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"You're so sweet for making dinner." Lana said to me as I handed her a plate. I wasn't the best cook in the world so dinner was nothing fancy. Unless you considered burgers and fries something special.

"Well, I don't really want you cooking for awhile." she rolled her eyes. "Oh please, it's really not that serious."

"It is that serious, you're carrying a whole nother human being inside of you." I argued. And I felt my argument was reasonable. Even if she hurt herself, I would feel solely responsible. "Pregnant women are actually encouraged to carry out everyday activities so stop treating my condition like a disability." playfully she hit me upside the head. I rolled my eyes then started to eat my food. "Besides, don't you like it when I cook for you?" her hands started to roam around on my chest and her lips got close to my ear. She began to peck softly on the side on my cheek. I knew what she was doing. "Stop." I said to her softly.

She shook her head then smirked. "Make me." her breath sent a sexual chill don't my spine as it raced across my cheek. She moved her lips to my ear and began to peck and nibble. "Alana, I told you to stop." I looked her dead in the eyes hoping she'd take my more stern expression seriously. Without taking me serious in the slightest bit, she jumped in my lap and giggled.

"Have fun with me...please." her begging made her even more irresistible at the moment.

"You're pregnant..think about the baby." she shook her head then leaned down so that our lips were no more than an inch apart. "How about we don't think about the baby for a couple hours?" she suggested to me sensually then pecked my lips softly. "And then in a couple hours when I'm finished with you we can be all about the baby again." that sounded like a plan. I missed her. I missed our time together where we could be alone and the only time she was yelling was when I was doing all the right things to that body. But the thought of potentially hurting my child was a remaining issue for me. I gripped her hips then pushed her farther away from me. That wasn't a smart idea because that only made it easier for her ass to sit on my dick. I sighed softly as I felt myself getting hard. "I know you're thinking about our baby, but think about me. I need you right now daddy." I bit down on my lip then shook my head while trying to keep my blushing to a minimum. She was driving me crazy and without a doubt she was turning me on. "Please, just for a little bit." again she begged then pecked my neck. I rubbed up and down her back then closed my eyes as her hands traveled down my zipper.

"Babe...l-lets not do this right now. This isn't a good time Alana." I heard her let out a huge sigh then she rolled off of me. She stood up on her feet and left me alone on the couch while she headed to the bedroom. The door slammed shut behind her. I sighed then sat up and put my head inside of my hands. I wanted to so bad, but something was telling me not to. I couldn't now..at least not yet. Maybe once I get a doctor's opinion. We're supposed to be seeing one tomorrow. Maybe I'll ask if it's okay to have sex while she pregnant. Until then I can't.

My phone started to buzz. It was Jarvis. "Hello?" I picked it up. "What's up? You guys still coming down this weekend?"

Shit. I forgot all about the trip. It was supposed to be Lana, myself, my folks, and her dad. Jarvis had something special planned for all of us. He had a big announcement he wanted to share. Why he wanted our parents there? I had no clue, but I trusted him. He said it was crucial they'd be there so I'd do whatever I had to do to get them to Florida. The only issue is that I forgot to mention it so now it's all going to be short notice. Somehow I'll get everyone down there though. "Um, yea man. Actually I'm about to talk to Lana right now about it." I guess this weekend Jarvis won't be the only one sharing some news. "Good, I was just calling to make sure. I'll see everyone then." the phone clicked off so I made my way to the bedroom.

Lana was in bed with the blanket stopping at the waist. She had on her light pink silk robe with her hair pulled up into a bun. She was lying down on her stomach and her head turned to the side as her arms rested underneath the pillow to support her head better. I sat down besides her then gently shook her hip. "Hey..you sleep?" I whispered softly. No answer. I knew what my girlfriend was like when she was asleep. Lana was just ignoring me. "Lets talk, c'mon."

"Leave. Me. Alone." she mumbled, keeping her eyes tightly shut. "I'm sorry, okay? If we go to the doctor tomorrow and she says it's cool for us have sex then I promise I'll bust ya shit into next week, but right now I need you to do a little favor for me." I guess me asking for a favor upset her because she shot up and crossed her arms over her chest. "You want a favor? Really?" she asked as if I was asking for some type of impossible task. "Yes. I need you to talk to your dad for me. I want to take you and him to Florida with my parents." she shook her head. "I'm doing anything for you especially after tonight." she swung her feet off the bed and on to the floor. Lana walked over to the dresser and grabbed her phone. I sighed then turned my body to face her. "Please, it's not for me. It's for Jarvis."

"Why would Jarvis want my dad to go to Florida?" I shrugged. "I have no clue," and I wished I could give her an answer. "He has some type of announcement and it's important for all of us to be there too."

"I'm happy you both made up. It's amazing, but no. I'm doing that because you pissed me off and to be honest I don't want to sleep with you anymore. I mean that literally too. You can find your way to the couch." she walked pass me and grabbed some pillows. They went flying at my head seconds later. "Oh really? You that pissy because I don't want to fuck? You're carrying my child! What if we hurt him?!"

"You're literally the only guy on the planet who thinks like this and I hate it! I'm horny and I want some attention! I bet if I was some other bitch you'd be all over me!" Lana turned her back to me leaving me speechless. I looked down at my lap. Here we go again. Another jab about my past unfaithfulness and stupidity. I've made my mistakes and I'm pretty sure I'll be paying for it as long as we stay in this relationship. I can't keep letting her think like this. I love her and only her and if I have to put my concerns on the back burner for one night just to please her then I will. "Odell...I didn't mean that. I'm sorry I keep-"

"You want me so bad? Then you better take everything I give you." and with that I pulled her on the bed. I didn't take long for the both of us to get undressed and started.
What do you think Jarvis has to announce to everyone? Why does he want the parents there?🤔

I haven't been updating a lot so I'm assuming that's the reason for the alarming decrease in comments and votes I got on the last chapter. I respect it though. I can't expect you guys to drop feedback if I'm barely handing out chapters. I did get around to make that Instagram page for everyone tho. You can follow me on ig @xoxolive4love__

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