact, that my stomach twisted at the thought.

When I opened my mouth to voice that opinion, he shut me up with only a glance. Seconds later, his lip quirked up because he knew exactly what I was thinking about.

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