Chapter 11 - Clove

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(Clove's POV)

When I wake up, I'm still tired. Why on earth did I not go to sleep earlier? I take my time getting ready this morning. No reason to get to school early, today.

I stare into the mirror. My reflection looks tired. I'm not pretty, I know, but at least most mornings I don't look like a sleep-deprived zombie. Oh well, that's the least of my worries.

I walk to school slowly, delaying the inevitable. A tiny, unreasonable part of me hopes that maybe Glimmer forgot about everything, that everything will go back to how it was. Normally, that tiny, unreasonable part of me is able to convince me that it could be true, that whatever Im hoping for could happen. But I know all to well that this time, there's no chance of it being true.

For once, my size works in my favor. I'm less noticeable. I make my way through the crowded hallways, and into the cafeteria, on my way to my locker. Before I have a chance to cross the room, Madge runs up to me.

"Hey! How's it going? Want to come sit with us?"

I glance over her shoulder, then back at Madge, skeptically. I look past her again, and see Glimmer. I visibly stiffen. Quickly, my mind goes through all the possible outcomes of this. If I let Madge be nice to me, Glimmer will target her too... I can't let that happen. Madge doesn't deserve that. "Go away," I say quietly.


"I said go away. Leave me alone. Just go away!" I'm shouting now. Madge stares at me with a shocked, a slightly hurt, expression on her face.

I turn and walk off quickly, so she won't see if I start crying. I never thought about this part. That I will be completely and totally alone, and anyone who tries to help me will just become a target. I... I don't know if I can do this.

I don't even stop at my locker. I go directly to my homeroom. I sit in the back again, and put my head down on my desk. Maybe people will think I'm a asleep, not crying.

I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Are you all right?" I look up to see Mr. Martel, I mean Cinna, looking down at me, concerned.

"Y-yes," I stutter, wiping my eyes on my sleeve. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine." He sits down on the desk next to me. "Want to tell me about it?"

I consider it a minute. I don't think he'll take my side. It's his boss's granddaughter, after all. I shake my head. "I'm ok. Just tired. Oh... And, I don't think I can help Katniss anymore."

He considers that a minute, then nods. "All right," he says, then walks over to greet some other students.

Throughout the day, my books get "accidentally" pushed out of my arms in the hall at least twice, I get called a slut or a whore in almost every class, and at lunch every avoids me. I try to ignore it. Maybe if they see it's not affecting me, they'll stop.

During fifth hour, I get called to the office over the intercom. I can't imagine why, unless Glimmer complained to her grandfather about me. Principal Snow is the scariest principal in the country. He has made senior boys cry. I think he hates everyone in this school except Glimmer and her friends.

I warily walk into the office, and stand at the desk for a full minute before the secretary decides to notice me. When she does, she only motions me into Principal Snow's office. Uneasily, I open the door and slip in.

Principal Snow sits behind a large mahogany desk, in a large chair, and altogether the effect is very imposing.

"Y-you wanted to see me, sir?" I say.

"Ah, yes, Clove, yes I did. Care to sit down?" He motions to a wooden chair in front of his desk. I sit down slowly. I feel very small in here.

"Clove, my granddaughter tells me you've been spreading rumors about her. Of course, we hold our students to a high standard here, and spreading rumors is certainly something that is frowned upon. So, what can you tell me of this?"

I stare at him a second, confused. Rumors? "I don't know what you're talking about," I say, frowning.

"Miss Sevina, this would be much easier if you would not lie," he responds. "Can you please tell me what happened yesterday, and what you have been telling people since then?"

I blink a few times, and try to get my thoughts in order. "I... Well... Yesterday... A girl named Katniss mentioned something about me and Cato when we were in middle school, and Glimmer got upset and said I was trying to steal her boyfriend, but I wasn't, and she got mad and I ran off and I haven't talked to anyone since then." I stare at him, pleading with my eyes that he will understand.

He frowns. "Miss Sevina," he says with a sigh, "are you going to tell me the truth, or not?"

"This is the truth," I say, my eyes wide. I hope he can tell I'm not lying.

"You realize that by saying that, you are implying that my granddaughter is a liar. That is unacceptable. I want these rumors to stop, or you will have detention."

I nod. No use trying to tell him the truth. I should have known he would be biased that Glimmer was right. "Yes, sir. Can I go now?"

He stays silent for almost a full minute, making me really uncomfortable. Finally he leans back in his chair. "Yes, return to class."

I get up and hurry out. Being in the office has always made me uncomfortable, but now it's terrible. I hope Glimmer doesn't complain about me again.

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