Chapter 58 - Katniss

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(Katniss's POV)

It's 2 a.m. when Peeta calls me. I fell asleep on the couch with Prim and Rue, who was spending the night, while we watched Divergent. Mom is working the night shift at the hospital, so she hasn't made us get off the couch and go sleep in our beds.

I fumble around in the dark living room for my phone, trying not to wake up Prim and Rue. I finally find it and quickly hop over an overturned bowl of popcorn to get to the kitchen, where I can talk and not wake up the girls.

"Hello?" I say, stifling a yawn.

"Katniss," he says, his urgent tone instantly making me wary. "Madge and Gale got into an accident."

It feels like a cold knife has been thrust into my heart. I gasp, almost dropping my phone.

"What?" I whisper. "Are they ok?"

"I'm not sure... Madge called me from the hospital but she was too upset to get much sense out of her... Can you come to the hospital? I'll pick you up."

"Yeah, of course."

"I'll be there in ten minutes."

I glance into the living. Prim is sleepily sitting up, staring at me. "What's going on?"

"Wake up Rue. Get some clothes on. We have to go to the hospital." Before she can ask questions, I run off to my bedroom to throw on some clothes.

I fling open my closet door and grab the first things I saw: a pair of skinny jeans, a tshirt from drama, and Dad's old hunting jacket. I quickly change and pull on a pair of boots before sprinting back to the living, where Prim and Rue are wearing coats over their pajamas.

"What happened?" Rue asks, eyes wide.

"Madge and Gale. Car accident."

"Are they okay?" Prim questions, frowning in worry.

"I don't know...I don't know..."

Peeta knocks on the door, drawing all three of us out into the snowy night.

Prim and Rue pile into the back of Peeta's car, still half-asleep. I sit in the passenger seat, nervously glancing at the car's clock every thirty seconds, praying for the drive to be shorter than normal. What if they're dying? What if they're dead before we get there?

Peeta looks just as tense as I do, so it's amazing that he has the strength to comfort me, too. "I'm sure they'll be ok, Katniss. Madge was able to call us, right?"

Somehow, I think he's trying to convince himself just as much as me.

We finally arrive at the hospital and fly through the halls to the emergency room. The nurse there frowns at us.

"What do you kids want? Someone injured?"

Peeta shakes his head, out of breath. "We came to see...our friends... Madge Undersee, Gale Hawthorne, Cato Hadley, and Clove Sevina." Clove and Cato were hurt too? Oh no...

The nurse nods, then says something into a small headpiece. A minute later, another nurse comes out through the swinging double doors to our left. "Come with me, please."

We follow her down the hallway, and turn into a smaller waiting room. Prim and Rue plop down on two of the chairs, obviously nervous and scared. Peeta and I move to sit down, but a strangled sob catches my attention.

I turn to my right and see another hallway, with chairs along one side. Sitting in one of them is Madge, her head in her hands. I tug on Peeta's sleeve and point out our friend, and both rush down the hall to hug her.

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