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Alana Cardenas

"Maybe we could do lamb tonight?" I suggested. He stood behind me and shook his head while grabbing the lamb chop package from my hand. He put it back in its place. "No, you know the doctor told you to stay away from this on day one." I rolled my eyes. He's such an ass. "He said not to eat a lot...and I'm sick of chicken so put it in the cart." he chuckled then gently guided me out of the section, away from my lamb. We had only been in the grocery store for a couple minuets and my feet were already killing me. Actually, my feet haven't stopped killing me for the past 7 months. So it's been something like a continuation of non-stop foot aches, back problems, headaches, mood swings, and many other things I don't feel like mentioning.

"Let's do tacos," he suggested. "Simple and quick."

I sighed then nodded. "Okay, but I still wanted the lamb chops."

He kissed my forehead then took over pushing the cart. I followed behind as we traced down the isles in the market. "I wonder what drills they running right now?" I heard Odell mumble underneath his breath.  It still sucked to see him home instead of on the field. His lawyer did make everything apparent to the team and all the teams managers, yet they still believed in giving O some time to process everything.

Which was a nice way of telling him he's still on suspension. The only good news we've had since coming home was that Sasha wasn't going to be a problem anymore, at least as far as football is concerned, because she was terminated. I'm not too certain, but I believe her brother is under investigation too. I think what pisses Odell off the most is that he's virtually been cleared of anything going on yet still can't play, but Milo can. I know it eats him up. I just don't know what to do or say to help him. "Whatever drills they're running, I'm sure they're doing fine. I know everyone misses you though." he shrugged.

"Not everyone...Vic, maybe, but not everyone" he chuckled.

"Baby, I'm sorry this is happening to you...to us."

"None of this is your fault, so there's no need to apologize. I owe you some thanks though. For taking care me through it all. For taking care of yourself and protecting this little one for me. I can't wait till I get you down that isle." I blushed as he caressed my cheek with his finger.

"I love you, you still love me?"

I nodded quickly then smiled. "Of course I love you."

"We gotta hurry up and get out of here, I need to get you home." I nodded then followed behind him again in the store, dragging these heavy ass feet along. We stopped in the chip isle and grabbed a couple bags of Tostitos. "We making dip tonight? Or we buying?" he asked. I shook my head. "Just grab some, I don't feel like doing all that." he chuckled. "Lazy ass-"

I ran the back of his ankles over with the cart with a smile on my face. He quickly shot around and glared at me, causing my smile to disappear. "Don't play with me."

I smiled again and proceeded to push. I felt my phone ring so I dug in to my sweatpants pocket. It was Crystal! We haven't talked for a couple days and I was supposed to call her when I got back. That definitely slipped my mind. I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Lala!!" a little voice cheered from the other end.

"Hey Jordyy, my baby! How are you mamas?"

I heard some ruffling in the background. "Hey girl, she just wanted to say hello, even though she was supposed to be getting ready for bed." I laughed a little. "She couldn't help it, she missed me." I spoke. I missed Jordyn a lot. I haven't seen my niece in almost 3 weeks. I'm a terrible aunt, I know. "How are you? You guys handled everything yall needed to handle?"

"Yea, for the most part. We're out right now trying to get something to eat for tonight. What are you guys doing tomorrow ? I need to see my baby."

"Um, nothing really. I have an interview at 5:30 for this daycare around your brother's job. It was supposed to be last week, but we couldn't make it so the director is gonna see Jordyn tomorrow to make sure she's a good fit." I huffed. "You interview to put your baby in day care? They won't just take your money?" I asked. "Nah girl, they gotta see how she act, see if she potty trained, how well she speaks. You would've thought they was interviewing her for a position or something." we both laughed. That's new information to me. I guess its good that I make note of everything now opposed to being completely lost in the next couple months. Odell and I have talked about daycare and everything. He prefers that I'm home with the baby all the time, which I'm not opposed to doing. But communicating with other kids and interacting with people besides mom and dad is beneficial. I'm sure we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

"But yea, we can swing by. You know she misses you so much. She misses your apartment too."

"Sometimes I do too. I think I'm going to turn one of my guest rooms into a little cave that reminds me of my old apartment."

"Not before you finish my baby's nursey." I heard him slickly mumble under his breath.

I rolled my eyes then grabbed the first jar of salsa I saw on the shelf and put it in the cart. "That would be cute," she replied "We should go out ? Maybe I'll swing by in the morning, we can go shopping for my nephew, and then get lunch?" I let out a sigh of relief. "Yes...please." that sounded like shear heaven. With all the stress I've been dealing with, a day out with Crystal and Jordyn is exactly what I needed.

"Good, I'm so excited. We about to turn it in for the night. We'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, goodnight! Bye Jordynn!"

"Bye bye!" I heard her yell before the phone call ended.

I slid the phone in my pocket. "You got plan tomorrow?" Odell asked then grabbed my waist.

"Yea, we're gonna do some shopping then get lunch."

He smiled then pecked my forehead. "Good, I want you to get out the house."

"Oh, so now it's I want you to get out the house? But every other second of the day you wanna play top flight security?" he chuckled then shook his head. "Shut up. I wanna keep you safe. But I know Crystal is crazy, so I guess I ain't got too much to worry about if yall gon' out."

"What you gonna do tomorrow?"

"I'm not sure yet. Visit ma, probably. I keep saying I need to go over there, but never do."

"Okay, so I'll go out with my girls. You go see your mom. Then after we watch movies and get ice cream?"

Odell looked down at me with a smirk. He slowly nodded then pecked my lips.
Guys, my life is so crazy and I keep leaving for really long periods at a time. It's time I finish this story just to get it done and over with. Ya'll really deserve it!

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