Chapter 3 - Madge

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(Madge's POV)

I wave goodbye to my mom as I walk out the door. She doesn't look up from her tea, which is supposed to help her feel better. She gets migraines almost every day, but treatment is really expensive. My dad's job with the city can pay for our house and things, but it doesn't pay anywhere near enough for treatment.

I walk to school most mornings, because my mom usually doesn't feel up to driving. I don't mind. It's nice having time to myself.

As I walk towards the doors of the school, a car pulls up to the curb and two girls I don't recognize get out. I've been going to this school my whole life, so I always notice new people. One looks about my age, the other looks no older than 12. The older one leads the younger one inside.

I go inside, then head to the library. I forgot to print my schedule out at home. When I get there, Clove Sevina is at one of the computers. Most of my friends don't like her. They say she's just a mini Glimmer. I think there must be more to it than that, but I haven't been able to figure out what. I like trying to figure people out, and Clove is a very strange, and interesting, person. I sit down at a computer near her. She doesn't notice. I saw her in here a lot last year, so I'm guessing she doesn't have access to a computer at home.

I take my schedule from the printer and check to see what classes I'm in.

Homeroom: Ms. Effie Trinket
1st period: Spanish II
2nd period: Algebra II
3rd period: Art
4th period: World History
5th period: Biology
6th period: Yearbook
7th period: English II

I find my locker, number 398, then go looking for Peeta and Gale, my best friends since third grade. They are both in the cafeteria, at our normal meeting place.

"Hola, señorita!" Gale calls when he sees me. The three of us compare our schedules, and Peeta and I have art, world history, and yearbook together. Gale, being a junior, isn't supposed to have any classes except electives with us, but he flunked Spanish last year. He has Spanish with me.

"I swear, if you flunk Spanish again, you will end up in the same Spanish class as Rory," I say, laughing. Rory is Gale's brother, a sixth grader.

"I should've taken computers," Gale says, laughing and shaking his head. "This year, though, you and Peeta can help me."

We spend the time before class catching up. I haven't seen either of them since last year. Well, Peeta and I saw each other at camp last summer, the one we go to with our church, but Peeta spent most of the summer working with his parents in their bakery. Gale earned enough money over the summer to take his mom, sister, and brothers on a short vacation. I was bored almost all summer. I hate having nothing to do. That's why I love school.

The bell rings, signaling for us to head to our classes. I quickly make my way to Ms. Trinket's class. I sit in the very front.

After the late bell rings, Ms. Trinket introduces herself, then takes roll.

"Delly Cartwright?"

Blonde Delly smiles and says, "Here!"

"Marvel Drain?"

A tall boy near the back lazily says "Here." He is one of the "populars," known for being unkind, spoiled, and, for the most part, not the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Several more names go by, then "Johanna Mason!"

Immediately, a loud voice directly behind me shouts, "Present and accounted for, sir!" Several people start laughing. I turn to see Johanna sitting in the desk behind me, looking incredibly pleased with herself.

Ms. Trinket looks unamused. "You only need to say 'here,' Johanna. I don't want you disrupting the class again, understood?"

"Sir, yes sir!"


Johanna doesn't answer, just smiles smugly. Ms. Trinket continues with the roll. "Madge Undersee?"

"Here," I say pointedly. It's always been my goal to have my teachers love me. I can hear Johanna's disgusted "Oh my gosh" behind me but ignore it. I'm not letting anyone ruin today, least of all her.

(Is it enough to have three POVs? Or should I have one more? Let me know what you think by commenting!)

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