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We were sitting in the kitchen; Ms. Heather, Mr. Sylvester, his assistant, and I. He had asked to meet after Sasha submitted her plea to the courts, but I couldn't go to his office in the middle of the city. I needed to come home so he agreed to stop by a little later so we could talk. Of course, Ms. Heather wanted to be around for this. I hadn't spoken to Odell, but I know she did. She filled him in on everything that happened in court and she let me know that he was fuming.

"Alright, this will mean that Sasha will be going to trial. You and your fiancé are complainant witnesses on this case so I will be doing all I have to do to prep you."

"When you say prep? Do you mean like...um...get up and speak?" I watched him slowly nod.

"I would be very difficult to convict a defendant without the victim present to explain to the jury their experience. This is our best strategy at securing a conviction."

"But, I don't understand why we have to go through this. She murdered her brother...that should be enough. There were cops there! Why is she trying to fight this?" Sylvester sighed then shrugged.

"You're right. It seems to me like an open shut case, however, everyone is entitled to a trial when charged with any offense by the state. That's the way our legal system is set up."

I felt weak, but nothing was new about that. I had went there today thinking that I would have been proving myself to her and everyone else in that room. But, of course, things never work out how they're planned. Now this is another thing to add on to the list of things that make me want to crawl into a hole. The top of the list being leaving my son in the hospital and waiting for him to get well enough to bring home. Now I have to think of that, as well as think of testifying in front of all those people, her mainly.

This is not at all what I expected.

Odell Beckham Jr.

I was racing home while on the phone with Jarvis. I had asked coach to let me go early because everyone on the team kept getting notifications about what supposedly went on in court this morning. I didn't want to be there for many reasons, but the main being that I didn't care to see how Sasha was doing or if she felt remorse for any of the shit she put us through. But to see that she's trying to maintain innocence over some shit that I saw her do, sent me into a rage.

"This article says she's set for her second court appearance in a week from now. Bro, what does this shit even mean?"

"I don't fucking know. I really don't fucking get it. I was there! Cops and shit were there! What the fuck could she try and argue at this point?"

"I used to watch Law & Order so I don't think they gon let her get away with much, but I mean...how's Lana? She was there right?"

"Yea, with my mom."

I had been thinking about Alana since she left this morning. We went to sleep last night the usual way we do when we can't come to an agreement on things. Real distant. But I felt like shit once everyone started blowing my phone. I can only imagine what that felt like for her.

Finally, I pulled into the driveway. "Alright J, I'm home. I'll call you back."

"Alright bro, text me."

I disconnected the bluetooth then headed straight for the front door. There was Alana's, my mom's, and an unfamiliar car parked in front of me. I grabbed my keys then walked inside. "Alana? Babe, where you at?"

I could hear voices call out from the kitchen so I headed there first. When I did reach, I saw a guy and girl in a suit who I had never met before. They were sitting across Lana and mom. When I did look at Lana, I saw my mom rubbing her back while she was teary eyed and red faced. I rushed over to her then wrapped my arms around her. She immediately began to cry in my chest.

"You were right," she cried. "I should have stayed home."

I shook my head. "No, this is my fault. I should of been there with you...I'm sorry."

I kissed her hair then pulled her in closer. I did feel bad. Although we thought this process was going to be a lot easier, I still should have been present to make sure she was okay. She didn't deserve to be going through this alone. It's my fault for thinking all this was going to all blow over that quick. I should have known Sasha would make this as hard for us as she could. I turned my head to see this same unfamiliar faces looking at me. "Who are y'all?"

"Mr. Beckham, my name is Ron Sylvester. I believe we spoke yesterday about the case."

"Right, you the lawyer that told me she was going to plea guilty to all this shit and that it wouldn't make a difference if I showed up or not."

"My apologies Mr. Beckham, but you have to understand that her attorney and I spoke prior to her arraignment where I was informed of which way her client was leaning. This is just as big of a shock to me as it is to you."

I shook my head then chuckled, angrily. "So..now what? She's going to go in front of people and tell them she didn't cause all the bullshit that she caused?"

"I'm not sure what her strategy is, sir. But I do know that I'll have to prep you and your fiancé for the stand in the event that you two have to testify against-"

"Testify?!" I cut him short, then felt Lana bury her head deeper into my chest. "What the fuck you mean testify?"

"Odell!" my mom called my name with a stunned look in her eyes. I rolled my eyes then held Alana closer to me. "Why would we have to testify?"

"It's customary for complaints to take the stand in criminal court proceedings. I already informed Ms. Cardenas that it would be best that we begin working on what to say once in front of the judge and on cross."

"We don't wanna do that. That's not what we trying to do. She supposed to just go to prison and be done in our lives. We don't wanna deal with having to go to trial and everything that comes with that." he shook his head. "It's out of your hands Mr. Beckham, Ms. White has already utilized her right to go to trial. You and your fiancée absence at this stage of the process may only help Ms. White secure a not guilty verdict."

"Are you serious? Not guilty? She shot and killed her brother right in front of me!"

"You know that. Ms. Cardenas knows that. And I believe that. However, the judge and twelve jury members won't know until you get on the stand under oath and explain that. If you'd like to make sure Ms. White receives the Justice she deserves then I wholeheartedly suggest rethinking your current stance."

Odell and Alana don't want to testify, but do you think they're being smart with this mindset?

Prove It  [Odell Beckham Jr. love Story] (First Sight Pt. II)Where stories live. Discover now