All I want for Christmas is for you to shut up.

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Author's note
Music video by Mafumafu and Soraru
I rushed this since 2021 be here now- oop i guess this Christmas chapter took a while, ahaha, and it's half-assed too-



It was a white Christmas. The cold snow was scattered all around the area. Normally, people are out spending their time with their friends or loved ones. Unfortunately, it was another lonely Christmas for the frail boy with his hair as white as the snow that fell from the sky.

It was pitiful; having to spent another Christmas without family or friends. But that was something the boy had gotten used to. He stayed in his mansion while his mother worked for a company while his father worked overseas as a businessman.

He never complained about it. In fact, he was indifferent. His parents weren't home too often so he only confided his needs to his caretaker. The caretaker tried to get along with the boy but he was unapproachable when it came to being open about his thoughts.

The caretaker wanted to get the boy to at least experience building a cool snowman, skating or even sledding. The caretaker felt worried that Komaeda may be suppressing his emotions or that he may end up stressing things on his own.

"Komaeda-kun, would you like to go outside?" The caretaker asked, giving him a gentle smile. The frail boy perked up at the suggestion of going outside and was silent for a moment until he nodded while his lips quivered into a nervous smile.

Truth to be told, his parents don't usually let him go outside too often because of his anemia which was really troublesome since he was told he can't run too far nor too fast or else he'll end up fainting or feel dizzy.

His parents were not only strict, they wouldn't even let Komaeda go out unless necessary. So in the end, poor Komaeda ended up being home-schooled by his caretaker.

The caretaker made sure to bring water and other items in case Komaeda's anemia acts up. That may be a bit irresponsible, sure, but the caretaker thought Komaeda should at least experience what actual Christmas feels like for once.

The caretaker soon realized that Komaeda didn't really have any warm clothes to wear, since the boy didn't go out too often. It was a let down for Komaeda and the caretaker.

The caretaker suddenly had an idea. Before acting on it, they turned to Komaeda and asked them, "do you mind if I call someone over to lend you some warm clothes."

Konaeda was silent once again before speaking up, "...okay." The caretaker smiled and ruffled his fluffy hair. "Don't worry, they're nice."

Komaeda only nodded in response as he sat down and waited as he stared out the window, watching the falling snow. The caretaker sighed at how lonely he looked before he rung the telephone.

The phone ring for a half a minute until it was finally picked up. "Hello? Hinata Residence speaking." A female voice answered politely.

"Good morning, Madam. You see..." The caretaker explained the situation and asked if they were able to borrow any clothes for Komaeda. The lady on the phone was nice enough to grant their request.

"Oh and-" The two continued to chatter until one of them finally decided to leave it there. Meanwhile, Komaeda was still by the window until the glass was all fogged up.

Komaeda walked up to the piano they had and decided to play Moonlight s
Sonata as he took a seat and placed his hands above the piano. He took a deep breath before his dainty fingers pressed down the keys, emitting a tune that was followed by more notes.

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