Chapter 59 - Peeta

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No...that was terrible let's try that again.

Hey guys!

I'm the co-author, Ryleigh! My friends call me Ry, but y'all can call me whatever you want.

Anyways! Ellie has asked my to write a chapter for once!

Believe it or not I actually do work as the Co-author because all the evil things that's happened I've most likely came up with because ellie is terrible at that.

*whispers* I cause the wreck. Mwhaha!

Wow this is a long intro...oh well!

Okay let's get to the chapter!


Peeta's Pov:

"Are you okay, Katniss?"

She's sitting in the passenger seat of my car and shes obviously somewhere else. Her eyes are glistened with tears. She looks so distant and it breaks my heart to see her like this. Katniss is strong and doesn't like people seeing her cry, but tonight she cried in front of us all. I wanted to hold her and tell her it's okay, but she'd never allow me.

She doesn't respond, she just continues to look off at the other land. I sigh and slowly move my hand to her thigh to steady her shaken leg.

She whips her head to the side and locks eyes with me, but I don't move my hand. I look into her eyes and I can see all the pain she's been through. I can feel the water building up in my eyes,so I slowly take my eyes off of hers.

It's a long drive from the hospital to Katniss's house. She ends up falling asleep half way there. Once we reach her house I can't bring myself to wake her up, she looks so peaceful and I don't wanna ruin that. I get out of the car and make my way to her car door. She's still sound asleep when I carry her to her room. I lay her down in her bed and cover her up. Before I could stop myself I bend down and kiss her fore head. She moves a bit and I hold my breath hoping I didn't wake her.

I start to walk to her door.


I turn around to look at her. "Yeah?" I reply.

"Will you stay with me?" She scoots over in her bed to make room for me. I don't say anything, I just walk over to her bed and sit next to her.

She cuddles her head into my chest and falls asleep. "Always." I whisper.

I stay awake and watch her sleep. She so beautiful. I slowly begin to fall asleep and just as I'm about to fall into deep slumber katniss sends out a blood curdling scream.

"Hey. Hey. It's okay. Shhh, you're okay, Katniss," I comfort her.

Frantically I try and calm her down. She stops screaming, but she's breathing really heavy and ragged. I hold her closer to me and caress her hair like my father used to do to be when I had nightmares.

"Shhh it's okay. I get them too." I try and calm her down more so she doesn't hyperventilate.

"I'm sorry." She whispers so softly that I almost didn't hear her.

"It's okay. I get them too." I say.

"What are yours about?" she asks.

I sigh. "Lately, they've been about losing you."

She doesn't reply, she just looks at me and I look at her. We stay like that for a long time. Suddenly she leans up and kisses me. I'm paralyzed for a second and then I relize what's happening. I kiss her back, we break away and she snuggles up next to me and we both fall asleep. Nightmare free.

She cuddles her head into my chest and falls asleep. "Always." I whisper.


I know! It's terrible,but I'm supper busy so I did it in a rush. I don't know how I did it with my schedule, but I did.

I owe it to Ellie to write a chapter because of all she's done for me.

Anyways hope you liked experiencing a diffrent type of writing from Ellie's.

Tell me in the comment section if y'all want me to write more chapters.
Haha jk! Bye guys!

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