Chapter 7 - Katniss

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(Katniss's POV)

I can't believe that just happened.

Peeta comes up to me. "Here, come sit with us," he says, motioning to another table.

As I sit down, I recognize several people from class, though I can't remember their names. I only know Finnick. Peeta starts introducing them.

"This is Annie," he says, motioning to a pretty redhead.


"And this is Gale," Peeta continues, motioning to a dark-haired, gray-eyed boy.

He smiles. "Hi."

"And... Madge isn't here yet, but I'm sure she'll come soon."

I sit next Annie and sigh. "First day and I've already made an enemy. New record," I say sarcastically.

"I'm sure it won't be that bad," Annie says sweetly.

Finnick walks up. "What happened over there?" he asks. "Who was that yelling at Clove?"

"Glimmer," Gale says, with obvious contempt. "Even Peeta doesn't like her, and he and Madge try to like or at least be nice to everyone."

"It's my fault," I say. "If I hadn't brought it up nothing would have happened."

"Brought what up?" Peeta asks.

"It's a long story..." They all look at me expectantly. I sigh. "I went to Whittier Middle School in seventh grade. So did Cato and Clove. They dated, then, and I mentioned it, and Glimmer... I don't know, she just... Blew up, at Clove, and accused her of trying to steal her boyfriend. You saw. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean for any of that to happen."

"Of course you didn't," Annie says, comfortingly.

"I think Clove deserved it." Gale ignores Peeta's warning look. "She's always so nasty to everyone, it's about time she got a taste of her own medicine. She is one of the meanest, most spiteful girls in this school. She did whatever Glimmer wanted last year, and it's about time she realized just how awful she's been. She deserves it."

"I don't understand," I say. "She was never like this in middle school. She was nice, and friendly. One of the only people who was nice to me. What happened since then?"

Gale shrugs. "Whatever it was must have been bad, if she was anything like you said."

"Let's talk about something else," Peeta suggests.

"Please," Annie adds. Finnick smiles at her.

"All right. I hear you're both in drama?" Gale asks us. We spend the rest of lunch talking about teachers and classes.

The drama teacher, Ms. Cressida Elliot, is fun, and tells us we will be performing the musical "Into the Woods" this year. I've never seen it. Another thing I'll have to look up tonight.

In English, another class I have with Clove, I keep trying to get her attention and apologize if I can. I really don't want a lifelong enemy. My life has barely started! She pointedly ignores me.

Annie is in my English class, and she introduces me to Madge, the girl Peeta was talking about. She's nice, but seems a bit preoccupied. She explains to Annie that she was with Clove during 5th hour. Apparently Clove spent the time crying on the bathroom floor.

For the first time I think about what Clove is feeling. Until now, I've been worried about what this might mean to me, but now I realize it's hurt her. But... What Gale said earlier about her deserving it sticks in my head. I can't see things from her perspective, no matter how hard I try.

When the bell rings, I stuff my books into my locker and go off in search of Prim. I find her waiting for me outside the front doors with another little girl.

"Katniss!" She calls me over. "Katniss, this is my new friend Rue! Rue, this is my sister Katniss."

"Nice to meet you!" Rue says brightly. She glances at the elementary building, across the street. "I have to go get my brothers and sisters now! See you tomorrow, Prim!" She hugs Prim and runs off, as light on her feet as a bird.

"New friend already, Huh?" I say jokingly.

Prim rolls her eyes, smiling. "Rue is really nice. She has FIVE brothers and sisters! Can you believe it?" The whole walk home, Prim goes on and on about her day, how great this school is, etc.

She asks me about my day, and I just respond with "Fine." In other words, I don't feel like discussing it.

When we get home, Prim bounces around the house, putting her backpack away, making a snack of apple slices, putting her headphones in and dancing around the living room. My mom and I have decided to get her dance lessons for her birthday in a few days. She loves music so much.

I drag myself into the room that Prim and I share, and flop onto the bed. I pull out my phone and Google "Into The Woods." The music is actually not to bad. I look it up on Pandora and end up listening to to Broadway music all afternoon.

(A few notes:

Into The Woods is a real musical; I'm sure most of you have heard of the movie version, but some of you might not know that the movie was originally a Broadway musical.

One last thing, I don't have much experience in "normal" music. I actually do normally listen to Broadway music, so it's likely that that is what my characters will listen to. Just letting you know, you might want to have a Broadway station on Pandora if you want to know about the songs.

Thanks fore reading all that!)

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