Chapter 23 - Katniss

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(Katniss's POV)

I can't believe Madge. She says I can trust her, that she wants to be my friend, then she turns around and does something like this. Is it really that hard to tell me something?

If Prim notices my bad mood, she doesn't say anything. She runs off to her room, probably to text Rue and her crush, who she still hasn't told me about. At least she conceded she's the one who needs that relationship advice.

I stomp to my room and slam my door behind me. Pulling out my headphones, I turn on Pandora. I don't want to think about anything right now.

I manage to avoid the subject in my thoughts all day. Tuesday comes, and I've almost forgotten. Almost. As soon as I catch sight of Madge, all my anger floods back.

For one whole second, she smiles at me hopefully, then the hope quickly drains and she walks towards me uneasily. I glare at her.

"Katniss, can you just let me explain?" I don't answer, and she takes that as an invitation to go on. "Katniss, I'd trust you with anything. That's not the reason I didn't want to talk about it." I let out an exasperated sigh. Madge frowns but keeps talking. "I just didn't know how to even explain what I was thinking."


Madge sighs. "I didn't know how to explain it, and I was kind of embarrassed. I'm supposed to be a nice person, and here I can barely stand her."

I raise an eyebrow. "So, it's true?"

"I don't hate her! Johanna just annoys me... A lot..."

I blink. What? Madge, perfect, kind, friendly Madge lets someone annoy her? Really? I can't help it; I start laughing. The idea is so ridiculous.

Madge stares at me. "What?"

"You...oh my gosh Madge," I laugh. "It's just so ridiculous." I pause for a minute and slowly stop laughing. "I'm sorry I got so upset about it, though. I overreacted."

She looks a bit stunned. " aren't mad anymore?"

I shake my head. "You're lucky you're so funny. I can't hold a grudge against you."

A relieved smile spreads across her face. "Thank goodness! I was afraid I'd lost my friend!" She hugs me.

The day passes quickly until drama. Drama has become my favorite class. Ms. Elliot lets us goof around as long as we get done what we need to get done, and Finnick and Gale are hilarious. Then there's Johanna, who can even make Glimmer laugh sometimes.

Glimmer is the worst part of the class, by far. Apparently, since her grandfather is the principal, her other teachers let her get away with things. Ms. Elliot doesn't. And so, Glimmer has a mini-tantrum at least once a week. It's annoying.

One good thing about that is Finnick has got his Glimmer impersonation down to a science. He keeps us all entertained by copying the way she walks, talks, whines, and snubs people.

Annie, who has orchestra sixth hour, is frequently in class with us. The orchestra kids will be playing all the music for us. She and Finnick together is, frankly, adorable.

Today, a group from yearbook (Madge, Peeta, and Clove. What a fun group that must be.) comes to take pictures of the class. They spend most of the class period talking with us, though they get a few pictures. Johanna actually makes Clove laugh out loud, something I didn't think was possible since Clove changed. Maybe, maybe, she's changing back.

I notice Madge whispering something to Peeta, and gesturing towards me. Peeta's face gets red and he quickly shakes his head. I frown and pretend I didn't notice anything. What could that be about?

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