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"Damn, how many times did he plan on texting you?" Jonah asked as him, Crystal, Jordyn, and I sat in my living room. I shrugged then sighed. After the shoot Odell tried to call my a couple times again, but of course I've been letting it go to voicemail. He needs to know that I'm serious and his behavior is completely unacceptable. He has to get it through his skull that he's not the only one hurting. He shouldn't be hurting at all! I'm the one that's been cheating on and lied to. He should be able to suck it up and pay for his mistakes. "Hold on, let me see." Crystal passed my niece to me then Jonah passed my phone to her. I bounced Jordyn on my lap a couple times and watched her giggle at me.

"He's so sick and I absolutely love it." Jonah nodded right along with Crystal. It concerned me how much joy they both were getting out of Odell's plead for me to return his phone calls. I knew they had their problems with him, but I didn't think it was this bad. Or at least bad to the point where they smile at his demise.

"I'm not being childish, am I?" I asked for reassurance from my friends. "Hell no Lana," replied Jonah, "He fucked up-"

I quickly covered Jordyn's ears. "Language." Crystal reminded him. He nodded. "My bad, he messed up and he continues to mess up. The only reason why he hasn't left you alone yet is because he knows you're going to come running right back once he gets you in the perfect position." I nodded then uncovered my nieces ears. She looked up at me with a puzzled face which made me laugh. "You have really chubby cheeks Jordyn." I informed her the took my fingers to pinch them. She slapped my hand away then giggled. Being with my niece was relaxing because with her there was no drama. All giggles and baby talk. Although she has nothing to worry about, I do.

And there are plenty of other things to worry about than Odell Beckham Jr.

Odell Beckham Jr.

"Thanks for coming to support me, honestly. I need all the family I could get." Jazzy nodded then hugged me while my mom stood there with her arms folded over her chest. She was giving me that cold stare she usually only gives me when I've done something to make her upset. I knew exactly why I was getting this treatment though. She went off on me the day I told her about me and Alana. I guess she has a right to be pissed. I would be too if I were in her shoes.

But I needed her right now. I was about to compete against my ex-best friend...ex-brother in twenty minutes. I need to know that at least someone on this planet still cares about me. It's a little tough to know that for sure when it feels like everyone hates you.

"I love you mama." she sighed. "I love you too Odell." I gave her a faint smile then pecked her on the cheek. She looked away from me as I began my way out of the section. She's so disappointed in me and it stings really bad. I feel terrible for everything. Not even just Alana, but Jarvis also. I know it breaks her heart to see us going back and forth on social media like this. I just wish the both of us could reconcile and put the past behind us, but he didn't sleep backstab me...I backstabbed him.

I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel like everyone is fed up with my apologies, but that's the only thing I know how to do when I mess up. I'm human and I make mistakes. And I'll keep making mistakes until the day I die. I just wish everyone else could see that. I'm not trying to be the victim because I hate playing that role, but I just want a little bit of sympathy from someone. And I get that the people I hurt probably want the same, but it's not like I haven't tried. I've tried numerous times to make things work with both Jarvis and Alana. I know I kinda gave up on Jarvis a little, but I've been fighting for my relationship. I just fucked up. And I know I keep fucking up, but I promise that if she just gives me one more chance then I'll do better.

I'll be the best boyfriend she's ever had, even after all of issues we had to deal with in the past. And I'm not going to give up on her because I'm way too passionate about Alana. I can't just simply move on and fight someone else. I don't want just a girl. I want MY girl. And her saying no simply isn't an option for me. I know she just needs some space and time.
We were tied in the fourth quarter and coach had me sitting out for most of time. I wanted so bad to get in the game and score for us to take home this win. I had been pacing back and forth with my helmet in my hand on the sidelines trying my best to remain calm. I couldn't help that I was hype. I was in the zone. Jarvis was out there pretty much the entire game. He put up most of the points for the Dolphins. I wanted in. And I wanted in now.

I stomped over to McAdoo. "What now Beckham?" he asked.

"Put me in, we only have two minuets lefts and if you want to win then give me the ball." he sighed while keeping his eyes on the game. I thought he was ignoring me until he called a time out. "New line up!" he called out loud. "Get in there, and you better keep your word."

I put my helmet on then ran out to the field. I was ready to score for us. Eli was calling out then suddenly everything went silent. The only thing I heard was my own heart beat as I raced down the field. I quickly shot around and saw the ball flying right towards me. It roughly crashed into my hand which gave me the extra inspiration to run towards the end zone at my fastest. I was racing until finally I reached my desired spot.

I slammed the ball on the ground and looked around at the crowds as they cheered crazily in the stands. Vic ran up to me with enthusiasm and patted me on the back aggressively. I took off my helmet then turned around and to my surprise I saw someone running at me from the side of the field. A white and teal jersey ran towards me at full force then tackled the hell out of me.

I saw nothing but black.
What do you think happened to Odell?🤔🤔 thanks so much for 500 followers 😘

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