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Sunday came and passed just as every other day went. Of course Norman and I got into a little on the field, but all that didn't matter. We had lost our game. The season was over for me so all I had left on my mind was Alana, Junior, and this court case. It sucked to know that football wasn't going to be a distraction through this shit, but I guess I have to face the problem head on versus letting something else take my mind off it.

I walked out the stadium to see both my mom and Alana waiting for me. I shrugged as I approached and gave them both an arm to hold. They both guided me over to my car. "I'm gonna head home son. You did amazing out there. I'm still so proud of you." Mom kissed my cheek then started walking to the other side of the parking lot.

I shifted my focus on Alana. She was wearing my jersey and her face looked defeated. I knew she was upset because I was upset, but I didn't want her to worry too much.

"I'm sorry." I heard her mumble.

"Don't be."

"But we lost-"

"I don't care about football right now. We have two hours left before they make us wait until tomorrow to see Jr." I saw faint smile appear on her face as she turned to get in the car.


We both walked down the hall and went to the front desk where we normally greeted Jr.'s nurse. But something was different when we saw her. Once she saw both of us, her face lit up and she motioned for us to come to her.

"Mr. Beckham!" she exclaimed, "How have you two been?"

Confused, I shrugged them rested my arm on the desk. "Fine, I guess." I had lost my game so I know she wasn't happy about a Super Bowl qualification. "How's my baby?" Alana spoke up. She turned that happy expression over to Lana then started nodded vigorously. "We were actually about to give you two a call. Follow me."

She started walking past the room he was normally in and farther down the hall. I had never been over in this area she was leading us. Then she stopped right in front of a window that gave us clear view of other babies in a room. "Look!" she cheered then pointed in the glass. I didn't look just yet, I watched Alana first because I was still a little confused as to what we were supposed to be doing instead of going to visit our son. Alana stared and I immediately saw a smile stretch on her mouth. "Oh my gosh..."

Growing curious, I turned and looked inside. Then I noticed it. Junior was dead smack in the middle of the room around some other babies in cribs. "Wait...that's my baby?" I double checked with the nurse. She nodded at me.

It was a complete shift. He had been wiggling his little baby and raising his little arms. His mouth kept opening and closing like he was ready to speak. I laughed a little then put my hand on the window. "He's moving so much. No IV?" Alana looked over at the nurse.

"Yes ma'am, he's been making noise and tryna grab at the nurses all day. We spoke to the doctor earlier and he let us know that he'd like to try another night here before letting you guys take him home."

"Wait...so we can take him home tomorrow?" I had to make sure I heard her right. She looked back at Jr. and nodded.

"Would it be okay if I held him before tomorrow though? I still haven't gotten the chance and he looks like he's doing well." I saw Alana about to cry so I started rubbing her back. The nurse walked around the corner and in a couple moments we saw her walk inside the room. She put gloves on then began to wheel Jr.'s crib outside of the room. I could feel Alana started to breathe heavier. "Calm down, it's alright." I chuckled then pecked her forehead.

The nurse appeared not too much later with Jr in his crib, not enclosed, but open and giving him plenty of space to reach his arms as long as he could. "Follow me in here."

We did as she said then followed her into a room across the hall. She stopped the crib by the empty hospital bed then pointed at the sink. "Just wash your hands real quick then we can start." I let Alana go first then waited until my turn. After we were both done she walked over to the baby.

The nurse picked him up first then got ready to hand him off to Lana. "You ready?" I watched her shake her head and position herself to take him.

The nurse put the baby in her arms and she slowly rocked him. "Hi honey." she spoke softly.

Alana Cardenas

"Hi honey." I tried to whisper so I wouldn't frighten or alarm him. His skin was so soft. I took my thumb and caressed his cheek. All I could see in him was Odell. He said we were split but now that I'm holding him I can see only his father.

Although Odell lost his game, this had to be an amazing day for us. I'm taking my baby home tomorrow and tonight I finally get to hold after weeks of him being hooked up to machines and having other people feed him. "He's so soft." I whispered to Odell. I felt him grab my waist from behind and pull out bodies close to each other. He reached over us then started to rub Jr.'s bald head. "Amazing, right?" I nodded then felt him kiss my cheek. "You ready to come home?" he asked in a baby voice.

Junior cooed a little then started to grasp at my hand. I gave him a finger and let him tug on it. "You're so precious."

"We gotta start opening some of the toys. And we have to finish putting his clothes away in the closet." I heard Odell speak out loud behind me. "What time do we pick him up tomorrow?" he asked the nurse.

"We want the doctor to approve him first so sometime after one in the afternoon he should be cleared for picked up."

"So then if we get up early enough then we can make the courthouse."

I shot around and looked at him. "What?" I questioned.

"The courthouse."

"No, I heard you. You still wanna do that?"

He scrunched his face at me then nodded. It was like he was offended that I was asking that. "Yea...of course. Do you not?"

I was about to open my mouth, but then I turned to the nurse. I didn't say much but she understood that right now we needed the room. I waited until she fully exited the room to go over this again with him. "Okay, sorry. You still wanna get married like this?"

He nodded again. "Of course, why wouldn't I?"

I adjusted Jr. in my arms before responded to him. "Four days ago we were yelling about not wanting to do that." I let out a small chuckle.

Truth be told. I didn't mean what I said to him. I wanted to get married and be a family, but that argument was intense. Really intense. And since we figured everything out I did feel better. But I just thought we were still in a recovery period. Or at least in some type of phase where we weren't fully available for each other just yet.

"I told you I didn't mean that shit, Lana. I want my family. I want to make you my wife before he comes home."

Odell pushed some of my hair out of my face then kissed my forehead. I smiled down at Jr. as his little eyes stayed open to watch us. I was happy he could see the both of us express affection towards each other versus the opposite, something we were also really used to as well.


I looked in his eyes for a little then just thought about what to say next. I can't understand how we literally go from being so in love to hating each other then back into wanting to spend the rest of our lives together. Our relationship was a rollercoaster.

But that's part of the reason why I stayed so long. I would be stupid to give that up now or put it off anymore than I already have.

"Okay Dell."

Prove It  [Odell Beckham Jr. love Story] (First Sight Pt. II)Where stories live. Discover now