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"You look so cute pregnant! I wanna be pregnant again!" Crystal whined as I pushed Jordyn in her stroller. We had been in about three stores so far, it was time to eat now. And I was starving. "You think I look cute? I feel gross, like every second of the day." she laughed. "Well yea, the look is cute but I guess I don't really wanna do that shit again."

I rolled my eyes then shook my head.

"What you want mama? A nice salad? Maybe a breakfast sandwich? Playa bowl?" I shot my eyes at her. "If we don't get a damn burger or some nuggets..or something! I'm going to literally implode."

"Nuggies!" Jordyn cheered from her stroller.

"You want some Donalds? Huh, baby?" Crystal asked her daughter and she nodded.

"I wanna stop walking, let's just go to a drive thru."

She nodded then we headed to the car and loaded some of these bags in the back. I opened the back door and strapped Jordyn in her car seat. "Lift your arms mamas." I told her, she listened. I made sure she was secure before running around to the passenger side. I got in and Crystal started the car. "Ugh! I'm so hungry." I blurted out, holding my stomach. I'm assuming some else agrees with that sentiment. "Alright jeez, you acting like I didn't say we should have got something to eat before the third store we went into."

I whimpered then sighed. "I know, but if we didn't get in there first then someone was going to grab that cute one piece they had in the window. I didn't wanna risk it."

Odell Beckham Jr.

"Yea, I think I'd be cool if they traded me after this season. I just know in the next couple months I gotta get my ring."

Ma and me was sitting on the back porch. Her cat was sitting on her lap. Everyone else was out for the day, it was just her and I here. "You only one person baby. So don't be too hurt if that doesn't happen just yet. I still believe in you though."

"I know you do. You think I should just show up to practice one day this week? Like just come dressed and ready to go. Just to see what they'd do?" she shook her head while chuckling slightly. "I'm not going to totally agree with that, but I know you. You'll do what you want regardless of what I say."

"That's not true, mama."

She cut her eyes at me. We both laughed. "So damn hard headed. But honestly I don't. I want you to take any time you have available and spend it with the mother of your child." I nodded. "I know, I just miss playing. I love being home with her, but that how I make money, ya know? Like it makes me...anxious or something."

"I know, but this is scary, what Alana is going through. With everything ya'll got going on. And this being her first pregnancy. I just get worried, that's all."

"I be worried about her too."

"I know you do."


"Yes baby?"

"It's my fault, right?"

She looked up at me all concerned and confused. "What's your fault ?" she asked. "Everything. Like this stuff with Sasha...everything with Jarvis-"

"I thought you and Jarvis got passed-"

"We did. But I mean it's not like how it used to be. He forgives me and everything, it's just not the same."

"You know how I feel about your situation with him. We talked and baby you were wrong. You know that. As far as this girl, though. She's crazy, no? That couldn't have possibly been your fault. If the girl had loose screws before she met you then there's not much you could've done to avoid this."

"Except let her kiss me, right?"

I watched her sigh, defeatedly. "We talked about this too. You're responsible for all your decisions and every consequence that comes with it. You owned up to your mistake, and it was a mistake. But this girl, Odell. A kiss isn't supposed to set people off like this." I nodded.

I know mom was right. I just can't help but to think of how I got Alana wrapped up in all this. I feel like I'm crossing that line between protective and overbearing sometimes. I just can't get it out of my head how potentially I could have put her and my baby in a dangerous position. I never meant to kiss Sasha. I never meant to hurt Lana. I wanted to fix things, that's all I ever wanted to do since the beginning of this. The day she took me back I knew I was going to do this differently. And I'm not blind. I know I'm not who I used to be, I can see that. But am I worse? I got a baby on the way and a stalker knowing where I stay. How did it even get to this point?

"You think this is karma, or something?"

"Odell, what are you saying?"

"You know. Like, karma. For everything that happened with Jarvis and Tasha, and Alana. And everything I put you through with...ya know."

Mom got up and sat next to me. She put her arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead. "Your addiction is never something you have to apologize or be punished for. If anything I owe you an apology." I looked up at my mom and saw her eyes were beginning to swell. I wiped underneath her cheek. "It's not your fault mama."

"You're my son. And I ignored signs when you were in college. Then when you got drafted, I choose to ignore them again because of how well your career was doing."

"But I'm grown-"

"But you're my son. And I'm your mother. And now you're giving me my first grandchild with an incredibly sweet girl and I'm so proud of you. So no. This is not karma. You're not paying for something you couldn't control. You're reaping the benefits of everything you fought for after you got clean. This stuff with Sasha...that's just life. Or at least it's life for someone of your caliber." my cheek was wet. She wiped away my tears and pulled my head to her shoulder. I needed this. To be embraced by my mother. I needed to hear exactly this. I don't wanna pay for any of the things I did. I want to move on. I want to have my baby and move on. I want to be a father, a husband, a champion, all while clean and away from groupies or stalkers. "Thank you." I whispered.

"I love you." she pecked my forehead.

"I love you too."

Only a moment had gone by before my phone started ringing. I pull it out my pocket to see Lana tryna facetime me. I wiped my face one more time and sat up before answering it. "Hello?"

"Hey baby." she spoke. I smiled.

"Hey, you home?"

"Yea, Crystal and Jordyn just dropped me off. I got some cute stuff for Junior. I wanna show you when you go here."

"Okay babe, I'm still with mom. I'll be home in a little bit though."

"No problem, take your time. Tell Ms. Heather I said hey, too."

"Hey honey!" mom shouted into the phone so I put the camera on her.

"Hey! How are you?" she asked my mom who was smiling at her through the phone. "I'm good sweetie, how are you feeling?"

"Um, for the most part good. These feet...oh my gosh." mom laughed.

"Imma take care of you when I get home baby." I interjected. I noticed her blush on the other side. "Okay, I'll talk to you later." she blew me a kiss before hanging up. I just stared at the screen for another moment before quietly letting the tears fall from my face again.

"I love her so much, ma."

"I know, baby."
What a sweet moment! You guys think Odell is facing karma for some of the things he's done in the past?

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