Chapter 15 - Madge

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(Sorry this took so long. I had writer's block, and I've been working on my other fanfics. To make up for it, this chapter is longer than normal!)

(Madge's POV)

On Saturday, I walk downstairs to find Gale and my father in the living room. They don't notice me, so I slip into the kitchen. I can guess what they're talking about. No need to eavesdrop.

A few minutes later, Father walks in. "Your friend Gale was just here," he says.

"Yeah, I know, I saw," I say casually. When he doesn't say anything I prod. "What did he want...?"

Father clears his throat, a little uncomfortably. He's never been the best at talking about things like this too me. "Well, he, um, he wanted to ask my permission to, uh, to ask you on a... A sort of..."

"A date?"

My father smiles, relieved. "Yes, that. I said that was fine, as long as you're ok with it."

I smile and throw my arms around him. "Thank you, Daddy!"

A few minutes later, Gale texts me.

G: Hey, talked to your dad
Me: yeah ik, he told me
G: so, when do you want to go? Tonight? Next week?
Me: whenever is good for you. Tonight sounds fine
G: all right, I'll pick you up. Six sound good?
Me: yeah, cya.

My first instinct is to call Annie, and Im about to until I remember that it's Saturday morning. Annie has piano lessons. Im not sure how reading music works with dyslexia, but apparently it's ok for her. I frown and try to think of who else I can talk to.

Katniss! Of course! I scroll through my contacts and find Katniss's number.

Me: Hey, this is Madge, from school.
K: Hi, Katniss here
Me: Want to come over? I think we live kind of close to each other.
K: well, I have to wait for Prim to get home from a friend's house. You can come over if you want, though.

Katniss texted me her address, and soon was on my way. Her house was about a ten minute's walk from mine.

When I knock, an older blonde lady opens the door. Katniss comes up behind her.

"Mom, this is Madge. Madge, my mom."

I smile politely. "Hello, Mrs. Everdeen."

Mrs. Everdeen gets a far off look in her eyes. Katniss frowns, worried. Then her mom shakes her head. "Hello, Madge. Would you like to come in?" I walk in, and Katniss leads me off to another room, presumably hers.

"My mom... She... Well, my dad died, a few years ago, and she hasn't gotten over it... And being called 'Mrs' just reminds her of it."

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I had no idea that-"

"Hey, it's fine, I should have warned you or something. So, what's up?" Apparently she doesn't want to dwell on that subject.

I quickly tell her about Gale. Im so excited, I can hardly sit still. Im basically bouncing on her bed.

"How long have you liked him?" Katniss asks when I've finished.

"Um... A while. Since last year. Well... I've known since last year, if that makes sense. Annie says it's been obvious since seventh grade."

Katniss laughs. "I see. I've never liked anyone, so I don't know if that's normal."

I raise my eyebrows. "You've never liked anyone?"

She shakes her head. "I haven't been in one school long enough to like anyone."

"What? Why?" My confusion must show on my face.

"Um... I've never really fit in anywhere. Im not very good at 'friends,' and Im one of those 'warm and fuzzy' personalities that people like instantly."

"Well, you'll fit in here. I like you, and Annie and Gale and Finnick like you, and Peeta likes you." I smile. "You're our friend."

She frowns. "Just like that? You barely even know me."

"So? I'll get to know you. Let's start now. You have a little sister, Prim, and your mom, right?" Katniss nods. "I live with my mom and dad, and Im an only child. I like classical music, school, and reading. Your turn."

Katniss tilts her head, thinking. "I moved here about four years ago, and I have been to four different schools since then. I like Broadway music, I have a very bad impression of school, and... I don't know."

"What's your favorite color?"

She thinks for a minute. "Green. Like a forestry green. What about you?"

"Yellow, I guess."

We spend the rest of the afternoon getting to know each other. I meet Prim, and she's really sweet. I wish I had a sister.

At five, I head home to get ready. I put on a casual yellow dress, and put my hair in a bun. By the time Im done with my makeup, I look really good, if I do say so myself. A white sweater and white flats complete it.

I sit at my window for the next twenty minutes, watching for Gale. Finally he arrives, right on time, and I practically fly down the stairs, giving my father a quick kiss on the way out. Gale assures Father he'll have me back by nine, then he escorts me to his truck.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask casually.

"I was thinking we could eat at McDonald's, then watch a couple Star Wars movies at my house." He sees my skeptical look and laughs. "Just kidding. How about Freddy's for dinner, and that Cinderella movie afterwards? I heard you saying you wanted to see it."

I smile. "Sounds great."

He drives to Freddy's, a really cool 50s style place, with frozen custard, and we order and sit down. There are lots of families coming in and out, ordering frozen custard. We sit in a secluded corner near the back.

We talk about all kinds of things as we eat. Gale is in drama, and auditions start Monday for parts. "You should convince Katniss to audition. I'd like it way better if she got a main part instead of Glimmer."

"What about Johanna Mason?"

"She wants a different part than Glimmer," Gale says with a smile.

I smile back. "I'll try to get her to, then."

The movie is really good. Gale acts bored afterwards, but I noticed he got really into the movie while it was playing. He gets me home at 8:45, much to my father's delight, and waves goodbye, kind of sheepishly. I smile shyly and wave back.

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