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We were driving back to the hotel after Jarvis explained to us his grand scheme. Odell was pissed, and if the way he was clutching the steering wheel didn't give it away, then the way he was grinding his teeth sure did. "Baby.." I spoke softly, but loud enough for him to hear me. He quickly glanced at me then back at the road. I sighed then rest my hand on his thigh. "Please.." again, I spoke. This time he held the glance on me a little while longer.

"He had good intentions Dellie."

Jarvis actually had great intentions. Amazing, in fact. His entire idea of using charity football events and games to tie together money in research of cures for illnesses wasn't only pretty savior-like, but also just a great investment all around. The way he explained it, was like starting his own NFL, but one where the profit goes directly to research. Of course, it was a huge responsibility, but amazing concept nonetheless.

Sharply, Odell swerved into the resorts parking lot. He turned into a spot and stopped the car abruptly. "It doesn't matter what he wanted to do, it's the fact that he did what he did and just dragged me into the shit." Odell got out the car and slammed the door behind him. I followed.

"Calm down," I pleaded, basically chasing him. "I understand, but-"

"But nothing Lana, I'm not doing that. Neither are you." he stopped right in front of me and shrugged his shoulders. "We have too much going on. This baby, the house. We don't have time to be making trips back and forth to Miami." I sighed then followed him again to the inside lobby. We walked over to the elevator, where we were immediately granted access to the machine. The both of us stepped inside and he quickly hit button 20. The doors closed leaving us by ourselves. I watched him as he simply watched the indicator tell us which floors we were passing. The tension began to make me sensitive. I slowly approach him and wrapped my arms around his waist as my head pressed against his chest. With his arms still folded, he continued his attention on the floor indicator. "What if I told you that I was okay with putting certain things on a hold so that you could possibly consider-" he let out a chuckle while shaking his head.

"What is there for you to pause, Alana? You're gonna hold the baby in for another nine months? You gon call the realtor and tell her that we don't want the house until next year? What about the season, Lana? How the hell am I gonna start my own league if I'm in a contract?"

I sighed. "Well, I think the purpose would be for you to finish your contract then....not sign again." That clearly irritated him as he gently removed me from his waist and turned his entire front to face the elevator door. I pushed my hair behind my ear then tried grabbing his arm. "Can you look at me please?" he shook his head and looked down at his feet. "I'm not upset with you Alana, I'm just stressed out. I'm not tryna argue. I just wanna get in the room. Go to sleep. Deal with tomorrow. Then catch our flight back home."

"I know you're not upset with me, I'm just tryna get you to underst-" the elevator doors slowly pulling apart interrupted me, communicating to us that we reached our floor. I paced behind him as he walked down the hall to our room. Quickly, he used the card to swipe for our entrance. We walked in the room and I watched as he sat on the edge of the bed. He kicked his shoes off one at a time, let out a sigh, then grabbed the menu on the nightstand. I unhooked my sandals then sat down next to him. His eyes were locked on the menu. I rubbed his shoulders then began to gently leave a trail of kisses from his neck to his upper arm. He remained completely un-phased by me as he tossed the menu back on the nightstand and reached for the phone instead. "Yea, room service?" he spoke into the phone.

"Yea, we need two filet mignons. One with baked potato and brussel sprouts. The other with baked potato and-" he looked at me. "Brussel sprouts or asparagus?"

I returned the favor of ignoring him and just sat on the bed with my arms crossed. After having a long 20 second stare off, he turned back to the phone. "Asparagus." he replied. I let out a sigh then rolled my eyes. That's not what I wanted. "No wine, just a pitcher of ice water.....Yea..well done."

"I don't eat my steak well done." I tried whispering to him.

"Anything under-cooked than that isn't good for the baby." he quickly snapped. "No, that's all....no...30 minuets? Thank you." he hung the phone up then walked into the bathroom. I attempted to follow, but he shut the door abruptly behind him.

"For someone who isn't upset with me...you have a really funny way of reassuring me that." I heard a loud thud come from the other side of the door. "Alana I have to piss. Leave me alone."

"You don't need to pee, Odell. You need to have a conversation about this."

"I already told you, ain't nothing to converse on! It's way too many things we have to deal with before I can even consider doing something this extreme."

"Odell, come out of the bathroom so we can talk."

He didn't respond. There was silence in the air until he began to run the sink water. Out of no where, he opened the door and climbed on the bed. I sat  next to his laid out body and watched as he dramatically covered his face with a pillow. Due to my lack of knowledge on what actually to say next, I just began to massage his stomach. "I'm not in the mood for this." he mumbled through the pillow. I giggled a little then laid down next to me. I placed my head on his chest and waited for him to succumb to me. Just like I expected, only a moment passed before he tossed the pillow and wrapped me in his arms. "Babe, we don't have the time for this." he let out, exhaustively.

"I know. I agree with you O. I think this would be a lot on your plate. All I'm saying is, that just as much work this would be, this would also but an incredible investment. Think about it, baby. This is beyond you playing football. This is you owning everything that you work under now. This isn't signing a contract this would be you setting yourself up for life. Setting our baby up for life..." he sat up then gave me the side eye. "What did I just say, Alana?"

"I know..and if you wanna turn it down I'm also all for that too."

"I wanna turn it down Lana, but how? After everything I put Jarvis through? I'm not gonna sit here and act like I don't see the potential in this because I do! I just can't deal with this right now. I wanna focus on the things I've been mentally preparing for. And that's us. I love Juice and after everything that happened, he's counting on me to prove to him that I can have his back, but I just can't do this right now baby!"

"Like I said, I support you either way. But I can't be the one that tell Jarvis. You're the only one that can do that."
Do you think Odell is passing up a once in a lifetime opportunity?  Or is he justified in wanting to singularly focus on Alana and the baby?

Prove It  [Odell Beckham Jr. love Story] (First Sight Pt. II)Where stories live. Discover now