Chapter 18 - Madge

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(Madge's POV)

It's only a few days before Gale and I decide to make it official and actually start dating, saying we're each other's girlfriend and boyfriend, all that.

At lunch on Friday, Gale suggests we all go do something tonight to celebrate the casting in drama. "It could be like a triple date," he says, smirking at Finnick. I notice that both Finnick and Annie blush and look down.

Katniss smiles. "Except the only couple here would be you and Madge." She's gotten more comfortable around us, I think, which is good. I was hoping she would. I really do want to be her friend. All of us do.

Gale shrugs. "Well, we could all just go get some food somewhere. What sounds good?"

After several jokes of "McDonalds!" and "Wendy's!" we finally decide on Freddy's, where Gale and I went on our first, and so far only, date.

My last classes seem to take forever after that. I can't wait to get out of school. In yearbook, Mr. Heavensbee divides us into groups of three to go around the school taking pictures. Peeta and I are put in a group with Clove, which she doesn't look happy about. Peeta just shrugs and acts like he normally would around anyone.

While Peeta and I walking through the halls, Clove trailing behind us, I ask him what he thinks about Finnick and Annie.

He smiles. "I think they like each other."

"But Mr. Outgoing is too afraid to tell her?" I ask. Peeta nods. I laugh. Imagining Finnick being too shy to tell a girl he liked her... It just didn't seem right. Yet here it was.

"Oh, by the way, I guess I can finally tell you your ship name. Annie and I came up with it."

"What do you mean 'finally'?" I frown.

Peeta laughs. "We've been shipping you two since eighth grade! Of course we had a ship name! And now it's official."

I shake my head, smiling. "So? What is it?"

"Gadge." I tilt my head, pretending to ponder it. Peeta rolls his eyes. "Just admit you love it."

I laugh. "Fine, I love it. And Gale probably will too."

Finally, school is out. We all meet up outside to decide on a time. Two younger girls walk up to Katniss, Prim and someone else. Katniss facepalms. "Oh my gosh, I forgot, I can't tonight. Unless Prim and Rue can come too. I have to babysit."

Prim frowns. "I don't need a babysitter!"

Peeta shrugs. "Why not let them come?"

"Come where?" The other girl, Rue, asks.

"We're celebrating, getting main characters in drama," Gale explains. Im surprised he's being so patient. Normally, with his brother Rory, he snaps all the time.

Rue's eyes light up, and she starts jumping up and down "I got in that! I'm Little Red!"

"Can we please come, Katniss? Please?" Prim begs her sister. Katniss glances helplessly at Gale.

Gale shrugs. "Sure." Rue and Prim start bouncing around, cheering.

Gale and Finnick offer to drive. Apparently, Finnick just got his license a few weeks ago. At six o'clock, we are all sitting in Freddy's. We had to push two tables together to fit all of us.

Rue and Prim seem a bit intimidated at first, but they quickly get over it. Rue is a talkative girl. She, Finnick, and Gale do most of the talking for the group. Rue has a lot of funny stories about her younger siblings, and a lot of funny stories about Rory, who is in her grade.

The night ends too soon. Gale drives Rue, Katniss, and Prim home before taking me to my house.

He walks me to my door. "So, that was fun," he says awkwardly. "The only that would be more fun would be just you and me..." He trails off, unsure of himself. I smile. He's so cute when he's trying to be romantic.

"Well, now it's just you and me," I say.

Suddenly, he leans down and kisses me. Im so surprised that I don't have time to react. Then, he gives me a small smile, says "Good night," and quickly walks back to his truck. I stand stunned on my porch for a moment, then smile and wave.

(Im thinking of adding Johanna's POV to the story. What do you guys think? Would that be too much?)

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