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"I just can't believe you." the look on Lana's face was priceless as we sat inside the tower and looked down at everything below us. Ever since I told her where we were going she hasn't been able to hide her smile. I chuckled slightly then reached from her hand that was resting on the white table cloth.

"You enjoyed your food?" she nodded.

"Yea, it was so good! What about yours?"

"It was fine."

"Just fine?"

"Yeah....it was cool." she turned her head back to the view.

I had butterflies in my stomach like a motherfucker. I had been both dreading and yearning for this moment since I picked up the ring this morning. Yearning because of the obvious and dreading because I know she's been wanting to take things slow since we got back together. Plus, I don't like heights and we were high as fuck. But overall last thing I want to do is rush our relationship. She don't need that added stress that comes along whenever we do jump into decisions...especially right now.

"Dessert." a waiter came with both our servings of cake and placed the plates right in front of us.

"Would you like more water, ma'am?" she nodded and we watched him pour into her glass. "And you sir? Wine or water?" I shook my head and sent him on his way. She looked at me then back at her cake.

"Is this like...carrot cake or something?" she asked me. I shrugged. "I don't know. Can't read the menu. It's in French." I replied, causing both of us to laugh.

"You try it first." she insisted. I shook my head. "I'm not really hungry anymore." Lana rolled her eyes. "Are you serious? I wish you would have told me that, I don't want this either." I huffed. "Then why did you order it?" I asked.

"Because you ordered it!"

"You're crazy," I laughed then pushed the plate away. "So...no dessert, I guess." she shook her head.

"No, I guess we just wait for the check." I nodded.

This was it. No back peddling, no games. She sat there and looked again at the view, which was distracting her perfectly as I reached down in my pocket. Swiftly, I completed the act of pulling out the box and getting down on my knee in front of her. "Dell? What are you doing-"

"Just listen, okay?" I grabbed both her hands and watched as she nodded.

"Ever since we met, I felt that same connection we always talked about us having. And we both know it's special and it means something because neither of us have ever felt this way before. I've never categorized myself as in love in any relationship before I met you. And upon meeting you, I knew that you were the person I'd dedicate my life to. And Lana, I know I've messed up so many times. But even in my worse you were still there and loved me unconditionally. And for you I'm gonna do the same. This trip started off as just a distraction from all the drama we dealing with back home, but I was able to rearrange some things for us. And now, I don't wanna leave France and go back to the U.S without the certainty that I'm going to be your husband soon. I want our baby to grow up in a secure environment. I want him to see his dad happy and his mama even happier. I want him to look at us for what true love is supposed to look like. And I don't feel comfortable with him seeing us without proper title. I want you to be my wife Alana. I want you to be with me for the rest of our lives. I want you to let me spend forever righting my wrongs and protecting your heart. Can you do that for me?"

I opened the box and held the ring up to her....

Alana Cardenas

"Can you do that for me?"

Those words just kept ringing in my mind. I was trying so hard to speak, but couldn't find the words to say. How did we even get here? How do we go from possibly the worlds most toxic couple to this...to him proposing to me in an entirely different continent. I promised myself that I'd never let a man disrespect me and embarrass me in all of the ways he did.

Yet, I'm here.

I sat tall and firm in my seat while staring at the ring. Over the top and gorgeous, just like him. I let go of one of his hands and placed mine on my stomach as I felt my baby move. I winced a little due to his over-activeness inside there. "Alana?" I heard him mutter.

"...Please, can I just have a minuet?" I saw him frown a little. Am I wrong? Am I taking too long? Is this still taking things slow? Is taking things slow even an option at this point with a baby on the way? And with everything going on right now. It feels like a fairytale while we're here, but we will have to deal with life when we leave. Can we handle it? I broke down, like I normally do and just cried it out. I covered my face and bawled in my hands.

I could feel his arms wrap around and embrace me and his breath as he shushed my crying. Gently, he rocked me back and forth. "Baby, I know everything you thinking. Every question you asking yourself right now, I've been asking since I even planned to get you this ring. But Alana the answer is yes. We can do this. Anything that's thrown at us, we can get through. Babe...I promise the man who broke your heart then isn't the same man I am today. I'm different...I know this for a fact. Please give me the chance to make you happy."

I took a deep breath then watched as he got back down on his knee. Again, he flashed me with that diamond.

"Can I make you my wife?"

"...Of course."
Wedding bells!!! I can hear them already!

Prove It  [Odell Beckham Jr. love Story] (First Sight Pt. II)Where stories live. Discover now