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"Calm down and talk about this with me," I felt her grab my arm as I pulled away from her. I was heading for the kitchen, where I knew I left my keys. Then I was planning on getting in the car.

"I'm not doing this right now. Move."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

Suddenly, I noticed her run in front then face me. She placed her hands on my chest then started shaking her head. "You're not leaving, we're going to talk, and this will be resolved."

"Don't you ever get sick of fighting me? If I said move, then move!"

"I withheld information from you, and I was wrong...one hundred percent wrong and you're right I did leave you when everything happened, but I think these are different circumstances and totally different situations. I want to talk and explain everything that I HEARD was in motion. Just give me a minute, please."

Alana Cardenas

I watched him roll his eyes then let out a deep sigh. With my hand still pressed against his chest in the hopes he'd stay still, he grabbed my arms and gently slid them off of him.


I nodded then went over to the kitchen island and took a seat on the stool. He followed then sat down besides me. Odell put his face in his hands and waited for me to start explaining. I felt terrible. I could have shared this much sooner, or kept it to myself to avoid all of this. I don't think it would have benefited him either way. "I just want to know why not tell me?" I heard him whisper then slowly look up at me. I noticed his eyes, swelling and wet. I dropped my jaw slightly then turned my entire body to face him. I grabbed his arm and pulled him closer to him. This isn't the first time I've seen Odell cry, but to see his face this time made my insides quiver. "When I found out...I thought I was doing the right thing by not telling you right away so you can get better-"

"I'm hanging on by a thread, Alana...my sobriety is so fucking-... my son is in the hospital. I haven't been sleeping right..eating right. We just watched that boy die, Alana. All I wanna do is get high. Now you tell me about this shit a few days before I see this nigga?"

"I know and im sorry, you're right. I shouldn't have said anything-"

"THATS NOT THE FUCKING POINT!" he rushed off the stool then kicked it away from the both of us. I jumped then grabbed the edge of the island. His eyes and face lit up with a red glow. "I DONT WANT YOU TO LIE I WANTED YOU TO FUCKING TELL ME THEN! IF YOU CLAIM TO CARE THEN WHY ARE YOU CHOOSING RIGHT NOW TO TALK BOUT THIS SHIT?"

"...like I said, I wasn't going to tell you. I didn't mean to-"

"STOP PLAYING WITH ME!" he approached then stood directly in my face. We were only inches apart now and it was almost as if I could feel his anger radiate off his body and lay on top of mine. I looked him in his eyes and could see that beyond his anger, I had deeply hurt him.

"Baby...I'm so sorry-"

I grabbed his hand then tried pulling us closer then what we were. Probably closer than he would have liked. He just kept shaking his head at me and whispering under his breath. I bit down on my lip, out of nervousness, and wrapped my arm around his neck. I began to pull his head towards my shoulder and rested it there. "I'm so sorry." my shoulder began to grow wet at I felt his sobs begin to continue. Then I felt his hands grasp my waist, tightly as he pulled me even closer to him.

"I never meant to hurt you like this Dell."

He didn't speak, only cried. I feel so terrible, even after all the times he's made me sob. Sob whether he was present to console me or not. I never meant to play with his emotions at this moment. I didn't want to make it seem like I never cared about his sobriety by not saying anything about Norman's scheme. I thought I was protecting him. And maybe I was! But telling him like this, in this present moment, was completely careless and I should have known better.

Prove It  [Odell Beckham Jr. love Story] (First Sight Pt. II)Where stories live. Discover now