Chapter 41 - Cato

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(Cato's POV)

I glance anxiously at Clove as we pull into my driveway. She looks incredibly nervous. I shoot her what I hope is a reassuring smile, then get out and run around the front of the car to open the door for her. I walk to the back of the car and grab her bags, and she follows me through the garage to the kitchen. It's crowded in there, because Mom hired some extra workers to help Marin prepare for the party. The cooks ignore us, and I lead Clove to the dining room, where my parents are waiting.

As soon as I walk in, I wish I could walk back out. My mother smiles at us as we walk in, but I wasn't worried about her. My father is frowning disapprovingly at Clove. I quickly slip my hand into hers and squeeze it a bit. She smiles nervously.

"So," my father says slowly, "aren't you going to introduce us?"

"You've already met-"

"Cato," my father says sternly.

I sigh. "This is Clove Sevina, my girlfriend."

Clove smiles sweetly. "Hello, sir."

That goes over well with Dad, I think. He relaxes a bit, leaning back in his chair some, and offers Clove a seat, next to my chair. Clove quietly sits down, and I do the same.

"It's nice to see you, again, dear," my mother says politely.

Clove is about to answer, when Dad cuts her off. "I'm going to tell you now that at this moment, I do not approve of your relationship with my son. That could change, but this is how it stands now." Clove nods slowly. "Now, can you tell me why you should be dating my son?"

Clove glances at me. I nod encouragingly at her. I had a feeling Dad would ask this, so we came up with an answer together. "I love him. And he loves me. That's why." Clove smiles at me.

That was obviously not what my dad was expecting. He blinks a few times, staring at her, then looks at me, probably looking for some sign of opposition to what she said. I stare straight in his eyes and put my arm around Clove.

"Well..." Dad splutters. He can't combat that answer, except to say that our feelings aren't valid.

Mom raises her eyebrow at me, then turns to my dad. "Marcus."

Dad shakes his head. "Fine. I still don't approve, though." He nods at Clove, then gets up and retreats to another room, probably his office.

Mom smiles at us. "If you kids need anything else for your party, here's my credit card." She tosses it across the table to me, then gets up and walks toward the large doors opposite the ones Dad walked out of. "Have fun, tonight. Just remember, no sex."


"Just reminding you. Tell your friend Gale, too." Mom walks out the door before I can answer.

Once she's out of hearing, Clove starts laughing. I smile and shake my head. "Come on, I still have to set some things up."

Mom had the maids set up a girls' sleeping room and a boys' one, in case we get tired. They're on opposite sides of the house, and the boys' happens to be my room. Oh well, we'll probably spend most of our time in the game room. That's where all the snacks and things are, and the movie theater is right off that room, so if we want we can watch a movie.

I lead Clove to the game room, and notice her gaping at everything, just like the first time she was here. It's been three years, so I don't blame her for being a bit awestruck. She snaps out of it once we reach the game room, though.

The game room is probably my favorite room in the house. My mom and dad never come in here, so it's practically my private entertainment space. It has a pool table, a ping pong table, a poker table, and several old arcade-style games on one half of the room, with built in bookshelves in the walls filled with pictures and old books that didn't fit in the library. On the other half of the room is a huge L-shaped couch in front of the 110" TV that set my dad back about 80 grand. Three tables of snacks and pizza are set up under the windows, and a door leads out to the pool area. There's a tiny bathroom to the right of the ping pong table, and next to that is the door to the movie theater. In one corner, there's a "bar." We don't keep alcoholic drinks there, but we call it the bar anyway. Mostly it's just sodas.

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