Chapter 37 - Gale

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(Gale's POV)

At lunch Monday, Madge has Cato, Clove, and Johanna sit with us. Madge sends me a withering glare when I try to get by with just ignoring Clove. Maybe she's not so bad, though. Cato obviously likes her. Cato and I end up discussing Friday's game for most of lunch, and trying to talk Peeta into doing football next year. He staunchly refuses.

I'm looking forward to drama. By now, Glimmer has certainly heard about Cato and Clove, and I want to see her reaction.

Disappointingly, she seems fine, if a bit quiet. Still, most people stay near her to see if anything happens.

"Where's Johanna?" Finnick whispers.

I shrug, and look around. She's not in class. Maybe she got sick since last hour.

Just as the bell is ringing, Johanna bursts through the auditorium doors. She has a plastic fork in her hand, and she holds it like a microphone.

"Breaking news!" she shouts in a reporter voice, getting everyone's attention. "Football sensation, Cato Hadley, has broken up with the most popular brat in school, Glimmer Snow!" A few people laugh nervously, glancing at Glimmer, but most of us just laugh.

"But wait, there's more!" Johanna bounds over to Glimmer. "I'm sure you've all heard the rumors about the aforementioned Cato Hadley and sophomore Clove Sevina. I'm here to tell you, they're all true!" Johanna stands a foot away from Glimmer, staring at her. Glimmer glares right back.

Not breaking her gaze, Johanna holds the fork up like a microphone to Glimmer. "What are your thoughts on the matter?"

Glimmer clenches her fists and glares at Johanna, who is smiling innocently at her. After a minute, she turns and angrily flounces off, drawing laughter from everyone, except Johanna. Johanna stays in character for a few more seconds, staring at Glimmer's retreating curls, before turning to the rest of us for approval.

"How was that? Think I'd be a good reporter?" she asks casually. She twirls the fork around a few times, then tossed it to one of the sixth graders behind her.

Ms. Cressida walks in just now, cutting all other shenanigans shorts. She claps her hands. "Come, come! Let's work on the scene with the baker and little red!" I quickly mount the steps to stage. Rue is Rory's friend, I know that. She's also friends with Katniss's little sister.

We spend about twenty minutes rehearsing that scene. Rue is the one with most of lines, since she's the one singing this song, but I have to work on staging.

After school, I find Rory waiting outside for me. We cross to the elementary building to pick up Vick and Posy, then Rory and Vick race to my truck. Posy stays next to me and holds my hand. She's afraid of moving cars.

Rory is the most outgoing of my siblings. He starting to become a little flirt, as well. From what he tells me, I think his closest friends are Rue Valdez and Prim Everdeen.

Vick is in fourth grade, and he's kind of shy. He's a great student, but when he doesn't understand something, he'll starting crying until someone helps him. Very annoying.

Posy is four, and she's in preschool. She gets scared easily, but she's very sweet. She gets spoiled by the rest of us because she's the only girl. She's the princess.

"Gale?" Vick pipes up from the back. "Today, Mrs. Cartwright wanted us to write a paragraph about our dads and I didn't know what to do." I frown. Vick barely remembers Dad. He died four years ago, a few weeks before Posy was born. Vick was five. I was only twelve.

Dad was in the army. He died in combat. I remember they brought us a medal in a little box, and a small flag. I was so upset that I wanted to throw them away, but Mom put them on the mantle. They're still up there. We can't bear to touch them.

I shake my head. "You just explain how Dad was a hero. She'll understand."

Vick sighs. "Elia said her dad was bringing everyone ice cream."

"Yeah? Well Elia's dad isn't our dad. Our dad was a hero. Hers makes ice cream. Which one is more exciting?"

Vick thinks for a minute. "Being a hero sounds cooler."

"Exactly." I smile sadly at Vick in the rearview mirror.

After a minute, Rory glances at me. "Gale, how did you know you liked Madge?"

I shrug. How did I know that? "Well, I got excited every time I saw her, and I wanted to be with her a lot, and I guess I just knew. I'm sorry, Rory. I'm bad at explaining."

Rory shrugs. "It's ok." After a pause, he starts again. "I think I might like someone, but I'm not sure yet."

I raise my eyebrows. "Really? Who?"

Rory shakes his head. "I don't know if I do, yet." He stares out the window. "Mom says I'm too young to date, anyway."

"Well, yeah. Of course," I say. Rory punches my arm.

Once we get home, Rory and I get out some chips for a snack for the little kids. Posy toddles into the living room and turns on Dora the Explorer, while Vick covers his head with a pillow, moaning about baby shows. Rory gets bored quickly, and runs into the living room to pommel Vick with a pillow.

My phone buzzes on the counter. I pick it up, and see a text from Madge. 'Katniss says Johanna was being a brat to Glimmer in drama...?'

I frown. What? 'She wasn't being a brat. She's was just having a little fun. Glimmer already knew everything Johanna was saying.'

'Ok.' I wonder what that could mean?

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