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I walked in the house and tossed my duffel bag on the ground by the door. I heard the tv on from the living room, so I went to go check it out. When I finally reached, I saw Alana sleeping on the couch. She was watching a movie before she dosed off I'm assuming. I walked over to her and put my arms around her body. She woke up then sat straight in the air. "How was it?" She asked while yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"It was..nice."

It was better than nice. It was amazing. I finally got to hold my child and feel him outside of glass. I got to be a real dad for once. He stared at me as we breathed the same air, not separate. I got to touch his little hand and caress his cheek. It was indescribable.

"Thats good baby."

I nodded then pecked her on the forehead. "I never really noticed how perfectly split he is until today." I thought out loud. "He looks like all his features were carefully picked." she smiled then rested her head on my shoulder. "You think so?" I nodded then bit down on my lip. "Yea...he's perfect." I felt her tug on my arm which made me completely face her. "I don't think I've ever been happier than tonight versus a day in my life."

"I miss him."

Missing him was an understatement too.

"Same. You know I miss you too, right?"

Alana always looks so beautiful. Pretty much irresistible. I planted a kiss in her shoulder and listened to her giggle. Her hands rubbed the back of my neck and head as the same kisses I had planted before landed on different spots of her chest. "Stop it, Im still a little sore." she said, blushing.  I slowly pulled my lips off her then nodded.

"Okay, you ready for bed?"


I got off the couch first then reached my hand out for her to grab. She did, so I helped her up and led her to the stairs. We walked down the hall and headed towards our bedroom. When I saw the bed, I could've collapsed right then and there.

Alana Cardenas

Odell had left for practice early this morning and now I was sitting in the hospital waiting for Ms. Heather to get here. She came by the house yesterday and we visited Junior for a couple hours. She had some errands to run so she said she'd come by the hospital a little later. I had been sitting here with him for about an hour now and thinking about what Odell said last night. He was right. Junior does look like the perfect blend of us. Sitting here watch his little chest move up and down only makes me want to hold him more, just so that it could finally feel real for once.

"Knock knock." a familiar voice called out from the doorframe.

I looked up to see Ms. Heather standing there, but was shocked to see a couple visitors to her left and right. I smiled at the sight of Rita and Jarvis enter the room.

I got out of my seat and walked over to give them a hug. I hadn't spoken to Rita for a really long time so it was nice to see her stop by and see her nephew...grandson...my internal thoughts wouldn't even know how to classify this situation. And it's always nice to see Jarvis. He brings such good energy in the room whenever he's around.

"What's up Lana?" he spoke then handed me some blue balloons. I grabbed them then shrugged.

There was so much going on at the moment that it just didn't feel right reiterating everything wrong with my life. I felt a hand brush against my hair as Aunt Rita pulled my head to her shoulder. "Ny love? Are you okay? How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay. I'm trying to be at least. I can't believe you both flew out here and didn't tell me."

"I wanted to surprise you." she replied.

"Yea, same." Jarvis spoke. "I had talked to O, he told me about it but I wanted to give y'all some space before coming to check on y'all and the baby. Speaking of..."

I could tell he was thinking about Junior so I stepped out of their way so they could see him. I watched them both step up to his crib and put their hands against it. "Wow." I heard Aunt Rita speak. "He's gorgeous." I smiled a little. He was really cute.

"He looks just like O, man." Jarvis let out a small chuckle.

I giggled a little too, but then stopped once my phone started ringing in my pocket. I grabbed it and noticed that the number calling me was unknown. I remember the last time an unknown number called Odell and I, she was going on and on about how I was messing her life and imaginary relationship up. I don't know what to call this. PTSD? Just trauma? I know im shaking right now and don't really know what's going to happen if I pick this phone up. Then I felt a hand on my back, which made me jump.

"You okay sweetie?" Ms. Heather stood next to me, staring at the phone in my hand.

"Ugh...yea. I'm okay.."

"You want me to get it?" she asked then put her hand out.

I wanted so bad to say yes, but I also can't live with the idea of being scared to answer my own phone. I didn't want Sasha to have that type of power over me. I shook my head then pressed the phone against my ear. "Hello?" I spoke first.

"Hello. Am I speaking to Ms. Alana Cardenas?" the voice asked.

I let out a deep sigh of relief now that I know it wasn't Sasha somehow getting in contact with me from which ever feel she was in. "Yes this is her."

"How are you today Ms. Cardenas? My name is Ron Sylvester, I'm the prosecutor on the case from the state against Sasha White. Did you have a minute to talk?"

I looked up and around the room to see all concerned faces staring at me. I sighed then headed for the hallway. "Yes, I have minute."

"Good. I tried getting in contact with Mr. Beckham, but I'm not having very much luck-"

"Yea, he's at practice right now."

"Okay. I wanted to inform you about tomorrow morning. At nine a.m White will have her arraignment which will be her first appearance before the courts. I've talked to the defense and we're expecting a guilty plea. I thought both you and Mr. Beckham would have liked to be there."

It had been over two weeks since we've seen Sasha or had any reminder of that night besides our son. Now she's going to be in my sight again if I decide to go tomorrow morning.

"Is it necessary? Like if we don't show up will that mean that she'll be able to...to umm...to-"

"Get out? The arraignment process is strictly set for the defendant to understand what charges are being brought against them, for the judge to or not to set a bail, and for the defendant to enter their plea. Your absence or appearance will have little bearing on tomorrow's proceedings, however, typically victims do like to be in the loop when it comes to steps before the trial. It's not mandatory."

"....okay, umm. I have to talk to my fiancé about this. Can we give you a call back?"

"Sure, I'll have my assistant text you the detail for tomorrow."

Do you think Odell and Alana should show up to court tomorrow?

Prove It  [Odell Beckham Jr. love Story] (First Sight Pt. II)Where stories live. Discover now