Chapter 52 - Madge

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(Announcement: ryleighhammock is officially the co-author of this book.

Also, remember that fanfiction I told you about? My first Harry Potter one, Star of Gryffindor? Could you Harry Potter fans please read it? I have more than one chapter published now! Thanks!)

(Madge's POV)

Katniss has been freaking out for the past week. I don't blame her, really, since the show is this weekend, but it is getting the tiniest bit annoying.

The Wednesday before the show, Katniss and I are sitting in the library when Gloss Harper sits down at the other end of our table. He flashes us a smile and looks down at his book.

"Who's that?" Katniss hisses.

"You don't know Gloss?" I ask, surprised. How could she not? He's one of the more popular boys in our grade. When Katniss shakes her head, I continue, "That's Gloss Harper. You know that girl Clove was complaining about? Cashmere? That's his sister." I look up and call, "Hey, Gloss. Come here!"

He looks up, then slides down so he's sitting across from us. He looks at me questioningly.

"I don't believe you've met Katniss Everdeen, have you?"

Gloss shakes his head, then smiles warmly. "Nice to meet you, Katniss. Gloss Harper, at your service." He holds out his hand across the table, and Katniss's cheeks flush just the tiniest bit as she shakes it.

"Nice to meet you," she squeaks. I give her an odd look. She shakes her head once, clears her throat, and repeats herself, less squeakily.

"You're new this year, aren't you?" Katniss nods, apparently unable to talk. Gloss continues, "Well, sorry I haven't introduced myself sooner, then. You're in the musical, aren't you?"

"Yeah, yeah I am."

"My sister's in it too, even though she sounds like a dying whale when she sings," he said confidentially. I raise my eyebrows and the smirk quickly leaves his face. "I mean, she's not that bad, really, it's just-"

"Whatever, Gloss," I say, holding my hands up to stop him. He's been intimidated by me since I punched him in the nose in first grade for calling Glimmer a baby. And yes, Glimmer was my friend in first grade. Glimmer, Delly, and I were inseparable until third grade, when Finch Carrington and Peeta started coming to this school and Delly and I found new best friends in them. And Glimmer became a brat. She still refused to be friends with Cashmere, though, so she must be in dire need of friends right now if she's resorted to Gloss's sister.

Gloss and Peeta don't get along well. Between the time I punched him and fourth grade, Gloss kept trying to get back at me by tripping me or making rumors about me (that no one ever believed). In fourth grade, Peeta decided that he's had enough of that and they actually got into a fist fight during P.E. Of course, since then, they've stopped having fist fights, and they can get along pretty well if they're stuck at the same table at lunch (a rarity), but they still really don't like each other. So hopefully Katniss doesn't get too friendly with him.

"-Cinderella, right?" Gloss's voice cuts into my reveries and I realize they've been talking for a minutes while I've been out of it.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am," Katniss says, a bit dazedly if you ask me.

"Well, I'm afraid I need to get back to studying," he said, sighing, "but I'll see you around, right?"

"Of course!" Katniss says a bit too enthusiastic and quickly adds, "I mean, sure, yeah, sounds cool."

As Gloss turns back to his books, I loop my arm through Katniss's and pull her out of the library.

"What do you think?" I ask, frowning at her.

Katniss blushes, but shrugs. "I don't know."

"Come on," I say, "you can tell me!"

She sighs. "He's cute. And hot. And really cool." Oh no.

I force a smile. "Yep. Gale is better, though."

Katniss rolls her eyes, smiling at me. "Everyone says their boyfriend is better. It's proof you aren't cheating on him."

"Me? Cheat? I would never!" I act indignant.

Katniss starts laughing. "Yeah, yeah, we know, Miss Virtuous would never. Never skip class, never cheat, I bet you'd never even jaywalk."

"I would too!"

"Do it."

Katniss drags me outside and makes me cross the street without a crosswalk, just to prove that I'm not as hopelessly good as I seem.

"Happy?" I yell, then run back across the street.

"Perfect!" Katniss shakes her head as we start walking to her house. "If we ever need anyone to jaywalk, we'll come to you."

"Lovely," I say, rolling my eyes again.


A few hours later, before I go to bed, I text Peeta.

Me: Hey, um...Katniss met Gloss today...

🍞Bread Boy🍞: And...

Me: And she acted really weird...

🍞Bread Boy🍞: Weird how...?

Me: Like...kinda like she liked him. liked him.

🍞Bread Boy🍞: 😳Wow...that's a lot of likes...

Me: Peeta, if you want I can try to make her not like him. 😏

🍞Bread Boy🍞: No, no, if she likes him, that's ok. I want her to be happy. Even if it's not with me.

Me: Peeta, I'm really sorry. 😔

🍞Bread Boy🍞: No, it's fine, really Madge, I'll be fine. I've got lots of cake to eat if I start crying.

Me: You're crying???

🍞Bread Boy🍞: No! 😂😂 Get some sleep, Madge. I'm fine!

I smiled sadly as turned my phone off. I pulled the cord on my lamp, so it snapped off and my room was flooded in darkness. Rolling over on my side, I tried to sleep. But I couldn't.

I really want Katniss and Peeta to be together. I want them to date, and they're perfect for each, but Katniss might like Gloss... Why, cruel world, why?

(Anyone feeling sorry for 🍞Bread Boy🍞?)

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