Chapter 33 - Johanna

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(Before I start the chapter, I'd just like to let you guys know about my latest book. Capitol TV is basically a large-scale Q&A, with some fun short stories and one shots in there for fun. I also would like you to at least have it in your library because every "Presidential Announcement" is an announcement from me, giving information about 1) why I won't be able to update, 2) a new fanfic, or 3) a call for inspiration. Those are things all my followers need to know.)


I hop on my bike and start pedaling towards the library around nine on Saturday. It's become a tradition, I guess. Every Saturday morning, Clove and I meet at the library. I'm leaving earlier than normal, so I'll probably beat her there.

The second I open the garage door, I get hit by a gust of chilly air. Quickly, I run back in the house and grab a jacket, then sling my backpack over my shoulder again.

As I leisurely ride in the direction of downtown, my mind is whirring at 100 miles per hour. I have a lot of crazy of theories about what Clove was upset about, but they're all just that: crazy.

I reach the library and chain my bike to the bike rack. Clove's bike is no where to be seen, so I guess I got here first.

I shiver a little. It's cold this morning. The leaves on the trees are starting to change colors. A few of the stores have Halloween advertisements in their windows already. I hurry inside.

The carpet on the library's huge stairs muffles my footsteps as I run up to the third floor. Once I reach the top of the steps, I walk over to the balcony and watch the front door intently. After about twenty minutes of complete and utter boredom, Clove walks through the doors.

It's all I can do to Motrin down the stairs and meet her, but I wait until she reaches the third floor and sees me.

"Hi," she says, slightly surprised to see me.

"Hi..." I say slowly. Should I wait for her to say something?

Clove looks like she's trying to figure out how to say something. "Um...about yesterday...are you mad at me for not telling you everything?"

I think about that. Am I mad? I don't know. I think part of me is, the unreasonable, hot-headed, stubborn part. But, overall, I don't think so. I shake my head. "Why would I be?"

Clove smiles, obviously relieved. "Well, um, yesterday, after school-"

"I knew it!" I say, louder than I intended. A librarian shushes us from across the room.

"Knew what?" Clove frowns.

"What? Oh...never mind. Continue."

Clove shakes her head. "Ok then. Anyway, yesterday, after school, I was walking around, trying to figure everything out, and I ran into Cato. And, well, we started talk, and decided to start over. He drove me home from the game last night. And, um... We're dating again." She studies the carpet.

I blink. Wow. A lot can happen in a day. "That's...that's awesome, Clove!"

Clove looks up at me. "You really think so?"

I smile and nod. "Of course! My baby's growing up!" I say dramatically.

Clove bounces a bit. "Everything is so wonderful!"

"Now, I'm going to be the maid of honor at your wedding, all right?"

Clove rolls her eyes and laughs. "Johanna, we're not getting married anytime soon."

"Well, of course not. I haven't spoken to him since seventh grade. Your best friend has to be on good terms with your boyfriend."

"Of course," Clove replies with a smile. The smile quickly fades, though, and is replaced by a slightly upset look. "One thing, though, is Glimmer will be furious. What she if takes it out on Cato now?"

I hadn't considered that. Suddenly, an idea pops into my head. "I don't think Mr. Snow would let his granddaughter torture his star quarterback. He wouldn't want to risk Cato moving to another school. Don't worry about it."

Clove smiles. "Ok. Good point."

Suddenly my phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw Cato's name next to the text message. How did he have my number? How did I have his number?

Oh, I remember. In seventh grade, Cato got a phone. Everyone else who had a phone gave him their phone number, including me, because that's what middle schoolers do. The more contacts, the better. Cato and I were paired together for an art project that year, anyway. We needed to text back and forth for it.

"Who is it?" Clove asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I show her the phone. "Your boyfriend."

"Well, what did he say?" Clove asks.

I unlock my phone and look at my messages. "He said, 'I know you're Clove's best friend, and I was wondering if you knew where she might be right now?' What should I say?"

"The truth..." Clove says, slowly, because of course it's obvious that's what I should say. "Tell him we're at the library downtown."

I quickly type that in my phone and send it. "Do you think he'll come see us?"

Clove shrugs. "I don't know."

We stroll over to the teen section, and Clove starts looking for a new book. I grudgingly agree to read the book Matched with her. I really don't like reading, but I guess I can try.

We spend about twenty minutes browsing. I'm get the feeling Clove is just doing it to annoy me, when I get another text. "It's from Cato again. 'Turn around'?"

We slowly turn, and a smile lights up Clove's face. She runs over and gives Cato a hug.

"Hey, Clove," he says, hugging her back. "Hi, Johanna. Nice to see you again."

I frown at him. Time for some fun. "You're trying to steal my best friend, huh?" Clove stares at me in confusion.

"What?" Cato asks.

"You're trying to ruin our friendship by being her boyfriend, aren't you?" I act exasperated. "I can't believe this."

"Johanna? What's wrong with you?"

"I can not believe this. My only friend, abandoning me. Wow."

"Johanna, that's not-"

I cut Cato off. "Sure, you just be quiet."

"Johanna, stop it!" Clove glares at me.

For about two seconds, I glare back, but I can't keep a straight face, and I start laughing.

Cato blinks. "What just happened?"

"Acting is my speciality," I say when I calm down a bit. "I'm sorry, I'm not upset. I'm actually pretty happy."

Clove is still frowning at me. "Johanna, that wasn't nice."

Cato laughs. "Hey, it's fine. No harm done." Clove considers this, then shrugs.

"Anyway...what's up?" I ask.

"Well, I was wondering if I could hang out with you two?" Cato asks.

Clove glances at me. Her answer is an obvious "yes," but she still wants to know what I thought. "Sure. Sounds great!"

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