Chapter 57 - Madge

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Short chapter...sorry about that, but this is an incredibly important one, and I really didn't want to add any filler or extra stuff in there. I think it'll be good enough.


The party is really fun, if a bit rowdy. I haven't been to one this year, until now, and I love it, but I'd be fine with not going to one ever again. I know for a fact that several people were drinking in the pool house, and one girl actually fell into the pool drunk and had to be rescued.

Other than that, and what happened to poor Annie, the night has been really cool. Gale is a fairly good dancer (all his experience from musicals, I bet), and we spend a lot of time on dancing in the packed but huge living room.

At around one, Cato and Clove appear and we weave our way through the crowd to the door. Just as Gale and I are passing through, he grabs my elbow and points up.

Hanging above us is a bough of mistletoe. Gale grins at me, and we both lean in for a kiss. It last until the couple behind us elbows me in the ribs.

"Move it, Romeo," the guy says. "Other people want some mistletoe time."

Gale open my door for me, and Cato and Clove climb into the back. I'm exhausted, but somehow Cato, Clove, and Gale are laughing and joking like it isn't one in the morning. And then, of course, Gale isn't paying much attention to the road.

While the party was going on, it apparently started snowing, because now the streets are covered in a peaceful layer of white fluff, shining in the moonlight. Flakes of snow fly at the windshield as Gale speeds through the neighborhoods.

"Gale?" I say nervously, "can you please pay more attention to the road?"

"Relax, Madge," he says, laughing. He does keep his eyes more focused on the road, though.

I turn to look out the windshield and see the headlights of a car headed directly towards us. Gale swerves to avoid it.

Suddenly, there's a huge CRASH.

Everything goes black.


I'm such an evil person.

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~Ellie and Ry (but mainly Ellie on this one)

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