Chapter 10 - Katniss

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(Katniss's POV)

Peeta finds me when I get to school in the morning. Finnick is with him. We walk to the cafeteria, and walk to the table we ate at yesterday. Annie and Madge are there already.

Madge sees us and waves. Peeta waves back. "Hey! Madge, this is Katniss and Finnick. Guys, this is my friend Madge."

"Oh, I've met Katniss. Annie introduced me to her in English. Nice to meet you, Finnick," she says, smiling.

I smile a bit. Finnick is completely opposite. He sits down next to Annie with a broad smile on his face. Annie glances up, quickly and shyly, then looks back at her book.

I sit down next to Peeta, across from Madge. She says something quietly, but I can't quite hear it. Sounds like, "Glim mallet."

A moment later, Glimmer walks up, a very real-looking smile on her face. "I just wanted to thank you, Catnip-"

"Katniss," I correct. I hate it when people call me that.

"Catnip, Katniss, whatever. Anyway, I wanted to thank you for letting me know about Clove. To think, I had no idea that all this time my 'best friend' had been trying to steal my boyfriend." Madge looks like she's having a hard time not laughing at that. "Also, I wanted to tell you children that you probably shouldn't talk to her. If you know what's best, you'll stay away."

Her tone gets more and more threatening throughout the conversation. Everyone stares at her, a bit shocked. Peeta clears his throat. "Thank you for letting us know, but I think we can handle ourselves." He smiles.

She glares at him. "We'll see about that." She turns and is about to flounce off, when Madge suddenly jumps up, and quickly runs over to someone who just walked in. Clove. We all turn and watch.

Clove looks surprised. Madge says something, and Clove looks over Madge's shoulder towards us, stiffens, then looks back at Madge. She says something, too quietly for me to hear.

I glance at Peeta. He looks worried. I hear Clove, her voice rising, and look back. "I said go away. Leave me alone. Just go away!" She's shouting now. She turns and walks off quickly. At first Im confused, but then I catch sight of Glimmer's smug smile. It all makes sense, now. Clove doesn't want anyone else to get hurt because of her. And Madge's impulsive kindness could easily make her a target if Clove doesn't stop it. So that's what she did. I'm sure that's what she's doing. I've done the same thing.

Madge sits down, defeated. Glimmer smiles smugly. "As I said, we'll see about that." She walks away.

"Why did you do that?" Peeta asks.

"Do what? Try to be nice? Because right now, Clove needs a friend."

"Did it not occur to you that she might not want any?" I ask, sourly. Doesn't she realize she's only making things worse?

Madge frowns. "Why wouldn't she?"

"Isn't it obvious?" When she don't respond, I roll my eyes and sigh. "She wouldn't want any friends right now because Glimmer will target them too," I say slowly.

Madge glances at Peeta. It's obvious this just occurred to him too.

Finnick adds, "Maybe she doesn't want to be the cause of anyone else getting hurt."

"I never thought of that," Madge says quietly.

"You've never had to think like that," Peeta says, smiling.

"Oh, shut up," she says playfully.

Gale sits down next to her a minute later. As we talk, they keep stealing glances at each other. I look at Peeta, amused. He whispers, "They like each other. They just don't know they do."

"What was that?" Madge asks curiously.

"Nothing," I say quickly. Peeta just laughs.

The rest of the day flows smoothly, nothing exciting happens. In drama, Ms. Cressida tells us we should start preparing audition songs for the show. Auditions start next Monday. I don't know if I'll audition. I probably won't get a part, anyway, and Im not sure if I want one. Talking in front of people has never been my strong point.

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