Chapter 5 - Clove

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(Clove's POV)

Helping Katniss isn't as bad as I expected. Peeta does all the talking, which is fine by me. I find her when the bell rings for lunch. She's supposed to sit with me. I lead her to the table, where Marvel is waiting. I introduce her to him, and Glimmer and Thresh. Cato walks up.

"This is Cato," I say to Katniss. He smiles and starts eating his lunch. Katniss gets a thoughtful look on her face.

Didn't you two go to Whittier?" she asks. I freeze. Where is this going?

"Yes," Cato says, surprised.

"I remember you. You and Clove. Are you still dating?" I can feel the color draining from my face. No, no, this can't be happening.

Glimmer is staring at Katniss, shocked. "What?"

"Yeah, in seventh grade, you two dated. Remember?" she asks Cato. He glances at Glimmer uncomfortably, and slowly nods. I see Marvel and Thresh glance at each other, uncomfortable with this whole conversation.

"What?" Glimmer yells. Almost instantly, the lunch room gets really quiet. Everyone is staring at Glimmer, who is standing up, glaring at me.

A look of understanding passes over her face. She smiles venomously at me. "I see. You've been trying to steal my boyfriend, haven't you?"

My eyes must be huge. I shake my head. "No! No, I'd never-"

"Shut up!" Glimmer shouts. "You little b-"

"Glimmer, please!" Cato stands up. He looks desperate.

Glimmer glares at Cato, then turns back to me. "You. You'll pay for this. I can make your life miserable." Oh no. No. No. No. This... I can't think, can't function correctly.

I stand up. "Glimmer, please, I didn't-"

"I don't want to hear it! Get out of my sight!"

I stand still for a minute. Then I turn and run, on the verge of tears. People jump out of my way, and I make it to the bathroom before breaking down and crying. I sink down to the floor, and sit against the wall with my knees pulled up to my chin. My head rests on my knees.

Glimmer can make someone's life miserable. I've seen her do it to several people. All of them dropped out. I don't have that option. I won't go to a public school, but we can't afford a different private school. I have to live through this. I don't know how. Or if I can...

I shake my head. I'm not suicidal. Where did this thought come from?

I stop bothering with thinking and just cry. This is awful. I hear the door creak open. "Hello...?" It's... Madge? Madge Undersee? I'm surprised. I would think she of all people would hate me with a burning passion. "Clove? Are you ok?" I don't answer. "Clove, I know you're in here. I can hear you."

"Go away!" I say, much less forcefully than I was trying to.

Madge walks around the corner. I can see her boots out of the corner of my eye. "I said go away. I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine." Madge sits next to me. "It might help if you talk about it..."

I shake my head. "Please leave me alone. I don't want to talk about anything."

She sighs. "Fine, but I'm going stay here, ok?"

I shrug. I don't care anymore. About anything. Hopefully I can keep this attitude until I graduate.

We sit like this for maybe an hour. The bell rings at some point, but she doesn't leave.

I lift my head after a while. "I've made you late for class," I say.

She smiles and shrugs. "You didn't make me stay. I chose to. Anyway, I think Mr. Crane will understand."

I don't really know what to say. We sit in a silence, not an uncomfortable silence, just silence, until the next bell rings. Madge stands up. "Are you ready?" I nod after a minute, and she helps me up. I wash my face off, then we walk to 6th period. Yearbook.

I don't know why I was put in this class. I don't own a camera, or a computer, or even a cellphone. I walk up to the teacher, Mr. Heavensbee.

"Hi, Clove, right?" He smiles.

I nod. "I was wondering... I don't own a camera... If that's a problem I can-"

"Oh, that's all right," he says. "I have several extras for cases like this."

"What? Really?"

"Yes, I'll bring you one tomorrow."

I smile. One good thing. "Thank you!"

I turn back to the class and see Madge and Peeta talking. Madge looks up and sees me. "Clove! If you want you can sit here." She motions to the desk next to her.

Peeta smiles at me. I can tell he pities me. I'm sure a lot of people do. I don't want pity, though.

I don't see another option, so I sit next to Madge. I don't feel like talking. She seems to understand this. She and Peeta talk, somehow including me in the conversation even though I'm not talking. I don't understand how they do that.

Mr. Heavensbee explains what we'll be doing this year. We will be able to get out of other classes to take pictures for the yearbook. This period is basically a study hall for a few months at least, until we have photos to with with.

6th and 7th period drag on forever. I just want to leave, go home. Where I can be alone and process everything. In 7th period, Katniss keeps trying to get my attention, but I ignore her.

Eventually, the bell rings for the last time today. I hurry out, grab my stuff from my locker, and leave before anyone can talk to me.

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