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Alana Cardenas

"Goddamn! Is he dead?" Aaron asked as the eight of us sat in the living room watching the game. As much I wanted to laugh, seeing Jarvis tackle Odell like that put a knot in my chest. "Call ya man Lana," Mike said without being able to control his laughter. "Get him some help." I rolled my eyes and just watched as Victor and Sterling tried their best to help him off the ground. He looked really hurt. Jarvis did a job on him.

And it was a job done out of pure revenge. The Giants already won the game so there was no need to come at him like that. But I get it. Odell has burned a ton of bridges in his past so he shouldn't be surprised that someone would want to put there hands on him. It kinda felt good to see something like this happen though. It seems like whenever he hurts people nothing ever comes around to bite him in the ass afterwards. He'll apologize and try his best to forget about it. Even if the person he hurt still has issues dealing with it. He expects people to just forgive him without second thought and if that's not the case then he'll just try his best to forget about you. I hate that about him.

"You good Lana?" Sean asked. I nodded. "Yea, I'm fine."

"Don't ask her if she good, ask her if Odell good." Mike joked. I rolled my eyes.

My brother have no idea about the drama between Odell and I. I made Crystal and Jonah keep it a secret so they're the only people that know, with the exception of Jordyn. But that only because she's always around whenever I she talk to her mommy about it. My dad doesn't even know that we broke up, but I think he can sense something is wrong considering that I haven't really had much to say since I got here. He's been sitting in his reclining chair the entire time just looking at me.

"What's up with your boy? I thought him and Jarvis was cool." said Aaron.

When I say they really don't know the half of it..I mean it. There is so much I haven't told them because I just haven't really been completely comfortable with sharing it with them. I will admit that my brothers have calmed down since I left for Europe last year. That was really the only time I've spent away from them and I think they really get the point that I am a grown woman. So me not telling them about my relationship issues isn't out of fear of what they might do. But out of me just wanting to keep my business to myself. It felt nice to be treated like an adult for once. But that doesn't mean they don't check in on me every once in awhile.

"Lana, meet me in the kitchen for a second," said my dad. "I need to talk to you."

I nodded then the both of us left everyone in the living room. Once we got there my dad just kind of examined me before speaking. It made me feel a little awkward and made me question what his motives for separating us from the others. "Are you okay?" I asked in an uneasy tone. He shrugged. "Yea, I'm fine," he replied. "Are you okay?" I immediately knew what he was thinking of. I rolled my eyes then sighed. "What's wrong? I saw how you were looking in there." I didn't speak. I didn't really want to talk about it, but knowing my dad, he'll badger me about it until I tell him. "It's just somethings at work." I tried my best at keeping the situation about Odell and I under wraps. My dad sighed then leaned against the counter. "Okay, now what's really the issue?"

Like I said before, really no use in not telling him. "Okay, we kind of broke things off." he unfolded his arms then looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh really?" he asked in a surprised tone. "Yea daddy, I'm just really tired of the disrespect." my dad nodded slowly.

"Well I'm happy you stuck up for yourself. If he doesn't treat you the way you deserve then let him go. You'll eventually find someone who does."

"Right," I agreed softly.

My dad's response was one that I expected, but it really wasn't one that I wanted. I hated lying to myself. I missed Odell more than anything, but its so hard to trust someone when they keep putting you through the same things. I really thought I was starting to get over the whole Tasha thing, but now this girl Sasha is going to be just as big as an issue. And she shouldn't even be the one I'm worried about. I should be thinking about him and what he'd do behind my back, but he's proven time after time that he can't be trusted. I know in my brain I should just let it go. In my brain I should just forget about him and listen to what Crystal and Jonah have been telling since the break up. But in my heart I just want him back. And I've been practically hoping that someone would just tell me to go for it and give him another chance. I wanted to fight for us. But then again, why should I fight if he doesn't. It may seem like he's been fighting after the thousands of calls and text messages, but that's only because he knows that I'm over the bullshit. I'm done with the lying and the constant disrespect with other females. I want a relationship where I can trust my partner. Not one where I endlessly think about what they're doing, who they're doing it with, and if it's damaging to our relationship.

"Alana...you okay?" asked my dad with a worried look on his face.

I nodded then slowly felt myself getting worked up on the inside. My dad noticed what was about to happen next and wiped my eyes before I even realized I was crying. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. "Break ups are tough, I know. But you're too damn beautiful to let it hurt you this much."

I nodded then silently let tear after tear fall from my face to my dad's shirt. It didn't help that Odell was the first guy I've ever been in love with before. So this wasn't just a broken heart. It was so much more to me.

"Hey Lana, you should-...hold up, you good?" Aaron walked into the kitchen with me and my dad. He came up from behind me and rubbed my back. I nodded as my dad let me go and basically passed me on to Aaron. He pulled me into a tight hug. "What's the matter?" my older brother asked with concern in his voice. I wiped my eyes quickly. "Nothing, I'm good now."

"You sure?"

"Yea," I replied quickly.


"Yea," I chuckled slightly, giving off I was doing perfectly fine. That's something I really love about my brothers. Even though technically we aren't siblings, and they all know that, they haven't yet looked to me as anything less than their baby sister.

"What did you need?"

"I was just going to tell you might want to call your boy, he's a little banged up."

I walked into the living room with my dad and Aaron following me. The TV screen showed the visual of Odell being carried off the field on a gurney by paramedics. I sighed heavily at the sight. I didn't really know what to do next.
Should Alana go and talk to Odell? Or keep her distance like she's been doing?🤔🤔

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