Chapter 2 - Clove

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(Clove's POV)

I'm awake long before my alarm rings. Truth is, I don't think I went to sleep. Not that I didn't try. I've been trying all night. I just couldn't. I've been dreading this day all summer.

I slowly get out of bed and turn my light on. I open my closet and pull out a cute sweater and jeans, and take them to the bathroom to change into after I shower. I brush my teeth, then brush and straiten my hair.

Quietly, I make my bed and then walk to the kitchen to make my and my mom's lunches. I'm the only popular girl at school who makes her own lunches. Which also means I'm the only one who got into Panem High School based on my intelligence instead of my parents money. Not that I'd ever say that out loud. The girls I hang out with judge you by how much money you have.

I grab a granola bar, then head out the door. I always walk to school. My mom either has "work" that keeps her up late or, on the weekends, she goes out to bars and clubs. Frankly, it disgusts me. But better to stay quiet and out of her way than risk getting slapped. We get along fine, as long as we don't see each other.

When I reach school, I go to the library and print my schedule out from online. I don't have a computer at my house, so I spent a lot of time in here writing papers last year. And my sophomore year promises to have just as many papers, or more, to write.

I glance at my locker number, 453. My homeroom is some Mr. Martel. He must be new.

I head to the cafeteria, where I find Glimmer, Cato, and Marvel at the table we usually hang out at. I quietly sit down. Cato and Marvel nod at me, and Glimmer completely ignores me. Typical. I get lost in my own thoughts.

For some reason, my mind flashes back to the first day of sixth grade, the first time I met Cato. He had been nice then. I had fallen over in the hallway, and he helped me up before I got trampled. He showed me around, and we became great friends, inseparable. The next year I realized I liked him. And I told him. And he said he liked me. So we "dated," which his parents thought was adorable and my mom didn't care about.

But Cato was a grade ahead of me, and in ninth grade he moved to this school and forgot about me. He had promised he wouldn't forget, that he loved me. But he did forget. Not completely, he still welcomed me into his group. Like a little sister. Turns out, he had been dating Glimmer for almost a year.

It all seems so childish now. Or at least it would, if I didn't still resent the fact that they are dating, and if I didn't still like Cato.

Glimmer is the one in charge here. Her grandfather is Principal Snow, so everyone loves her, or at least acts like it. You wouldn't believe the rumors that spread behind her back. The point is, she could and would ruin my life if she knew anything that happened in middle school.

The only reason I hang out with them is that when I first came last year, Cato was the only one I knew. I tried my best to act like Glimmer, to make her like me (and I failed), and I became known as almost as bad as Glimmer. Mean, rebellious, sassy, everything that Im not. But I have to keep acting this way, because Glimmer likes it. So I smile around them, I laugh, but it's all fake. People avoid me. I have nothing to make them act nice to me, so my acting like Glimmer only pushed people away.

I snap out of it when the bell rings. Five minutes to get to class. I jump up, grateful, and glance at my schedule before heading to my homeroom.

Homeroom: Mr. Cinna Martel
1st period: Algebra II
2nd period: Biology
3rd period: Art
4th period: World history
5th period: Spanish II
6th period: Yearbook
7th period: English II

I sit in the back, next to a girl I don't recognize. She's asleep, I think. The boy in front of her shakes her shoulder. "Hey, doofus, wake up."

"What is this, fourth grade? No one says doofus anymore," I say as the bell rings. The boy rolls his eyes and focuses on our teacher. The girl sleepily raises her head as the man starts calling role. I only pay attention to a few of the names he calls.

"Finch Carrington?" A red-headed girl, one of the smartest girls in school, responds.

"Annie Cresta?" Annie Cresta. The girl who Cato and Glimmer call retarded. She's not, really. She just has a hard time putting her thoughts into words.

"Katniss Everdeen?"

"Here," the girl next to me says. Strange name. I'm pretty sure that's a plant. I feel like I've heard it somewhere.

"Peeta Mellark." Oh no. The one person who here has actually made me cry. Not because he's mean, but because he tried so hard to be nice. And all I did was shout at him to leave me alone. Peeta has a group of friends which includes almost everyone in the school, it seems. It's because he's nice. I've never been the best at making friends.

"Finnick O'dar?"

"It's O'dair, actually," an unfamiliar voice to my right says. I glance over and see the hottest guy I've ever seen in my life. He smiles at me, and winks, then looks back at Mr. Martel.

"Clove Sevina?"

"Here," I say.

"That's everyone. Ok. I, as Im sure you've guessed, am your homeroom teacher, Mr. Martel. You can all call me Cinna." He talks about what we can expect this year as sophomores, what is expected of us, how we should treat each other, etc.

The boy in front of Katniss gets bored. "Psst."

"Who the heck are you pssting at?" the girl in front of me asks.

"None other than the prettiest girl in the school," he says, trying his best to be smooth.

"And that would be...?"

"You, Madame." Except he mispronounces Madame, and says something like "Mady am."

This weird conversation goes on for another few minutes. It's i credibly annoying, especially since I'm trying to hear the teacher. Finally, I get tired of it.

"Will you morons just shut up?" I say, a little bit too loudly. Mr. Martel, I mean Cinna, hears me.

"Something you needed to say, Miss Sevina?"

All eyes are on me. "Um... No."

"I'm almost positive you just said something. Surely, such a nice looking young lady wouldn't have said anything that the class shouldn't be able to hear."

A couple of "oooh's" are heard.

"Um... I was asking if they would shut up," I say, pointing at the boy and girl in front of me.

"Oh? Next time, why don't you let me handle it." I nod and look down. I hope Glimmer doesn't hear about this...

"As I was saying, it seems we have two new students in our class, Katniss and Finnick. Do we have any volunteers to show them around the school, and help them out for the rest of the week?" Peeta raises his hand. Always so perfect.

"Thank you, Peeta. You will help Finnick. Now, anyone else?" No one. "I guess I'll just choose someone. How about..." He looks around the room, finally stopping at me. "Miss Sevina?"

I sigh. Wonderful start to the year.

(I've decided to write this from the POVs of three people. Just letting you know.)

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