Chapter 28 - Johanna

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(Johanna's POV)

After the game (which we won, no surprise), as we're getting ready to leave, Clove glances at me. "I'll be right back," she says quietly. She sounds nervous, or worried, or uneasy, or... I don't know. I hate this! I hate not knowing what to do, what to say! I always know what to say!

Clove quickly walks off, and I turn back to the others. Their expressions range from confusion, to shock, to pity, to worry. I shrug, acting like its no big deal. No one buys it.

Madge sits down next to me. "Need to talk?" Peeta ushers the others away.

I put my head in my hands. "I don't know what to do. And this isn't normal. You're good at this stuff. What would you do?" I look up at her, imploringly.

Madge sighs and looks down at the field. "How about you tell me what's happened?"

So I tell her. How Cato stopped Glimmer. How those two broke up. How Clove either won't or can't tell me what she's thinking. How I think something happened after I left school this afternoon. How I don't know is hat to do, or even if I should do anything.

Madge listens attentively, then thinks for a few moments before replying. "It sounds like she's just confused. It's a lot to take in, and of course it must be harder for her."

"But, what can I do?"

"Don't do anything. Give her some time to sort out her thoughts. You're her best friend. She'll tell you as soon as she's ready." Madge smiles a bit at me.

I sigh. "Are you sure?"


"Would it, um, be ok if you didn't, well, mention this to anyone? I have a reputation to maintain," I say seriously.

Madge laughs. "I won't tell a soul. You know, I really misjudged you, Johanna."

I laugh. "Yeah, well thanks for reconsidering, nerd." Madge rolls her eyes. "I mean it, though. Thanks, for, you know..."

She smiles. "Anytime."

We join the others at the end of the field. Peeta and Katniss, anyway. Peeta says Finnick drove Annie home.

"Ha, yeah, more like he drove her to somewhere private where they could make out," I say. Madge looks scandalized, but Katniss doubles over laughing. Even Peeta chuckles a bit.

"So, where did Clove go?" Katniss asks.

I shrug. "I don't know."

"And that doesn't worry you?" Peeta frowns.

"I'm not her mommy, Peeta. She can take care of herself. She's not four," I say. I think he can tell I'm not really upset.

"She's got a point," Madge says, smiling. Peeta acts offended, but he can't help smiling. I think I might have misjudged these kids, too. They aren't as boring as I thought.

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