Chapter 29 - Clove

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(Clove's POV)

After I leave Johanna, I make my way down to the field. This might be crazy, but I want to see Cato. After we basically started over this afternoon, there's probably some things we need to talk about.

As soon as he sees me, Cato quickly pushes past his teammates and comes over to sit by me. "Hey," he says, smiling hopefully.

"Hey," I say, returning his smile. "You played well."

"Thanks. Easy game, though. The other team sucked. What's up?"

"Well, I wanted to know your definition of 'starting over.'"

Cato thinks a minute. "How about, erasing everything that's happened since I started ninth grade?"

I stare at him. "Really?"

"I think that's when all our problems started. What do you say?"

"That sounds amazing." I smile at him. One question I don't know how to ask is: does that mean we're friends? Or more?

We sit in an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes. I think Cato is wondering the same thing I am. Finally, he breaks the silence. " Does this mean... we're.." He trails off.

I take a breath. "I think you know what I'd prefer."

He looks at me, and slowly a smile spreads across his face. "Yeah, I do. I'd like that too."

"So...are we...?"

Cato nods. "I guess so." He puts his arm around me and smiles. "I've missed calling you my girlfriend."

I smile back at him. "I've missed it, too."

After a few minutes he gets up. "I've got to go shower and change, but I can drive you home after, if you want."

"Ok," I say. He waves a bit and joins his teammates, who are headed to the locker room.

I suddenly remember Johanna. Her dad drove us here, so they're probably waiting on me. I quickly get up and go look for her.

She's with Katniss, Peeta, and Madge when I find her, but when she sees me, she leaves them to come stand by me. "Hey," she says. "What's up?

"You don't need to wait for me," I say. "I have a ride."

Johanna frowns. "What?"

"I have a ride. You don't need to wait on me."

She crosses her arms. "Who's this ride?"

I look down. "I'll explain everything tomorrow."

Johanna looks like she wants to argue, but to my surprise, seems to decide against it. "Ok, whatever. See ya tomorrow." She turns back to the others. I watch her walk back, then turn around myself and quickly walk away.

I sit down on a bench near the field to wait. A lot of people have already left, but there are still many wandering around. Glimmer is no where to be seen, thank goodness.

After about ten minutes, I spot Cato walking towards me, smiling. I stand up as he reaches the bench. "Ready to go?" he asks.

I nod, and we start walking towards the parking lot. As we walk, our hands entwine. I smile to myself.

Soon, we're driving toward my house. I'm surprised; he stills remembers where it is. He opens the car door for me and walks me up to the front porch.

"Thank you," I say, smiling shyly.

"No problem," Cato smiles back. "I'll see you Monday, I guess." A pause. He looks like, I don't know, like he wants to say more, do more. Instead, he says, "Well, bye." He waves a little and walks back to his car. I watch him drive off, then go inside.

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