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Alana was in bed, relaxing. She was weak and tired and I didn't blame her. She only had one machine connected to her, which was a giant improvement from when I first walked in on her. My son, however, he wasn't in good shape.

I got out of my seat and walked over to him. I couldn't touch him. And I wanted so much just to hold him in my arms. They had my baby in a glass box, breathing off a machine. I watched his little chest rise and fall which brought tears to my eyes. It almost looked painful to see him breathe. And somehow he was still going. He was strong and I love him so bad.

I heard a knock on the door and turned my head to see my mom and Alana's dad walk in the room. I didn't greet them, just went straight back to my kid. My mom grabbed my side and pulled me close.

"That's him?" I slowly nodded.

I saw my mom start crying at the sight. Lana's dad went over to her and grabbed her hand. How could I not feel responsible for all the hurt in the room?

"Baby, he's beautiful."

"I know mama."

"You did name him after you, right?"

"Yea, this is Junior."

"Did they tell you when she was supposed to wake up?" Mr. Cardenas turned his head at both of us. I nodded. "Yea.. twenty minutes ago. She's tired though."

He looked back at her. I knew he was disappointed in me. Everyone out there was disappointed in me and all the choices I had made. "How long before you guys can hold him and everything?"

"If he starts breathing without the machine, then maybe. Doctor doesn't think he's doing well though. Not enough brain activity." I heard her let out a sigh. She went to go take a seat and cry away from his enclosure. I turned to my side and saw the rest of the crowd join us. Her brothers and Crystal trailed in one after another, all while trying to get a glance at my son. "That's him?" Aaron asked. I nodded. "Yea, that's him."

"Oh my God." Mike sighed then shook his head.

"This wasn't supposed to be like this." Crystal just stood in the corner with her arms folded over her chest.

I agreed with her. It was now about 4 in the morning. Alana and I were supposed to be sleep in our bed right now. I was supposed to be dreaming about later today. Us at the courthouse, exchanging vowels and signing our papers. I thought I at least had another month or so to complete the nursery. I don't even know if I'm taking my son home in a month. I was supposed to be the first one to hold my baby. Instead, I looked at him for three seconds before they put him in a clear box. Everyone was supposed to get a chance to hold him, but I was supposed to be first.

I thought I did everything I had to do to ensure this moment would be the happiest of my life. It's not. It's not even close. I want to do it over. I want to go back in time and change everything. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. Alana shouldn't have to deal with this. She shouldn't have had to deal with anything I put her through. She deserved a normal birth. A normal wedding. Everything. I get involved, and fuck everything up.

"Is she waking up?" asked Aaron

Alana Cardenas

I opened my eyes and saw everyone in the room. I looked up first and saw my dad standing over me. I smiled. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see him. "Hey daddy."

"Hey sweetie. How you feeling?"

"I'm hurting...I'm okay though." I took a deep breath and sat up. I scanned the room and noticed Crystal in the corner. I gave her a faint smile and she gave me one back. She stepped over to me then gave me a hug. "I talked to Jonah," she said before pulling away. "He's coming now." I nodded. "Good, I miss him."

"You okay my love?" Ms. Heather walked over to me and wrapped me in her arms. I smiled then hugged her back. "Yea, I'm okay! Did you see him?" she nodded then the both of us looked over at him. Odell was standing over my baby and staring at me with a blank look on his face. I wanted to hold him so bad. "Can you bring him over Delli?" I watched him sigh. "No..." I was stunned with his reply. So stunned I let out a little laugh. "What do you mean no?" then I started looking around him. I hadn't even noticed the machines or anything around him before. "Oh no." I swung my legs off the bed in an attempt to try and get to him. Everyone one jerked towards me, trying to get me to lay back down, including Odell. "No Lana, lay down." he demanded, but I kept shoving him out of my way.

"No, let me see him Odell."

"You can't baby, not like this."

"Yes I can, move!" he grabbed both of my wrist then stared at me straight in both eyes.

"Alana, lay back down." I shook my head.

"Move!" then pushed him out of my way.

I limped over to Junior and got close enough to see a tube in his mouth and IV's running through both his arms. He was laying down and trying his hardest to breathe and looked like it was enough to kill him alone.

I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist from behind and Odell's chest press against my back. "Lay back down baby, please." I shook my head and stood there, in complete shock.

She did this to my baby.
Short Chapter...how you feel about this one? What do you think Alana and Odell's next move should be?

Prove It  [Odell Beckham Jr. love Story] (First Sight Pt. II)Where stories live. Discover now