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"I just want to see him get a little bigger before we give you a chance to hold him." the doctor took away the stethoscope from Junior's chest then sealed the enclosure before backing up to confront us. "I mean, how much bigger? He's been drinking all his bottles the nurses been giving him." Odell argued then sat on the bed next to me.

"Sir, he's only accumulated two pound since he's been here. That's not normal growth for a baby of his age with the meal routine I've had him on for fifteen days now."

That's made me upset. I know Junior is trying to get better for us, but he's doing it so slowly. It's not his fault. I just want to be able to put him in my arms and make sure he knows what I feel like. "Can you up his meals? Get him growing a little faster?"

"The result of the recommendations I've made for you sons growth tells me that his body is still in shock and duress. Just increasing the dosage will hurt him. We can't force him to grow at a rate faster than what he's allowing. Time will tell when he's ready for us to make the next steps, okay? I just need you guys to be patient and trust that he's in the best possible care."

"I'm trusting you," Odell replied. "I just don't understand what else we have to do? He's been breathing without the machine and he's still growing. I just wanna hold me son, it's been two weeks."

I grabbed Odell's arm then shook my head . "Baby don't argue, we have to be a patient."

"I know, I'm just saying-"

"Please, we have to listen to what he's saying. I wanna hold him too."

He sighed then looked down at the floor. I rubbed his back then nodded at the doctor. He gave me a faint smile then walked out the room.

We were on day 15 and that meant I had overstayed my welcome here at the hospital. It was time for me to go, which meant leaving Junior here with the doctors and nurses all by himself. I wouldn't be there to watch him lay still with his eyes closed throughout the night or touch his enclosure whenever he did find the strength to open them. I would get out of bed whenever I'd notice his eye open after he'd wake up in the middle of the night and just talk to him. I wanted him to hear my voice and understand the love that I felt for him through words considering I couldn't touch or hold him.

"So that's it, huh? We just leave our baby here? We can't even sit here with him all day. Just visiting hours."

"Dellie, he's okay. Just relax and think the best."

"I can't think the best when my baby is going to be here without at least one of us to watch after him."

"He's safe and getting the help he needs. I need you to relax so that I don't go crazy at home thinking about him."

"But babe, I can't go to practice with him on my mind like this."

"Then stay home."

He let out an aggressive sigh then stood up. I grabbed his hand. I know he didn't like that suggestion. But for the last couple days his coaches had invited him to come back in the field and practice with them. They only have one more game before they know if they're contending for the Super Bowl. He's always dreamed of this. After the year we've had, he deserves it. He can't play with that type of stress though and I understand. I'm trying to be strong for all of us but this is a different type of trouble we're in.

"What about you?" he questioned. "How am I supposed to leave you home when all this shit happened not too long ago?"

"Your mom is gonna spend time with me, you know that."

"...you know I'm just nervous about tomorrow, right?"

I nodded. I knew it was just nerves. I had them too. That's why I wanted to be as understanding as I could be. "I love you." I gave him a peck on the cheek and watched as a smile grew against his lips.

"I love you too Alana. You ready?"

Odell Beckham Jr.

I walked into the locker room with my duffel bag over my shoulder. The first locker I passed was Milo's. There were pictures glued against it along with letters and flowers. I stopped and stared at it for a minute.

Although Milo and I didn't get along, I wouldn't have wished for him to go out the way he did. And to had watched it happen...that messes with me. There was something seriously demented within his sister. Demented enough to take out her own flesh and blood. I'm trying my hardest not to take responsibility for his death just as I'm doing for my son's injuries. It's just hard knowing that Sasha created all this chaos thinking it was going to lead to me. I think that's the part I have the most trouble with. Did I lead her on? I thought I was clear, but was it already too late? Had the kiss been enough to make her mind up about what was supposed to happen between us? She's crazy. I keep trying to tell myself that, but it's harder to just accept that as the answer than to blame myself. Alana, my mom, my dad, her dad, everyone..they're all telling me this isn't my fault, but...it just doesn't seem right to not take accountability.

"Hey man," I snapped out of my thoughts as Vic approached me. He extended his hand and I greeted him with mine. "How you feeling?"

I just nodded then headed over to my locker. I hadn't touched it so long. Everything was just like how I left it. Nothing was out of place. I tossed my bag inside then turned around to head for the field. I only got a short glimpse of everyone around me, but I could easily tell people were curious about me. I could tell it in their eyes, and how they were focused on anything I was doing.

Before I could start walking Eli approached and stood in front of me. "How you feeling?" I looked up at him and shrugged.

"I'm cool," I replied dryly.

"You sure? Because if you're not ready to deal with this I get it. This isn't a normal situation that you're in."

I already knew that. I already knew that what was going on wasn't something that normal couples go through. Something normal parents go through. Something that normal people go through. My entire life has been nothing short of abnormal. My relationships especially proved that.

"I'm fine, ready to get back in it."

Did you guys think Odell was ready to start practicing? Or is he pushing himself a little too much?

Prove It  [Odell Beckham Jr. love Story] (First Sight Pt. II)Where stories live. Discover now