Chapter 35 - Clove

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(Clove's POV)

By Monday morning, I'm beginning to worry that I dreamed everything. Surely Cato doesn't actually like me. I'm nothing compared to Glimmer. It can't have actually happened.

But as soon as Cato sees me, his face lights up with a smile and all my doubts vanish. It was real. This is happening. He immediately pushes through the crowds to join me at a table at the cafeteria. He sits next to me on the bench. I consider scooting closer to him, and, on an impulse, do it. He smiles and puts his arm around me.

"My mom wants me to invite you over Thursday," he says. "What do you think?"

"All right," I say, smiling. I wonder what his parents think of me. I'm not exactly a billionaire, and Cato's family practically is. "What do your parents think of me?"

I feel Cato stiffen. "Um..."

"Please be honest. I can handle it. If it's bad, I know you don't agree." I shift so I can look up at his face.

He sighs. " dad doesn't approve, really. You know their qualifications for a good match are money and looks. Mom's okay with it based on the fact that you're beautiful." I blush, and he smiles. "But...Dad...well...he doesn't like you because your family doesn't have much money and..."


Cato bites his lip. "And because he doesn't know anything about your father and assumes your parents weren't married," Cato says, very quickly. He cringes. That was not one of the reasons I was anticipating, because this reason actually has something behind it. My parents weren't married. My dad doesn't even know I exist. Why would the Hadley's want to mix with that?

I think Cato notices my downcast look, because he squeezes my hand and smiles reassuringly. "I don't care about either of those...why should they matter?"

I take a deep breath. "Cato, if you dad said we can't be together, we can't. I don't like it, but you have to listen to him." Wow, I didn't know words could cause physical pain.

Cato smiles, relieved. "That's not a problem. After some persuasion on Mom's part, he agreed to let us date."

I blink. "Really?"

He nods, excitedly. "Isn't that wonderful?"

I smile. "Thank goodness."

After a few minutes, Johanna comes stomping over, holding Matched. "This book," she begins, as soon as she's within hearing, "is stupid!" She slams it down on the table.

I frown and look at it. The bookmark is sticking out halfway through. I smile wryly up at her. "If it's so stupid, why'd you read half of it this weekend?"

"I had nothing to do..." Johanna shrugs. "I guess it's ok, but it's so frustrating. It's the same basic plot for every popular teen book. "Evil" government. Surprisingly smart, brave, beautiful teenage girl. Girl overthrows government. Girl gets crowned as a hero. It's so stupid! If they just followed the rules, nothing bad would happen!"

Cato raises his eyebrows. "Never thought I'd see the day when Johanna Mason told people to follow the rules."

Johanna shakes her head in mock disgust, but I can see the laughter in her eyes. "That's not the only reason this book is stupid. What's with the stupid love triangle? Why does every book have to have a love triangle? Why can't she just make up her mind? Or, why can't they have a book with no romance at all?"

I shrug. "Well, it's literally a dystopian romance...but you've got a point their. Her indecision is driving me crazy, too. But I'm pretty sure they won't make a book without romance...most teenagers don't plan on staying single..."

"I do," Johanna says proudly.

"You're not exactly a normal teen, though," Cato says.

Johanna nods. "True." She sits down across from us. "What's up?"

Cato shrugs. "Nothing, really."

"Did you finish the chapter review for biology?" I ask.

Johanna's eyes widen. "Shoot. I knew I forgot something." She leans over and starts going through her backpack. After a minute, she sits up triumphantly, holding up her biology book.

Cato glances at his watch. "Better hurry. You've only got 10 minutes until the bell rings."

"Hey, biology's second hour. I can do this in math." Johanna laughs and gets to work.

Sooner than I'd like, the first bell rings, signifying five minutes before classes begin. Cato waves before heading to his first hour, and I follow Johanna to her locker so we can walk to math together.

We pass Glimmer in the hall. She glares at me suspiciously as inrush past her. I wonder if she's already heard about me and Cato? To my knowledge, the three people who know haven't told anyone, though we were sitting so close that I'm sure there were a few logical guesses.

Throughout the day, Johanna makes a point to drop subtle hints about everything. She never says anything outright, but I'm sure people are putting the pieces together.

Madge comes up to me in lunch and drags me over to her table. "Wait, is there room for two more people, plus me?"

Madge flashes me an excited smile. "Of course."

She plops me down next to her, leaving on seat open beside me, and one across. I turn around and search the crowds for Johanna and Cato. They find me first, and come join us.

Madge stares at Cato and me expectantly. "Well...are you two...?"

Cato laughs. "Very subtle."

Madge flips her hair over her shoulder dramatically. "I try."

Cato laughs. "Anyway, yes."

Peeta, Madge, Finnick, and Annie all smile and congratulate us. Katniss stares down at her food. Gale at first ignores me but claps Cato on the back. Madge sends him a withering glare, and he congratulates me as well. Johanna laughs her at the proceeding.

Madge smiles. "We're very happy for you." She elbows Gale in the side, and he quickly affirms this, rolling his eyes a little at Madge. Soon, Gale and Cato are talking about Friday's game.

Madge hugs me. "You two are so cute together!"

I smile awkwardly. "It's not that big of a deal..."

"Hey, you got me excited about a couple," Johanna says seriously. "That takes skill."

I roll my eyes. "Still not that big of a deal."

"I bet it's a big deal to Glimmer," Katniss says coolly.

No one really has anything to say to that.

Too soon, the bell for fifth hour is ringing and we're all hurrying off to our classes. I basically daydream through Spanish. I don't understand how everything turned out so perfect. Just four days ago, barely anything was right. Now, I have Cato back. And everything is perfect.

(Did you notice my rant about Matched? I happen to be reading it right now, and decided to vent my frustration here.)

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