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"It's not the end of the world, come here."

I grabbed Odell's cheek then pecked his forehead. He was pouting in the drivers seat of the car, pissed off that him and I weren't able to get married today. I guess I wasn't too upset because it wasn't like we would never be able to get married. There's just more steps than showing up to the courthouse to get the process started. But he's impulsive and gets excited whenever he has an idea.

"I know. I'm just disappointed."

"Why ? We're gonna get married. I promise."

"I know. But I wanted to do it before Jr came home. I shouldn't had procrastinated-"

"It's okay. Let's just be happy he's coming home-"

And just like clockwork, my purse began to vibrate. I reached down in my bag and pulled my phone out. The caller ID read unknown, but I had familiarized myself with the hospitals number since I had left there. Quickly, I answered.


"Hi, Ms. Cardenas?"

"Yes? This is she."

"This is Gina from the nursery. We wanted to let you know that Odell was cleared by Dr. Hill. We can process the discharge today."

I smiled then nodded, as if she could see me. "That's great, we'll be there in twenty."

I hung the phone up then tossed my phone back in the bag. Odell looked at me with wide eyes. I blushed a little then grabbed his arm. "We can go and get our baby." I whispered, excitedly. The little frown he had on his lips slowly stretched into a small smile.

Odell Beckham Jr.

I opened the door for them and watched as Lana carried Junior inside the house for the first time. I held his car seat in one hand then shut the door behind us in the other. "Okay baby, this is your house. I'm gonna show you your living room, and your kitchen, and your bedroom. And we're gonna show you mommy and daddy's bedroom-"

"Grandma's coming later baby boy."

I dropped the car seat by the door then walked over to them. Junior looked up at us while Alana held him close to her chest. His expression was blank and his little hands kept opening and closing. I chuckled then gave him my finger to grab. Lana took her finger and rubbed her cheek. "I love you, handsome." she spoke to him.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and move his crib into our room." I informed his while trying to release my finger from his grip.

"Okay," she nodded. "We'll be over there."

She pointed to the couch then started walking over to it.

I hurried up the stairs then went straight for the nursery. I darted over to the crib then started wheeling it away from the wall and out the door. I stopped once my phone started to buzz in my back pocket. Thinking mom was here, I quickly dug it out of my pants. It was the lawyer. Part of me was anxious. I wasn't sure what he had to say. The last time we spoke, he told us that we'd both have to deal with the court shit. I knew it was important to listen to what he had to say, but that didn't mean I had to like it. I answered the phone and sighed shortly after. "Hello?"

"Mr. Beckham? This is attorney Sylvester. Did you have a moment? Preferably in private?"

Confused, I wasn't quick to respond. Did he mean private like...away from Alana?

"Uh yea, I'm alone now. Wassup?"

"So, I had a very interesting conversation with the defense concerning Ms. White and her prior plea. I've never had a case where a defendant has ever, actually, requested something like this— and I've actually taken it seriously. But I've been made aware that this may be something to consider."

I let go of the crib then walked over to the rocking chair to have a seat. "I'm listening."

"Ms. White has requested that she meet with you in exchange for a pullback on her not guilty plea. Again, I've never been one to exchange a witness' comfortably for the demands of a defendant, however, I know you and Ms. Cardenas are skeptical about the process of going to trial-"

"She say what she wants to talk about? I don't have shit to say to her."

"I'm sure her attorney knows, but they wouldn't share that information with me even if they wanted to. I completely understand why you wouldn't want to speak with Ms. White. I just thought I'd bring this to your attention."

"Well what do you think I should do? Is there a way to guarantee that she'll change her plea? I don't wanna meet with her for nothing. If I do this, I'll need to make sure this is the last time."

I heard a sigh on the other end. Usually I could come up with a decision for things like this, but right now I was lost. I wasn't sure if I should take this to trial and refuse her the satisfaction or if I should end things quick. The faster this shit would be done and over with, the faster I could move on with Lana and Junior. I want to be normal. I want peace and to be boring, in this quiet neighborhood again, with my kid and soon to be wife. But I also don't want to give into any demands she thinks she's capable of holding over my head. I don't want her to feel like she's winning.

"The decision is totally up to you Mr. Beckham. I'm more than confident that I'd secure a guilty verdict in the event we do go to trial with Ms. White, however, I'm aware you and Ms. Cardenas are not eager about taking this matter to court."

"I mean, I'll talk to Alana about it-"

"Ms. White has requested that this matter only be something between the two of you."

I chuckled out of disbelief then rolled my eyes. Of course it could never be that simple.

"So let me get this straight. She stalks me, my family, and hurts my baby. She presses false charges on me and gets me suspended for over a week. She kidnaps my fiancé and kills her brother. Yet, she still can get away with tryna do shit like this? This should be proof enough thats she's everything I'm saying she is. Alana and I shouldn't even need to testify."

"You're not incorrect in that assumption Mr. Beckham. I, wholeheartedly, understand where you're coming from. I can call her attorney and let them know you're uncomfortable with any meetings with their client. Just informing you, that when this does go to trial I will have to still prep you and Ms. Cardenas for court...."

Would I be doing the right thing by not engaging any further with her ? Or was I being selfish ? Would a conversation be the end to all my problems ?  What kind of man would I be if I let my girl get on stand and re-live the night we almost lost our child in front of an audience ? This was so fucked up..

"Man...when she wanna meet?"

Should Odell meet with Sasha? Or is he making the wrong decision by giving into what she wants?

Prove It  [Odell Beckham Jr. love Story] (First Sight Pt. II)Where stories live. Discover now